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my story

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    my story

    This is my first day on the program. I am 40 yo and have been drinking since college. I thought when I got married and had kids I would cut down but I guess the "stress" of raising kids makes me crave it more. I am a career person with a masters degree, great life with a dark secret.....I drink a bottle of wine every night when I put my kids to bed!!!! My husband knows I want to quit or at least cut down and he is supportive but he brings booze into the house or if we have a family BBQ he feels the need to buy every kind of liquor, beer, wine etc. known to husband doesn't really understand because he can have one or two drinks and never even finish them. Well, enough of my boring saga!!! I have some questions??? Is moderation possible? It seems like a lot of supplements to take....also what about the topamax....the side effects sound scary....I have to be mentally sharp for my it possible while taking that? Thanks to anyone who can take the time to answer....I am hopeful!!!!

    my story

    Hi Sue and Welcome to MWO! First of all nothing about you and your story is boring, it is your story and this is the beginning of a new journey for you! We, here, come from all walks of life, different circumstances, relationships, etc. etc. Yes, we are quite the eclectic group......but, never the less, we all share a comon thread, the thread of addiction to alcohol, an addiction that has wreaked havoc on our lives to one extent or another.

    As for the supps, yes, for me they worked, and continue to work. I am over four months completely sober! There are many here that can speak about the meds. They have truly helped many. As for modding. When I joined here, that was my personal goal, but in short order, I realized that was not the path for personaly choice. But, again, there are some here that do have success with modding!

    So, stick around, read the boards, and, in my opinion, read the MWO book. It really is the road map to creating a program that will work for you!

    Best Wishes,
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      my story

      Hi Sue, welcome to the site ! I am sure you are going to find all the answers here... well done for only drinking when your kids are in bed, you sound like a star mom and have all potential to succeed with the goals you set. I woke up this morning confident I will get through my 3rd day AF... have not made any decisions on much more than just getting familiar with all the options discussed on MWO. You have found a supersized great bunch of people and support here !!
      love cedar x


        my story

        Hi Sue, welcome to as much as you can here, you'll be amazed at other people's stories that sound so familiar!!

        good luck

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          my story

          Hi Sue

          I am also new to this site, but have found it very helpful to read others posts such as your own and the support you recieve here is amazing! It keeps me coming back.

          I just got all my supps, although I had been taking the Kudzu for a while before I found this program (kudzo led me here in researching it), I have felt better although I only have 5 days AF, I feel hopeful.

          I can tell you what my Dr. told me yesterday. He gave me the prescription for topamax and said the side effects are minimal for most (although I have heard horror stories of hair falling out, anger etc, this is not the norm). He did say however that prolonged use of it could cause some problems with memory loss and I had heard mention of that as well. He suggested I use it no longer than 3 months. This was not my primary care physician but a board certified Psychiatrist of forensic medicine. He assured me that those other side effects will most likely not be a problem for me but if any of them come to pass I will know immediately and can get off the Topamax and go on Campral which is what he suggested, but I asked specifically for Topamax because that is what the book says to get, although it does make mention of Campral as well incase the Topamax doesn't work out.

          I hope you get all the info you need and my very best wishes to you! I'll be right here with ya day by day. Let me know how it goes!



            my story

            Welcome Sue. You're story isn't boring at all - it had better not be because it bears some similarities to mine!! I'm 37, post-graduate education, career woman - and drank around a bottle of wine a night till I found this site. I don't have kids so I guess I got to start drinking earlier!

            I'm only new at this myself (today will be day 15 AF for me) so am not the best qualified to offer advice, but I will say that yes there are a lot of them, but the supplements are working for me. I've not tried Topa because meds tend to have strange effects on me. Doing fine without it so far, just using supplements, CDs, exercise and coming on here a lot. The latter has probably helped me the most.

            Re moderation I too would like to be able to moderate in the future but I know that I need to get alcohol out of my system first. I've committed to 30 days AF and will re-evaluate at that point. Many people here start out with a goal of moderating and realise that isn't possible for them, but some do manage to moderate successfully. I guess time will tell which category you and I fit in to...

            Good luck, and look forward to seeing more of you on these boards.

            Wooflet x


              my story

              Welcome and thanks for sharing your story. I'm also new here so I don't have much advice. I've just started the supplements and the CD's. I'm very optimistic that they will work. There are many people here that can vouch for it!

              Good luck on your journey!


