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I need to be honest with myself!!

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    I need to be honest with myself!!

    Well, my story isn't anything spectatular but it is my story and I feel in order for this process to work, I should be honest with myself and stop being in denial. I think that in the back of my mind I have always known that alcohol would be a problem for me. In high school I was the typical girl who partied on the weekends and in most instances was able to limit myself to 3 drinks. There were many times though that I went overboard and got quite drunk and made incredibly stupid decisions that I would never have made sober.

    I'll never forget that when I first met my husband and we went out for lunch, he ordered us drinks and I was somewhat shocked as I would never have thought about drinking with lunch. To me, it was a weekend thing!!!! Well, I was a fairly normal drinker, o.k., that's a lie, because although I didn't drink every day or even every other day, on weekends I would drink a ton and most of the time get very drunk!!! I was always the girl at the party or wedding who was the life of the party!!!

    I think my pattern of drinking changed after my son was born and he was around 3 years old. I had no problem with not drinking when I was pregnant and didn't miss it at all. But, when he was around 3, my husband and I were having marital problems, had my inlaws living with us and was struggling financially. I noticed that I started drinking more often (every few days). My husband ended up having an affair and moved out and in with his girlfriend. That lasted for a month and I forgave him and he moved back home. After about 2 months I found pictures of him with a stripper at a stag and lets just say that for someone who should have been remorseful about his affair, these pictures proved otherwise. I kicked him out and he moved in with a roomate who he started a relationship with. I was flabbergasted because I still thought there was hope for us and in the end there was as we worked things out and have been back together now for 10 years with no major problems. Well, no obvious problems.. You see, I think that I didn't fully deal with my emotions about that period in our lives and instead I just buried them deep in side and found a new best friend. Her name is Chardonnay!!!

    The thing about drinking is that it is a slow, sneeky demon. Within the past 4 years, I went from drinking 3 times a week, to every other day and for the past year, have started struggling with drinking every day. The odd time I will miss a day but not often. Most of the time I drink alone but always welcome company. It is usually when I get home from work that I crave a glass of wine. I always tell myself that I will only have one glass (as I really like the idea of coming home and sipping a glass of wine!!!), but I always end up having 4 or 5. My husband drinks but he is what I think is a binge drinker. He doesn't drink everyday, in fact, he can go days without drinking but when he drinks, it ususally is copious amounts. He has complained about my drinking in the past and I have said that I will stop drinking completely but he doesn't like that idea. He just wants me to "cut back". What he doesn't understand is that it is not easy to just "cut back".

    I guess my breaking point was this past weekend when my son asked me why I got drunk every night. It absolutely broke my heart and I told him I would stop drinking and like his father he told me "you don't have to stop drinking mom, just don't drink so often"... You know, he kind of gave me permisison to continue and I almost bought into that (and I did start to rationalize my drinking in my head after that conversation) but I must say that a little angel set me straight. The next day, my 8 year old daughter and I were having a conversation in the kitchen and she was telling me about her friend and how her friend had told her that "your mom gets drunk alot" and my daughter then said to me "It's true mom, you do". I stood there and felt two things, first absolute shame, shame that my 8 year old daughter even knew what "drunk" was but I also have to say that I felt a sense of relief. I felt relief because I finally knew that I wasn't kidding anyone and that if my 8 year old daughter noticed it than I am absolutely sure everyone did. I could no longer pretend that I didn't have a problem. I will forever be grateful for that conversation. As much as it broke my heart, I truly believe it saved my life and I am ready to live an AF life filled with joy and happiness.

    That conversation was on Sunday afternoon. I did have 1 glass of wine with dinner that night but have not had anything else since. I will be totally honest and say it has not been easy. When 5:00 p.m. hits, so does the craving. I find that if I can get past 9:00 p.m. without drinking, than the coast is clear. I cannot believe the mind games I play with myself though and how my body totally tries to convince me that it is o.k. to drink.. It is an unbelievable urge.

    I am so grateful that I found this site and reading all of your stories has been an incredible inspiration to me and also reaffirms that I do indeed have a problem as so many of your stories mirror mine..

    Thanks for listening and I hope that we all have a successful journey....

    On The Grand

    I need to be honest with myself!!

    Hey on the grand-

    A sneaky demon is right!! So good to read your story this morning - I'd say you get an A+ for honesty! And so glad you found this site - sounds like you found it at the perfect time. I hope you gets as much help and solace and fun from it as I do.

    And a big congrats on your AF days!!! Just keep going - the first few days can be so tough!
    Drink lots of water. Eat well, rest and take gentle care of yourself. You're dong great!!!!!!!

    Look forward to hearing more -
    wonder xx


      I need to be honest with myself!!

      Thank you so very much Wonder!!! Your support means everything to me!! I do believe that finding this site has been a true blessing and I finally feel that I can be honest with myself and move forward. Best of luck to you as well!!!


        I need to be honest with myself!!

        Hi and Welcome, glad you found us! You know, we all end up here with different back grounds and different experiences but with Only ONE Purpose. That purpose is to become free of the burdon of alcohol. We help each other, encourage each other. Any day, any time.

        I encourage you to read the MWO book, and start at least the supps. they really do help in so many ways!

        Best Wishes for your speedy recovery!!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          I need to be honest with myself!!

          wow..our stories to mirror one another's. I have two kids (an older girl and younger boy) and they truly are the most important people in my life. They are now teens, but I remember when they began to figure out my drinking was an issue. It was absolutely heart-breaking. My daughter began to tell me she didn't like that I drank wine everyday. I told her that I would simply stop. I was not ready. I went into hiding instead. Of course, as they grew older, they figured this out, and I have to live with the fact that they know their mommy has a drinking problem.

          I applaud you for taking the steps now to deal with this. I am on day 2, and will be your cheerleader, as others are being mine.

          With love,

          formerly known as bak310


            I need to be honest with myself!!

            OntheGrand: can so relate to your story. Like you, started drinking in high school here and tthere and always liked it just a BIT too much ... binges and did a few astonishly stupid things (so, college, how about picking up a stranger in Spain, going to his apt., then managing to wander back to my hotel at 4 a.m. ... Yeegadz!!!!!! ) But didn't become a daily drinker and find it taking over my life until I was in my late 30s and going through all kinds of marital nastiness.
            Yes, Al is a sneaky demon indeed, and yes, my best friend for a while has been an icy lady named Chardonnay!!! And she seems so nice but she is one big BITCH!!!!
            I hope to get to know you better here and stay strong
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              I need to be honest with myself!!


              Welcome to MWO. You have come to the place that can change the way you live and the way you think about yourself.

              Like you, I came upon this site at a time when I was searching for a way to stop my nightly drinking. And, due to the inspiration found here I have found my way out for the past 168 nights Alcohol Free (AF as it is termed here). The first 4,5,6 days are often the hardest but there is great support around this place. And, it does get easier--I promise.

              I have three little ones, the youngest is 7 and they are truly the reason to do this for ourselves.

              Thanks for posting your story.



                I need to be honest with myself!!

                Wow. your story is mine.......we are so similar............

                It touched me...........I can't even tell you..........Wow

                Love and hugs and support.
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  I need to be honest with myself!!

                  I hope you are doing well, On the Grand. How fortunate we are to have our children to inspire us to be the best we can be. I too recommend you use the supplements if you aren't doing so now, and visit here often.
                  congratulations, and best wishes to you!
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

