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My life

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    My life

    First, I would like to say "Thank You" to everyone that has posted on this website. I have been reading everyone's comments for the last 6 days.

    My story starts about 15 years ago and goes off/on until today. What brought me here was my last bad experience:

    After an extrememly drunk night, I successfully woke up, dodged my daughters disgusted eyes and tried to impress my husband with the fact that I was OK to go to work (torture when you commute together.) Knowing my whole family is disgusted with me, I get to work, go to the bathroom to throw up. I am sitting at my desk, altoid in my mouth, trying not to cry, and thinking of something to say when everyone asks if I am sick.

    I don't remember much of the night before after 4 glasses of wine, 2 shots of Makers Mark, and 1 beer. I do know that after 2 glasses of wine, I wouldn't have drank the whiskey or the beer.....Why can't I stop at this point??????? What I do vaguely remember is going to a neighbors house, drinking beer from wine glasses (cuz we're so cool) and telling her things about a mutual acquaintence that I had no business repeating. I remember my husband knocking on the door and then the last thing I remember is waking up (dressed thankfully) on my middle daughter's floor with a blanket on me. Why was I there and how did I get there???????????

    Back to sitting at my desk. At this point, I really hate myself, I feel soo guilty and I really don't know how I am going to make it through this day. So I google AA to get meetings and times. We just moved back to the area. By pure luck I found this site. I downloaded the book, read half of it and alot of the discussions. I ordered one of the supp packs. i wanted the big one but I don't want my husband to know. He'll just say it would free if I would just stop. Anyway, I made an appointment with my doctor but also ordered Topa from the online pharmacy (which was good because my doctor doesn't fell comfortable prescribing the Topa so he is referring me to Psych). Now that part is frustrating because when we lived in Guam, I went to a Psychiatrist for depression and they put me on Topomax. I didn't think anything about it working with alcohol and when we moved, my husband tossed it. I really wish I had it now.

    So it has been a week since my last really bad night. I have been going between AF and just a couple. I haven't got drunk but that doesn't mean anything, sooner or later I'll forget how desperate I was and I'll start slowly dring myself back to that.

    Between the website and GNC, I have everything except the All One and Topomax. For some reason I am scared to start a serious committment until I have everything, which means another week until the Topa gets here. I guess I think the more armour I have, the better are my chances of not drinking. I am trying to feel positive about it working but I have failed soooooooooo many times.[/I][/I]

    My life

    :welcome: Welcome Sailor Girl! Great to have you join our little but, ever growing community.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      My life

      HI sailor girl & :welcome:

      I've been here a long time and thought that I was successfully moderating and then a couple of weeks did something similar but with tequila after the wine .......

      Ordered the supps and started them yesterday, only day 2 AF but i feel great, if hubby offered me a drink right now I would most def refuse ......

      Keep reading and posting, will be lovely to see your progress ......

      Take care, BB xx


        My life

        A big welcome Sailor Girl!

        Your story is similar to that of many MWO members, with slightly different details perhaps. This is a great bunch of people and you will find a ton of support. Looking forward to getting to know you.


          My life

          Hi and welcome Sailor Girl! This website has been a godsend to me! Come visit with us often --- very smart, supportive and inspirational people are here from across the world! Hope to hear from you again, j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            My life

            Hello Sailor Girl!

            Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. It sounds like you have your work cut out for you and you are off to a good start coming here and getting meds lined up. It looks like Al is starting to hit you hard and you have realized it may be time to give yourself a break and do some soul searching to re-evaluate AL's role in your life.

            This is a great place to think out loud and get support and feed-back that can help you make the changes in your life you may be after. We'll be rooting for you! :welcome:
            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
            Watch this and find out....


              My life


              Welcome sailor girl, yep that?s what alcohol does. The self-loathing and guilt are horrendous. You are on the right track and not alone, everyone of us is on this site due to problems with alcohol. You can beat this, we can beat this. Best wishes Aunty Vic :h


                My life

                Hi SG,
                Welcome to MWO. If you are a sailor you know how important tools can be when comes down to life saving. You are on the right track. Supplements, support, self-awareness, sobriety. Sending you fair winds for your journey...

                Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                - Soren Kierkegaard


                  My life

                  Thanks everyone!!!! It is soo reasuring to know I am not alone with my crazy thoughts. I can't imagine telling this kind of stuff to my husband. I think he would catch the first bus out of Crazy Town. I really can't wait for my Topa and my All One to get here so I can start.


                    My life

                    Welcome Sailer Girl...I was just like you...drank every night. Do you have the kudzu? It's been 14days AF today for me and for me that's huge. I take the supps except the all in one..I take a multivitiman instead and L-glut twice a day and the kudzu..3 tablets 3 times a day and it works...I was truly surprised but it really worked.
                    This is a great place to be for help....I've found the longer I'm abs the stonger I am. I can't moderate...I drink for the effects and I'm just kidding myself if I think I can have one drink because one drink is not going to get me where I want to be after I start drinking so I may as well face the fact that my relationship with AL is over...I'm filling for a divorce and he can have whatever he wants as long as he gets the hell out of my life and leaves me alone.


                      My life

                      Hi & Welcome:

                      I found that taking one day at a time and not looking at the big picture of "I can never drink again" to overwhelming. Today i chose not to drink is much more empowering.

                      You know what you need to do. A plan and a goal & never give up! I wish you success.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        My life

                        Hi Sailor Girl and welcome to MWO. I can relate to several things in your story... The "strength" to put on that "happy face" and try to act non-hungover when you feel like crawling under a rock - that's a not pleasant memory for me too.

                        Also the frustration that other non-addicted people seem to fell because they can easily choose to not drink, or drink one or two drinks, then be sensible and stop, where we can't (or have a really hard time making the right decision)

                        This is such a great site filled with people who DO understand what we are dealing with, and exactly what we are working to overcome.

                        I hope you will post here lots and lots!! Thank you for sharing your story, and best wishes to you in your quest.

                        Day 11 AF
                        * * * * * * * * * * *
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          My life

                          I'd never encourage you to do what I did, but I will tell you what I did.

                          I went to a new doctor because we had just moved. I told him I needed prescriptions, Zoloft and Topamax, gave him the dosages I needed (I said 75mg 2X a day which is what I read most people tend to respond to), and he did a general check up and gave me the scripts. I was already on the Zoloft, but not the Topa.

                          I would not be able to bring myself to ask a doc for it for the purpose I am asking for it due to concerns about confidentiality, my shame and embarrassment. Plus, many practitioners do not accept its use for this purpose, as it was not intended for this purpose. ALso, I can monitor myself better than anyone else can, afterall, the doc looks to you to monitor your responses to the meds in the first place. I had pre diagnosed migraines but had never been put on the topa for it.

                          I just took my first pill today 25mg. I am going to keep taking 25mg for a few weeks and monitor myself. He gave me a script for 75 2 X a day which is what I asked for so I have plenty to work myself up or keep myself down on a lower dose. I've already drank much less tonight than last night, I'd normally be passed out at this time but I have slowly sipped on a glass of wine. Don't know if it is the topa or not, and hard to believe one pill could affect me, but everybody is different so who knows. If it works, then it works.

                          Good luck sweetie~

