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I guess it's time.....

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    I guess it's time.....

    Okay I've been here 2 months now so I guess it's time..........

    I grew up in a very wealthy household - one in which my father was never home. He never had time for us, was always too busy "making deals" so I spent a childhood not really understanding the relationships between men and women or what a dad/father/husband really was. I don't remember ever seeing anything happy between my mom and dad - really my only memory of them together was my dad's 30th birthday (I was 7) and his friend had hired a stripper to come to our house. Of course my dad was drunk and this stripper is dancing around and lap dancing on him in front of my mother. I'm sure it broke her saddens me that this is all I really remember of them together........

    Fast forwar 5 years......I am 12. We are in Florida on a vacation. I am in my private room with my sister (she was in the shower) and I hear my parents screaming in their room. They had been fighting all week and I had had enough. I went it, kicked open the door and said "stop yelling at each other". My mom broke into tears and fell face first on the bed and said "daddy doesn't want me anymore".............I still to this day remember what she was wearing............It hurt me that deeply.........

    And that is the start of the reason I am so scared of mom and I were so close.......she was my best friend........she didn't drink but my dad did. - of course he wasn't living with us anymore and we didn't have any type of visitation so I'm actually surprised she didn't having to raise 2 girls on her own with no support.

    I hated my dad.........I used to come downstairs and see my mom crying..........she wouldn't reach out to anyone, she would go into her own little shell. She would hug me and love me but not call friends or anyone else. It's not her fault and I don't blame her for it but I was only 12, 13, was alot for me to deal with.........she just loved me to death. I can understand that because I have a daughter and I have to try hard not to do the same thing. All she wanted was unconditional love and she knew i would give it to her so she craved my hugs and attention - she would still brush my hair after a shower when i was 25........yes, i was mommy's girl.............

    And then, I finally let my heart be free...........I met a man, got married, got pregnant........and he cheated on me with one of my best friends while I was carrying his child......oh I had suspicions.........but didn't know for sure until after. Everything I had ever thought of men had just been shown to be true. My dad cheated on my mom......all men are jerks.....etc. etc......... psychology 101, if you believe it to be true, look for things to substantiate your beliefs.........

    Daughter was born Nov. 2, he left me Dec 28th.........I went home. Spent 3 glorious days with my mom - sad of course but I had my mommy.........

    Until the morning of Jan 1, 2001........I woke up at 9 am because my baby was crying - took here into the living room to put her in her chair and went to make her bottle.....looked in and saw mom with her head hanging to the side.....laughed at first, thought " wow, she's tired"........until I went into check on her...........she way grey.......I screamed down the stairs for my sister but it was too late.......she was gone.......

    So here I am, 26, new baby, father I hate, husband who just left me, on maternity leave and the one person who can "save me" is now now done as I see it......

    I got through the funeral.......had to move in with my dad cause I had no place to go. That's when the drinking started.......cause he when Kennedy would go to deal, I'd have some wine......not a lot at first but just enough to heal the pain.

    Then I took the money from mom's estate and bought a house........that was when I started drinking alone......She'd go to bed and I'd drink - I was so lonely and upset. it scares me now to think, she was so little, if anything would have happened I wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing.........

    Fast forward again - 5 years later - haven't dated - oh I've had some "flings..........I'm in my 30's now people! LOL I'm sexual! but nothing serious.

    Kept drinking.............

    And then I found Joe........(not his real name lets just call him that).........and I fought for 3 months my feelings cause I was so scared...........but he came into our lives and was so good with my daughter and I fell deeply in love again - for the first time in years.........and I am so scared of love...........

    So now here I am..........and Joe has decided he can't handle commitment a year and a half later.........this just keeps reminding me of how what I thought when I was 13 keeps coming to be the truth........

    And I want to try to do 30 days AF and I go 3-4 days and then the pain sets in and I can't anymore........I need the numbing.......And I am trying not to make my daughter as dependent on me as I was on my mom cause I don't want her to go through this pain - but oh, god, sometimes I just want to hold her and never let go..........just to smell her hair.......just to feel that unconditional touch..............

    Anyway..............that's my story.........and that's why I'm here.......I don't think January is going to be my 30 days..........I'd like it to be but right now I'm just not that strong.........

    I have talked to a lot of you on chat which is why I felt I should tell you more about me so you would understand why I'm having such a hard time.

    Thanks for your support and for listening.

    Love and hugs.....
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    I guess it's time.....

    wow sweetie. you hopefully have let go of a lot of pain by writing this.
    big hug to you.
    you will get strong. be good to you first.

