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Good gawd … here I am

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    Good gawd … here I am

    Satori - I'd say "buff that bad boy 'til he shines!!" hehe Nice do, dude .

    Juli - Wow. Keep feeling the joy! I know it is hard but we have come over some rough humps, girlie. Every day DOES feel differently - some better, some not ... but isn't it exciting not knowing from day to day? We alkies are certainly never bored, yeah? Must be our love of drama.

    Day 8 is almost over. I actually stopped at an Irish Pub for our monthly GNO and had a virgin mary. It was satisfying (shocked the other gals with my lack of partaking) ... and I still had FUN!!

    Day 9 ... coming up. I am rooting for you, too, Juli ... ALL of us. God Bless.

    Hugs from me heart ... and smiles across the miles.
    - Masq
    Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
    :wings: :huggy


      Good gawd … here I am

      Love the honesty in your posts and love your sence of fit in perfectly here.* I am so happy for your success and your enthusiasm in your posts. :welcome:* I sincerely hope you stick with us and post on a regular basis.* On a daily basis you can join us on the abs thread if that is your choice..(.I don't think you are look for mods right now) or jump right in and join as a subscriber! again welcome...we are a great group who is very understanding, non-judgemental and have the best sense of humor!
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Good gawd … here I am

        Hiya masq,
        :welcome: Aboard ,
        So sorry to hear the loss of your daughter must be very hard for a mother to loss a child. you have come to the right place here, you will get lots of support here.

        Satori : i agree with masq, OR you could go out and get a wig to match the favourite colour of your car, black or silver.

        family is everything to me


          Good gawd … here I am

          Day 9

          Good morning all ! -

          It's so much easier putting on mascara and eyeliner withOUT a hangover. Last night's dreams were drenched in alcohol, though. Boy the pull on the subconscious is amazing. .

          I chose to tell ALLIE to take a hike today. I am in charge here, now. I like the way I am feeling in the mornings ... no more closing my eyes in the shower and trying to maintain an upright stance. Honestly, I still feel a bit foggy ... but am not scared of the feeling. I embrace it as finally having the courage to FEEL.

          Sure could use a bagel, though.

          Have a wonderful day of nurturing your BEST inner self. Love to all.
          - Masq
          Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
          :wings: :huggy


            Good gawd … here I am

            Wow - Day 12 AF, here !!

            This journey has been a rollercoaster, to this point. I LOVE reading each of your posts and feeling connected to our truths. We struggle, stumble, succeed and commiserate in our oneness. I can't explain how valuable your words are to a former "tough cookie" who is now surrendering to her human frailties. We aren't superhuman ... we are simply human. As much as I hope and pray for an AF future, I realize that I face the demon daily and simply place one foot in front of the other in hopes of steering a straight path in my life. Man, I don't miss the bruises, lol. Am desperately trying not to miss ALLIE ... she is a wicked bitch who creeps into my subconscious at the most unexpected moments.

            I am celebrating life day-to-day. Thank you so much to this site ... and to the loving souls who reside here. Love you all ... and am praying for our healing.

            - Masq
            Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
            :wings: :huggy


              Good gawd … here I am

              Eat Cookies, they help. I have NEVER dreamed of alcohol? Never. DAY 12, yup, you're gonna do it, I just know Masq. I am only 91 days AF .... starting to feel the rewards. Slept for like 16 hours, I needed it. I come here and get all excited, ya know, I get on a roll in chat. :H I can't help it. Keep It Up, we are all one of a kind.

              Lu Ya~
              Working on My TURBO!

