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Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

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    Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

    Well I've been messing around on this site for a couple of weeks now, I guess it's time I shared here. I've tried to quit smoking a few times. This time I decided to make an "educated" effort. I ordered some books, subliminal and hypnotherapy cd's and joined a "Quitnet". The ONLY time I smoked was when I drank, and vice versa. So I started looking for books on the subject of quitting drinking. I ordered the MWO book and Kudzu. I have no real desire to quit drinking totally--I had never heard anyone say that you could LEARN to drink in moderation! After I got the book, there was a paper inside leading me to this website. Now I am addicted to it. I am amazed at how many women like me have the same problem. I have not been the mother I want to be. I HATE feeling like crap in the morning. I was concerned about my memory and mental abilities.
    Then a friend of mine died--from acute liver failure. Quite a wake-up call.
    So, here I am. I've made some friends here already--thanks Ms.guided! I feel like I'm doing really well so far, I hope I don't @#$# it up. I haven't had any ciggies for 19 days now, and I have cut WAY down on my beer, with one exception. That one exception involved a hangover from hell, and I don't want to do that again! Damn that keg beer! If I have more than 3 beers, I go in search of that stinking cigarette--and I don't want to do that either! So for now, I try to stay away from those situations that involve my smoking and drinking friends. This seems to be a healing place in a number of ways.
    Well, that is my story for now......Thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better.
    Oh, I would love to hear about anyone else's experience with quitting smoking! :thanks:
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

    Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

    Well Vettech let me be the first to welcome you to our little community :welcome: I used to smoke as well and like you only when I drank. The two went hand and hand. I don't miss that stink in my hair...yuck. :yuk: The good news is that once your drinking is under control the quitting smoking is easy because they are interconnected! I quit from one day to the next and have a drag here and there and then throw it away because it tastes gross.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

      LOL Now I see you have 99 posts and joined last month! Welcome to the site just the same! :H
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

        Precious--thanks so much for the reply. That's what I tell myself when I want to smoke--it will taste like crap and I'll just stink!!!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

          hi there..vettech25..wlcome ..and that is my next step to quit smoking too. but one thing at a time as they say and very good that you are slowing downon your drinking and great that you are 19 days no smok. keep it up and good luck
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

            Mimi - congrats

            Hey Mimi
            well here is my "whole" smoking story ...
            I started smoking when I was hmmm 15 and did the high school - into college cool smoking bit. After college I quit. I stayed quit until after my 2 kids but picked it up again a couple of years after my youngest. I could quit easy enough - but always seemed to pick it up after about 8 - 9 months. Then in 1997 I quit for "good". I stayed quit for "7" years. Funny how we think we can have the "one"?? Well in 2004 I had that one that lead me back into my pack a day habit. I quit again in June of 06 for my magical 8 months and last March started again.
            So - This past Nov. 28 I quit -- for good. Why do I know that? Because I am an addict to nicotine. I used to say "if I was was going to die tomorrow - I'd go out and buy cigs and enjoy my last 24 hours with my cigs" - Now I know that is an addicts "thinking". Not me. And I refuse to be ruled by that addictive brain anymore.

            So I am going to be on "guard" when I get to the 8 - 9 month point - for some reason that is a critical time. I don't even think about it now almost 4 months later - but it was living HELL to quit this time. I think it got harder and harder each time i had to quit. I don't know why - I always smoked the same 1 pack a day (closet smoker too I might add!)

            So that's my smoking story!

            Hope it helps you - If I can quit - you can to! We CAN QUIT MIMI!

            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

            (from the Movie "Once")


              Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

              Hi vettech,
              I quit smoking Jan 1st of this year. I quit using Chantix. I tried it last year and quit for 2 months, but started again. I wasn't really mentally ready. Well this time I was ready and now I'm a non-smoker. Quitting smoking has helped me curb drinking big time. I still go out with friends and have a couple happy hour drinks once or twice a month. I have over done it on occasion, but I've come a long way from daily drinking and hiding booze at home.

              Keep up the good work! I'd suggest a period of abs until you are a non smoker for a longer period of time. Then possibly try moderation if that is your goal.

              Good luck!


                Quit smoking-beer had to go too!


                You seem to have covered all the bases so far Smoking tates like crap, makes you stink not to mention it costs a ton of money these days and most likely will contribute to an earlier death and it ruins your overall health. Been there done that myself Crazy though isn't it?!

                I did well with suckers,lollipops - Charms Blow pops in particular for the oral fixation replacement therapy better than sucking my thumb in public I thought!

