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    love to all, Sam


    Hi Sam and Welcome!

    So good to see you're feeling optimistic. And you know, your best buddy isn't worth mourning ... he's actually not a very good friend.

    I suggest you download the book - that's how most of us seem to have started - and then decide which road you'd like to take. There are a lot of folks on here who have completely stopped drinking and there are others who are moderating nicely.

    It's a journey - not always easy - but it can be a fantastic one. I look forward to seeing you around.



      tawnyfrog;311271 wrote: Hi Sam and Welcome!

      So good to see you're feeling optimistic. And you know, your best buddy isn't worth mourning ... he's actually not a very good friend.

      I suggest you download the book - that's how most of us seem to have started - and then decide which road you'd like to take. There are a lot of folks on here who have completely stopped drinking and there are others who are moderating nicely.

      It's a journey - not always easy - but it can be a fantastic one. I look forward to seeing you around.

      Yes, but Al is the guy I've known the longest. I agree though that is
      why I an burying him.

      What book, pray tell?

      If you're going to see me around, ya better start lookin in low places

      Thanks for the Shout, Sam



        Sam--Welcome, quite a story, thanks so much for sharing it.

        The "book" is part of a program associated with this website. If you go to the Health Store here, you'll find it and the other "tools" recommended. I bought the book at, and then found the website. Let me know if you have any more questions!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



          Howdy Sam :welcome:

          Firstly, congrats on 4 days AF !! Also for managing to beat your other demons, very tough but you have managed those so hang in for the ride ? I?m sure you can make it!! You found us after all! This is a great place to share, vent, moan & laugh in. We all share the AL denominator!!

          I envy your ability to meditate. It?ll probably hold you in good sted.

          I?m taking the Kudzu & L-glutamate supplements and they do help with the ?witching hour?. Still need a boot load of will power, but nothing worthwhile comes easy.

          Wishing you lots of luck and look forward to meeting you on the boards.
          Take care
          The mind is in its own place, and in itself
          Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

          John Milton



            Thanks for all the support, guys. It's been a long
            "interesting" { like the chinese curse } life, but I've
            grown immeasurably from it. Like I said some where
            else, it is time to face the last demon. At this point
            in my life I know I can do it, but by the same token
            I am glad you all are here, so we can share and support
            each other.

            10 days [!] with love hope and healing, Sam



              Hidee Ho, Sam -Welcome! You'll find alot of support from this board ... fellow addicts who can relate and encourage.

              I had to laugh when I saw your name and avatar. One of my best friends got inked, in her youth, with a YS tattoo on a buttcheek. Now that she is in her 50s and "gravity sucks," she said Sam's weapons are a big longer ....

              Keep on keeping on, Sam!
              - Masq
              Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
              :wings: :huggy



                Hiya and :welcome:

                You certainly are among friends now, we can totally relate to how you feel ..........

                Be strong sam, with everything else you have faced you CAN do this ..........

                Love & Hugs, BB xx




                  Your story is inspirational to me. You have conquered so many problems I am sure you will be succesful here. And even if yu fall everyone here will be able to relate adn to help you out. This site is incredible when you are feeling the pull. Check out the chat room!

                  with love and best regards



                    Thanks Booklvr,
                    I have fallen many many times! What it has taught me is:
                    1) don't get mad at yourself
                    2) stay positive " I am not done working on myself yet."
                    3) stand up, dust yourself off, and start again.
                    4) the more you pass the desire test, the easier it gets to pass the next time.

                    Good to see that you have decided to work on yourself
                    and welcome to the ranks of those who choose to fight addiction.

                    With health and healing, Sam



                      Howdy Again, Y'all,

                      Not sure where to post any more, kinda like a square peg.
                      I know my Avatar does nor set well with the majority of the lady's
                      who post here, but Yosemite Sam is my nature when I am high, short tempered,
                      self centered, always looking for the short cut, a loud mouthed drinking man's man.
                      I love him very much but I recognize him for what he is: a lost spiritual child.
                      I have become so unlike him now, It is not fair to abandon him, so I carry the
                      memory of him inside me.

                      When I review my thoughts during the day, and recognize those old
                      attractions that come to test me, With discernment I say "Does this help me
                      move forward?" Then I am reminded of what Sam would want. I am a child
                      no longer as I seek a personal relationship with God, and live only to serve others.

                      Sam would never have wasted 20 days free of intoxication and serving others.

                      With healing and health, the other Sam



                        Hi Sam~

                        I have just now read this thread and wish you a belated welcome! I always thought Yosemite Sam was a crack-up... one of my favorite cartoon characters. You sound like you are doing awesome so far and like you have your mind in the right place to tackle this full on. I really liked your description of passing "the desire test" and how it gets easier every time. I could not have described it better myself! I like that. "The desire test".

                        Wishing you the best on this journey, and it gets so much better the further you go!

                        All the best,
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.




                          You are definitely NOT a square peg in a round hole!!

                          Are you on day 15 today? I notice you were on day 4 when you posted originally.

                          If so, great!! You are through the hard part.

                          If not, just keep trying.

                          I am glad you are here!!

                          There are two good threads, on in Just Starting Out, the ODAT thread and one in Monthly Abs that are started daily. You might want to pop over there and read them, too.

                          You are welcome to join in on any thread you feel would be a help to you.

                          See you around!!
                          AF April 9, 2016



                            Been Thinkin

                            I 've got 37 days under my belt now, and I have been dealing with a lot
                            of luggage from my past. I alluded to it at the start of this thread, and
                            I have seen others mention it too, so for the sake of those that follow,
                            and because i have been mulling it over, I will put it to words.

                            I am the first born in my family, but thankfully it was just my sister
                            and I. My mom should not have had children, but i guess that she felt
                            the pressure of her generation, when she got pregnant. I was born
                            about 4 months after they [ my mom and dad ] were married and my
                            sister followed me about 380 days later.

                            She had some training as a nurse and she and my dad had a rather non-
                            standard sex life, which i guess was good for them, but my sister and
                            i being apart of it, never should have happened. I am left wondering
                            what she was thinking and what her issue was.

                            We grew up feeling abandoned by a father, who while being a slave to
                            my sick mum, could nor seem to make a stand for us children. we were also
                            tramatized and sexually abused by our mom. I usually felt somehow responsible for
                            the abuse that was inflicted on my sister and myself, but hide that pain
                            and shame of it. I mentioned in another thread how sick it is for a child to
                            feel responsible for the behavior that should have never been forced on him.

                            My sister has never had any close relationship with another person, so she
                            carries a different set of scars than i. After a life of darkness and addiction,
                            I managed some how to put the fractured pieces of my person into a
                            workable order, or so i thought. About the time i turned 50 is when the
                            PTSD symptoms started, and my solution was attempted suicide.

                            After i failed at that too, thank God, that, is when i got help. Some times things
                            are so bad and you are so fractured and hurt, that one needs to be taken by the hand to be helped out.

                            I am not bitter, I don't blame anyone, I am sure thatIi have been thrust
                            into this life to overcome this as a person and to grow into one who stands in the light. I an ok with all that has transpired and write this to benefit those
                            who may still suffer in the dark.

                            I still am a work in progress, but I have come a long way back, I have no
                            more anger, or shame and what was, was. I hope to be a good grandfather,
                            and husband, and most of all I am at peace with myself and enjoy the love
                            of God and all of you.

                            With love and health, Sam

                            37 days and one drink away from addiction.

