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seeking answers

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    seeking answers

    :upset:My husband has left me, not through alcohol, I did not touch a drink for 48 days and stayed sober for 75 days,I just dont know where or who to turn to, I am drinking again, pathetic, I need MWO to help and support me, selfish??? He loves me, wants me, but??? has used alcohol against me, he hasnt seen me drink for 3 months, I fell off the wagon while he was away on business....Is this a normal reaction to spouses of alcoholics, when you are drinking, they enjoy all the fun sides of it, yet, you stop, they support you for a while and later..when shit hits the fan, they use your alcohol abuse against you.
    My grandfather and father were alcoholics, 3 out of 4 sisters, have a problem, I understand that this is an illness out of my control, as I allow her into my life, again, I thought, I could control her wicked ways, yet, she again is controlling me.....

    Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

    Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!

    seeking answers

    Fiona, I am so sorry that you are going through so much right now. But you know alcohol is not going to help. And I hope you don't mean the AL really has the control, because you can never, ever think that!! Don't even give AL the satisfaction of thinking that. You are vulnerable right now and you need TLC more than ever. And you won't find that in a bottle. You deserve to be happy. And be healthy.

    Would you like to go to live chat now? I can meet you there.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      seeking answers

      Yes, I would love to chat to you

      Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

      Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


        seeking answers

        Already there, hun. Come on in.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          seeking answers

          hi there..fionas..take the time that you have right now and help yourself . if you are drinking now it will just make things worst . if you want him back do it for yourself. and if he is using al against you might need to take the to rethink about it all the way. but realize al will just make things worst never better.please stay close. we are here for you ..peace and god bless
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            seeking answers

            Dear Fiona, As a woman gone through the same pain (a couple of times) you have all the love and care I can send your way. Don't drink....I bet that's just what he's counting on. Take care and love yourself
            xxx g.


              seeking answers


              How are you doing, hun? Check when you can. We would love to from you.

              Take care ~

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                seeking answers

                Hi everyone, just got home from a friends birthday, had a better day, spoke to my friends about AL, dont think anyone of them realized how much I was drinking, just sad that on Mon, my step son who lives with us is coming back from holiday and will be moving out to be with his dad, he has been away for 10 days to his aunt, recouperating after a big op, I want him here at home, the poor wee boy has been through so much in the last year, he only moved in with us in Nov, and wants us to have custody of him, just as he is finding stability and a place of belonging, it is taken away from him, he doesnt deserve this...
                Thank you for your kind words and support. x x x

                Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

                Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!