                Do the following breathing exercise 1st thing in the morning and any time you get an urge to light up. Do a long, slow and as deep deep as you can inhale through your nose and if you haven't already coughed you guts out hold for a split second then blow out through your lips strong and steady as if you were blowing out a candle 5 feet away. And if you are still not coughing and hacking away, repeat this 10 times. The 10 time's is important as it will help to oxygenate your body and rebuild your lung capacity, plus you will be sufficiently dizzy and you won't want to smoke. It can suck to do this and my guess is you probably won't be able to do the 10 x's at first but do as many as you can without hurting yourself and build up to the 10 x's. This *will* work for you if you take the time to do it. Obviously stay off the beer too. Any way I wish you well.

                PS. this works on AL cravings too.
                Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                Watch this and find out....


                  Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

                  Hi Mimi-

                  I experimented with smoking "More 120"s~ do you remember the brown, long cigar looking cigs? Yep, used to smoke them in 5th grade, because that was what my parents smoked!

                  I quit for the most part in my teens. I really started in 1991 when I was 26 years old, in Iraq and processing Iraqi prisoners....
                  The stress level was incredibly high: there were 600+ men jammed into 4 yellow school busses outside of our camp, it was pouring rain, and our generators kept failing due to the rain. It was the middle of the night, and I was responsible. Some of my soldiers kept telling me to chill out, and I bummed a cigarette.

                  I smoked from 1991 to 2000 (I did stop cold turkey when I was pregnant, but promptly re-started after I quit nursing ). In 2000, I got a call from my sister, who was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. She chose to get a mastectomy, and I guided her through all of her pre-surgery appointments. Needless to say, she was scared and emotionally in shambles, and my wake up call was when we went to the Anestheologist... during the interview, he asked her if she was a smoker.... nervously, she says,
                  No, I quit. When? Thirteen years ago.

                  He gave her a reassuring smile and told her that she reduced her complication risks by a huge number (something like 70%?).... and that she'd be just fine.

                  My sister warmed up to him, and asked a bunch of question. I can't tell you what they were, though, because I was impatiently waiting for this appointment TO BE OVER BECAUSE I NEEDED A CIGARETTE!!! When the day was over, I realized how flipping selfish I was. Here was my sister, scared that her life was soon to be over, and all I could care about was smoking. My kids deserved better, so I quit cold turkey.

                  Cold turkey was NOT a good option, because I became a holy terror. My son was 3 years old, and he did something relatively harmless and I screamed at him, "IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN, YOU'LL DESERVE A SPANKING!" and my husband muttered, "Maybe MOM is the one that deserves a spanking!"

                  So, I went to the doctor and got on Wellbutrin. I've been on it for the most part since then(weeded myself off once and craved cigs, so I went back on).... I figure Wellbutrin is cheaper than smokes, and my hair smells better, too.

                  P.S. I'm glad to report that my sister is officially a breast cancer survivor!
                  PM me if you want her email address, and she will help anyone that is undergoing cancer treatment.... :heart:

                  Tampa, FL


                    Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

                    Thank you

                    Thank you all so much for your support, stories & advice! Allen Carr talks about young people smoking--they believe they can quit at any time because it does taste like shit. Then they get addicted. I still can't believe what a powerful thing addiction is in our brains! To know how bad it is, but to still want to do it--even one????

                    4theboyz--thanks for the breathing exercise, I just need to remember to use all the tools instead of giving in to the "thoughts".

                    Liv--always great to hear from you!

                    Thanks precious, tlrgs, marcie, and happy life--I am so happy for your sister!!! Seen alot of cancer in my little world and is SUCKS!! Great to hear when someone kick's it's ARSE!!


                    happy Easter
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

                      Hi again vettech! Congratulations on your smoke free days - should be twenty some now if my brain is even half awake right now!

             was my life line when I quit just over a year ago. I am SO GLAD to be free of nicotine!

                      tales from the quit is another good quit smoking site. The guy who runs the site has done a lot of writing in his "Tales of the Quit" section which is good reading - for me anyway, I could sure identify with all the addictive behaviours.

                      Just wanted to visit YOUR story and say congratulations!! Never give up!

                      Day 11AF
                      Day 380+ nicotine free
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Quit smoking-beer had to go too!

                        memarcie;295967 wrote: Hi vettech,
                        I quit smoking Jan 1st of this year. I quit using Chantix. I tried it last year and quit for 2 months, but started again. I wasn't really mentally ready. Well this time I was ready and now I'm a non-smoker. Quitting smoking has helped me curb drinking big time. I still go out with friends and have a couple happy hour drinks once or twice a month. I have over done it on occasion, but I've come a long way from daily drinking and hiding booze at home.

                        Keep up the good work! I'd suggest a period of abs until you are a non smoker for a longer period of time. Then possibly try moderation if that is your goal.

                        Good luck!
                        Hi Marcie,

                        :goodjob: on the cigarettes. I just got some Chantrix but have not started it yet. How long were you using it and how was quitting using it?


