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Fed Up!!!

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    Fed Up!!!

    Just keep trying... your determination is there!!!


    You can do it.. you can do it...
    P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

    As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
    - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


      Fed Up!!!

      Thankyou. There are so many beautiful people and support on this site. I did not go AF yesterday. I'm not going to beat myself up about it again. I am just going to try again today. Working today so that's good. Wont b home at wine oclock time. I will be buying the book. Have a beautiful day everyone. Glad you are all here.


        Fed Up!!!

        Is anyone out there?

        Friday night...what a nightmare. I give up. I am from Australia and u guys r 2 far away. :upset:


          Fed Up!!!

          Hi Mia ... how are you doing? It's Saturday here in the US.
          Keep checking in and don't give up!
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            Fed Up!!!

            Hungover once again!!

            Thankyou Greenhouse. I drank a bottle and a half of wine last night which actually was Saturday night. Feel sooooo yuk today. But went to the beach had a swim and washed a little of the hangover of. But when I was swimming i just kept thinking it would be nice doing this without the hangover it is such a beautiful day. I kept sober for 8 years from 20 to 28. 15 years later it is soooooo bloody hard to give it up again. I know I can do it but when??? Well today is another day!! :l


              Fed Up!!!

              Hi Mia
              If you did it for 8 years you can sooo do it again. I have been swimming without a hangover for 2 weeks and it is so much better. It was always a hangover cure (well not cure but at least it would wake me up a bit) and make me want to try harder. All those positive ions from the sea! Still there isnt an ocean big enough to cancel out the hangover and accompanying guilt. I dont know what your story is but I have been on champix the anit-smoking pills for 2 weeks and it has totally taken away any desire to drink. I never smoked every day anyway (only when drinking) so its cheating a bit but they are working for me with no side effects except good ones. Dont beat yourself up about yesterdays slip up its only 1 day. Just subtract if from your AF days and carry on - onwards and upwards.


                Fed Up!!!

                PS Mia try the chat room at wine o'clock. I have been on it a few times at wine 'clock (NZ time) and there are a few Ozzies and other late night Northern hemisphere peoples and its just a bit of fun and a great distraction.


                  Fed Up!!!

                  Thanks BH!!!

                  Thanks BH. I have been swimming today again sooo beautiful and I did it wihout the hangover even went back to the gym! Feel great today. You actually forget what it is like to feel normal. I think, normal to people like us is like....mmm you just dont take it for granted!!! Maybe this is our gift.. :h


                    Fed Up!!!

                    Hi Mia
                    Yes thats just what I put on another post somewhere today. That this must be what normal people feel like all the time. But as you say they probably take it for granted and they dont know it is such a gift! We do. Still in the honeymoon period obviously! Long may it last.
                    Good luck.


                      Fed Up!!!

                      Hi Mia
                      Sorry I haven't replied. Finally found out to find where I have posted before by doing the search and entering my name. I hope you are doing great and don't beat yourself up for slip ups. I haven't made it yet. Wonder if I will. But I plan to keep trying. Good Luck on your Journey with God's Blessings it can happen to all of us, I have to tell myself this over and over again.
                      If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


                        Fed Up!!!

                        Has anyone tired Topamax? I've been thinking of giving that a try. I thought about Chamix sp? I've read it helped for smoking and drinking but then read the side effects of it and don't think I want to mess with that.
                        If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


                          Fed Up!!!

                          Hi gemmy1. I had 2 AF days this week felt soooo good. But I hit it last night and yes hungover. and yes feeling sorry for myself. I hate that 4 litre red wine box in my kitchen. How are you going?


                            Fed Up!!!

                            Hi Mia I had beer last night but no hangover and am having beer right now. I did have 3 days AF during the week. Just not to sure about myself right now. So much crap going on.
                            Don't feel sorry its day by day and thats the way it will always be for me. If I want a drink I am going to have it and go on to the next day and deal with it. Not going to beat myself up over drinking. Cheer up! Tomorrow is a new day with a brighter window.
                            Take Care
                            If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


                              Fed Up!!!

                              Hi Mia!

                              We may be on opposite sides of this big world, but I feel like we are in the exact same spot. Your determination is fabulous, and is wearing off on me. It is almost 9 on friday night - not wine o'clock for me yet, but it is approaching. Thinking I should just go to bed!!!! No kids around tonight, it's very quiet, although my little dog is really stinky - that's enough to keep me off the couch with a glass of wine.
                              Best of luck with it all!

