Day 15
Wow, wow WOW!! Day 15!! I can't believe I have made it this far already!! I did not think I would actually do this and make 15 days without a lick of booze!! I mean zip!! I have not felt this good in years! Mind you this is by far the most effort I have put into doing this sobriety route but everyday I make another day, I feel this is what is best and necessary for me.
Oh how I have wanted to go back to that comfort that the booze afforded me....I didn't have to feel pain and frustration, good old booze took care of those realities.
I feel apologetic to my dear wife who does not have issues with booze and who clearly misses her once a week martini and gratefully refuses to have even a small bottle of vodka for herself. She was aware of my heavy drinking but oblivious to the pain and turmoil churning in my mind heart and soul. When I told her that once again I felt it best to stop drinking before it destroyed me and everything we worked so hard to achieve. I now have an ally and a check and balance as I know she loves me and will help me fight when I need a bit of a hand in doing so. Knowing she is on my side has given me added strength and purpose.
Even the boyz have noticed a change in their old man who is not as angry at the world and smiles a lot more. Plus they I know are impressed with their dad running and exercising everyday. Anyway I know I am compensating for the lost years and neglect not only to myself but my loved ones, even friends and co-workers.
It is still one day at a time to keep the monster at bay...but each day I do it is another little victory for me and another day I am not hungover!!
Thank you all for being here for me...I get an enormous amount of determination and resolve knowing there are others just like me...busted up and bruised but not washed up!! We are all fighters here and I for one don't like to lose!