    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      I guess it's time.....

      We'll be here for you, Uni...

      Take care of yourself and your beautiful daughter. And there is nothing wrong with her being dependent upon you at her fact, who else can she be dependent on?

      Take it slow and easy. Keep going for the AF. It really is what's best for both you and Kennedy. Stay with us...we can help..



        I guess it's time.....

        Uni - a brave lady indeed...Don and Trixie have said it so well....we're here...and you'll do're getting there....some do it slowly, some fast, some in the middle - you'll find your Own Way Out....

        and I so hope you are blessed with a loving, genuine, committed man one day....there is so much love out there and you deserve a lot of it... Love your little girl to bits...just fill your life with love.

        Hugs - we're here.
        FMS xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          I guess it's time.....

          Uni, I have read so many posts by you and I'm so blown away by your story. You have wriiten some amazing words to people and have given so much love and inspiration. You are a very strong person. You can do anything you truly set your mind to. It's obvious in all the wisdom that you have already shared with us.

          There are assholes out what. Screw'em! Never be afraid to love, but you have to love yourself first. Once you make that "commitment" to yourself, the rest will fall into place. You know you deserve better, so don't punish yourself with a bottle. Pamper yourself with confidence and self worth. Take care of yourself. And go back and read some of your own great words of wisdom. I'm curious what your advice would be to someone else if they posted what you did. You've got a lot to offer the world. Thank you for telling your story.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            I guess it's time.....

            Universal, thank you for your hearfelt outpouring. You are a kind and loving person...that shines through despite the pain happy to say.
            you need the numbing...interesting words. be talking/chatting with you soon.
            be well my friend.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              I guess it's time.....

              Uni - I love my mom so much and the pain of her one day being gone I know will devastate me. I can feel you miss her lots.
              Thank you for sharing your story. You have an incredible opportunity to pass on a wonderful love to your child.

              * * I love Determinator * *


                I guess it's time.....

                Uni, you are an incredibly brave, strong and loving woman. Trait's that are incredibly admirable. You have been through so much and I am so thrilled that you are taking the steps to be AF. Best of luck and stay strong!!!


                  I guess it's time.....

                  Uni, you are a strong woman! You have been through some very terrible times. Just know we want to help you reach your goals here. Lean on us for support.

                  **BIG HUGS** to you.


                    I guess it's time.....

                    Oh, sweetie.. I am so glad you shared your story with us - thank you. You have gone through so much in your life. It is time for YOU to start living! Time to take control of your life and that of your little one. We can do this. It is scary, that is for sure, but we are all here together. Let us know what you need and stay close.

                    You are a very special person... Uni. Know that you are loved.


                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      I guess it's time.....


                      Wow. Your story blew me away.


                      I hope you can find the kind of love you are seeking. I really do. Not all men are assholes, really and truly. There are some really wonderful men out there. Shoot, we have some of them here on MWO.

                      Take care of yourself, pamper yourself and your little girl. Think only of yourselves for a while. The rest will come.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        I guess it's time.....

                        Thanks guys for your support........all of you..........I really don't know where I'd be right now without you guys.

                        I feel love here which is probably why I keep coming back. Finally, unconditional love and support............

                        Thank you.
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          I guess it's time.....


                          Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I'm so sorry for your loss....death is the enemy, I hate it.

                          Cling to Kennedy, there is nothing whatsoever wrong with that, it's the reason we're love and be loved.

                          Take care of yourself and your daughter, you are beautiful and strong and you CAN do whatever you decide to do. The decision is the tough part. Love and :l .


                            I guess it's time.....


                            My mom treated me as a confidant and someone to comfort her too at age 11-13. So I sure do relate to that, only, she was the one who was alcoholic. But I too hated my dad. Don't know what your relationship is with him now, but I don't have one much with my dad. It's funny, I haven't ever posted my story, but bits and pieces of it keep cropping up in others' stories.

                            You will be able to fight alcoholism, Uni. A man will find you who deserves you and prove himself to you-not the other way around. You deserve love, and you will find it. I bet Kennedy is beautiful.:l


                              I guess it's time.....

                              Universal, my heart goes out to you.....BIG HUG....your story is filled with emotion. I saw nothing but a crying mom and misery, also tried breaking up parental fights. Its that little girl you have to stay strong for. Its okay, you know what to do.

                              Luv Ripple~:h
                              Been There, Lived That.
                              Just say NO.

