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Time to bury the past!

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    Time to bury the past!

    And move on....
    I would like to share with you my story of my past childhood....Well i was the youngest out four, two brothers and one sister. The first think that always comes in my mind i remember being 3years old that scared me was when my dad picked up my older brother who was 6yrs old and throw him across the other side of the room where he hit his fore head on the wall and fell flat on the floor. All because he put a small hole in a pack soup.
    we all got a taste of my dads madness. He was a heavy drinker and did drink every day, he work for a berwery company called trumans. I hated it when my dad would come home from work you would never know what sort of mood he was in. Good moods turn to Bad moods and when he was angry he would just get out of control and did not know how to control his anger.He would get his belt out and beat us with it. If not a bamboo stick. He would always shout abusive words at us. we could never do nothing right in his eyes, we was always told we were no good for nothing and just put us down never praising us for anything what we did achieve or giving encourgment where it was needed.
    I remember once we went to southend on sea for a shortbreak, i was only six at the time playing like you do at night in bed. my dad burst into the room never turn the lights on and put one hand over my mouth and the other around my neck just to warn me to be quite. Not sure what happen but that shout me up for a few years. Never said much, always that shy person that never said a word. There was once my dad felt guilty when he beat my sisiter with a 2inch wooded stick and it broke in half he had nightmares and had to throw the stick away.
    we never really celebrated our birthdays and i never look forward to christmas always ended up shouting or arguing or in voliences.
    I know my dad was not right in the head later on he suffered with a breakdown when we were all small but that never give him the right to physically and menally abuse us.
    I have not mention my mum yet the reason is because she just stood to one side and did not try once to stop my dad from hurting us. Knowing she could hear the crying and the screaming from her own children. she never had the courage to throw him out. I keep asking my self questions that i know i will never get the answer to the questions. I have learn to except this now and move on.
    We all was effected in different ways my older brother got the worst of it. He suffered with despression at the age if 21 until the age of 32 where he past away from cancer.(god bless him) we did once go to family counselling group sessions but my dad soon put a stop to that. My sister has been very bitter and angry all the time.( cant blame her) my other brother has a drinking problem and has been in trouble with the police and in prison. Me i have also as you know have a drink problem and find it hard to express myself and lack a lot of confidents in differet situations.
    when i first started here i mention how my mum past away two months before i got married. But the worst was when my brother past way two years afterwards really cut me up. I dont think i really grief probably. I know now i should of had conselling then. Oh my dad felt guilty after my brother past away, the guilt was eating him alive slowly i could see my dad suffering and become a very lonely old man. After my dad past away i had trouble with my sister where we did not talk for 8years, Thats another story!
    Three years ago i worked for the NHS(National health services) in child protections for a little while i realize reading through other childrens cases that i was a victim and it sadden me very much how it still goes on.
    The main thing is im still here and alive!
    51days af for me still got a long way to go but its a start.

    Thank you for reading and taking your time.x

    family is everything to me

    Time to bury the past!

    What a sad story but so uplifting how you have risen above! Thanks for sharing.


      Time to bury the past!

      Dear Teardrop, my heart aches for the babies that were abused by the very person that was suppose to love and protect them. I am so very sorry you and your siblings had to go through what you did and I'm sorry for the loss of your older brother. I don't know why things happen the way they do but as Dolly said you have risen above. 52 days AF is something you should feel very proud of. I admire you for your strength and courage in coming to grips with your childhood trauma. Please take care and know you are an inspiration to others who have suffered abuse.



        Time to bury the past!

        Oh Teardrop. I'm so sad that you had to endure what you did as a child. It is horrifying that adults do this kind of unspeakable damage to their own children. It must be so hard to develop the self worth you truly deserve, when you didn't get that nurturing and reinforcement as a child. I APPLAUD you for pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, and having the determination to create a much brighter future for yourself - including breaking the cycle with AL.

        Like the others have already said, I can imagine you bring a unique compassion to your work with abused children that is a blessing to them and the families you are helping.

        Love and hugs and healing to you Teardrop! You are an inspiration.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Time to bury the past!

          I just ACHE reading this. My heart is with you sweetie. God Bless..
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Time to bury the past!


            thanx for posting your story. I can relate to it on so many levels, the beatings, the mental torture of siblings. dreading dad coming home because it would start all over again. my dads favorite was the belt - buckle end, so it hurt more and yes, my mum didn't intervene.

            i also remember my dad having a breakdown, and he slit his wrists. i was playing outside (i was about 8 years old). i saw the ambulance draw up, him being escorted into it, blood dripping from his wounds. i carried on playing, i hoped he would never return. but he did

            you are doing so well. day 3 for me. I hope to get where you are in my af journey. sorry for hijacking your thread. i just related so much to what you said.


