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Always MisUnderstood.

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    Always MisUnderstood.

    Hi Rip! I just read this whole thread finally. I have always found you hilarious and refreshing. Certainly the most hilarious green one-eyed person I know. We used to have a cat we called "Ol' One Eye" because he was always lurking, peeking around corners at us and he wasn't aware that his eye was giving him away.
    you are doing so well on your sobriety .... damn, keep posting .. possibly one day some of it might rub off on me.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      Always MisUnderstood.

      Big hugs from me to you Ripple!

      Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
      April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
      wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
      wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
      wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
      wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
      wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
      wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

      I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


        Always MisUnderstood.


        Smiles from me, too.

        It was great to read you say how much you are learning about yourself, now. That is what this journey is about.

        AL kept us hidden, from ourselves, from our pain, from our fears, from our boredom.

        Without AL, you are going to get to know you.

        I'll bet you figure out you like her a lot! (Cause we all, do, that's for sure!!)

        AF April 9, 2016


          Always MisUnderstood.

          hi rip - if you could look into the future were would you like to be in 6 months time?
          I am the author of my life.


            Always MisUnderstood.

            well, i plan to continue my sobriety even though it is very tough at times, like Friday nites, continue to give the most honest answers to my family and friends. (including here)

            I am not able yet to contribute to many of the topics here and posters as I am enroute on my own destination right now. Eventually I can help another out, but not right now too much. ya know?

            Reallly i use this forum often when i am alone, tense, thinking about something not good for me. give me time and i will grow some new healthy branches.

            thank you all.....:l

            Love Ripple~
            :h :h :h


              Always MisUnderstood.

              OHMYGOD Rip you changed your avatar!!!!! Where is the one-eyed one???? Now i'm sad ... :sigh ..:H :H
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                Always MisUnderstood.

                I know...had to think about it, I really liked the one eyed stick figure. one has to admit it was funny as hell. time to be a flower.

                Love Rippy~


                  Always MisUnderstood.

                  Ripple, I don't feel very popular here myself, and perhaps it's because I don't do a lot of the sugary teary-eyed prayers-and-hugs stuff. And I think, yes ma'am, there are some here who bristle like fightin' tomcats when humor is displayed. But you'll find this hyper-sensitivity and quarrelsomeness on any forum. Roll your eyes and just don't answer people when they get snitty with you. And I'd sure stay off chat! I'd sooner bathe in a pool of piranhas.
                  Jane Jane


                    Always MisUnderstood.

                    Ripple;269258 wrote: well, i plan to continue my sobriety even though it is very tough at times, like Friday nites, continue to give the most honest answers to my family and friends. (including here)

                    I am not able yet to contribute to many of the topics here and posters as I am enroute on my own destination right now. Eventually I can help another out, but not right now too much. ya know?

                    Reallly i use this forum often when i am alone, tense, thinking about something not good for me. give me time and i will grow some new healthy branches.

                    thank you all.....:l

                    Love Ripple~
                    :h :h :h

                    Actually, I have seen many supportive posts from you. You contribute greatly.

                    I, for one, am glad you are here and love your sense of humor.

                    Please, always jump on and even just lurk when you need to. I do that, too, especially when I am feeling blue and scared.

                    You are doing great!! It seems to me that you have maintained sobriety through a few incidents that many would have caved under. That, alone, is a huge contribution.

                    btw, that avatar was my first one. I loved the picture. Kinda miss the one-eyed alien, though...


                    ps Jane-Jane - What do you mean "not popular?" I read your posts and enjoy everything you said. I also love your avatar, I actually remember that episode of Lucy. sigh
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Always MisUnderstood.

                      ripple, we as human being do go through lots of setbacks since we try to do what other people want as to do, again when we try to bring other people to our line of refference. which one of this are you in. its better to try and understannd others rather than wanting them to understand you.


                        Always MisUnderstood.

                        Cindi, hi there...I don't want to hijack a thread (although that is always fun) but what I meant was...not everyone "gets" our Southern way of putting things, which can come across as cruel and flippant if they don't understand the pain behind the humor, the blunt so-what-ism behind the feeling of defeat. You and I obviously share a common base for our worldview, and you do a lot better than me on this forum because of your endearing willingness to confess weakness. Remember the song from "Funny Girl"---"People who need people/are the luckiest people in the world"? I think there's a lot of truth in that, even though I LOAAAATHE Barbra Streisand (politically, physically, vocally, every which-a-way). (She didn't write it, anyway; Jule Styne did, I think. She just sang it, nasally.)

                        Point being---oh, there's no point, really. I love your new signature. You are so damn right that forgiving oneself is Job Number One! We are so lovable in so many ways---our loved ones have simply gotta forgive us, adore us, and support us! WE DESERVE NO LESS!

                        Now, about your darlin' daughter. I am going to get off this cmputer right this minute and go light a dozen candles for her at my church. I like to think that I pester God so much that He answers my prayers, if only to shut me up...!
                        Jane Jane


                          Always MisUnderstood.

                          Ripple! I miss your avatar!!! :nutso:

                          I've always enjoyed your posts~ sorry that not everyone gets it.... and I'd like to send a prayer and a hug to Jane Jane! I love you too (now, don't cry, dammit!) :heart:

                          Tampa, FL


                            Always MisUnderstood.

                            Thanks to all, i have my own way of saying things, I am learning about this forum, myself and what other people are going through.

                            Chat is fun and there are clues about what is really going on there! I understand JJ.



                              Always MisUnderstood.

                              Well geez. I'm kinda blunt myself. I think the humor in chat is amazing and fun. If I need to be serious, I will either pm someone and just say on chat that I need to be serious.


                                Always MisUnderstood.

                                we had fun the other day chatting Myra, actually chat helps us get our minds off of alcohol, that is the topic here, from what i can see. we pissed ourselves a short while ago with a group face off, it was totally hilarious. Its amazing how people can work together so well.