              Time to bury the past!

              Hi Teardrop

              I was fortunate enough to have 2 very loving parents and I had a very happy childhood so it's very hard for me to put myself in your shoes or anyones who has been the victim of child abuse. By god I've tried but there is simply no way I could regress back to a child and feel that pain and suffering that someone has gone through themselves as a child. I've heard many shares in my AA meetings of horrendous childhoods just like yours Teardrop and I know it is not pity and sympathy that these people are looking for but understanding of how it has effected their alcoholism. I can only concur with what's already been said in the fact that you have shown willingness to put this behind you and not let it hinder your own sobriety. I applaud you for taking the time and courage to post this Teardrop and I do wish you all the happiness in the world in your future sobriety; as you have done so, on so many occasions, with mine.

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                Time to bury the past!

                Teardrop, Thank you for being brave enough to share this with us. I am truly sorry for that precious little girl who had to endure this, we will hold her in our arms and tell her she is safe and loved.

                Congratulations on your nearly 2 months of sobriety!! Wishing that ALL of your Dreams come True!

                XXX Kate
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Time to bury the past!

                  teardrop - just sending you a whole bunch of love and then some more... x


                    Time to bury the past!

                    I just want to send you a big hug if thats alright........and another, and another, and another....oh and one more for your 51 days. You are one special lady.

                    love & big hugs

                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Time to bury the past!

                      just want to send my love and to say l truely undersand,,
                      you are doing so well
                      there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                        Time to bury the past!

                        Your story sounds so similar to mine, abusive and violent father, mother who just stood helplessly by and watched her children suffer...I could relate to just about every experience you describe, hoping against hope every evening that some fatal accident would befall your father so that he'd never come home, and when he did arrive home [dammn!] , desperately trying to make myself as small as possible so that he wouldn't notice me, thereby avoiding his capricious and violent beatings. I also have a much loved brother who died way too young, of an alcohol related illness, - I am convinced to this day that his alcoholism was his way of dealing with my father. My father died back in 1886 of liver cancer [ironic really as I don't think he was actually an alcoholic], since 2004 my mother has been in a specialist nursing home after suffering a stroke which has left her even more helpless than she ever was...

                        But you know what, you've survived all that, as I have, and it just goes to show how amazingly resilient, we, and all abused children are. Yes, it does leave some deep scars, [there's hardly a day go by when I don't hear my father's voice telling my seven year old self how ugly and useless I was and that I'd never amount to anything more than a prostitute [well, back then, being a prostitute seemed like a good thing as it meant that I'd be alive, at a time when I was highly doubtful that I'd even survive to see my 10th birthday - and actually, I don't have a problem with prostitution]. But the mental scars don't have to dominate us, any more than the physical scars do...each day that I'm alive is a victory over my father...some days its hard to remember this, but I know that I am a better and more worthy person than my father ever was or could have been; in fact, despite his wishes to annihilate me, I know that I am who I am in spite of him, in a strange way, he gave me courage to go on living. Whenever I feel defeated and as if life is just too much to carry on, I think of my father, and I know that in living and surviving his death wish for me, I've won. I have made a decent life for myself, I have more love in my love than my father ever had. This is not to say that it's all good, if it were, I wouldn't be on these boards. I've a drinking problem, probably as a result of my deep-seated insecurity and yes, self-loathing. But even while I might not love myself, I do, for the most part, love life; I love the first daffodil of the spring, I love the warm breeze of a summer's day, the feel of my dog's wet nose as he nuzzles against me , the warmth of my grandson's breath as he cuddles against me and says 'I love you Grandma' - there is so much of beauty in this world, hard as it may seem to appreciate sometimes, and my father tried to deprive me of it, and so its a victory to me that I am still here to experience it...above all, I only have one life to live, and I cannot afford to let him - who is no longer here - still continue to dominate my life. Look for the beauty and joy in sometimes feels as though there aren't many, but there are always sufficient to tie me to this world.

                        You've come through this despite the crap childhood which says a lot about you - it says that you have strength, courage and resilience. Hold onto those qualities - they will see you through.


                          Time to bury the past!

                          Teardrop, I too can relate a little more than I'd like to admit. But we can't let our pasts dictate our futures. I am so proud of you and your 52 days! You are an inspiration.

                          I hope your heart finds peace and happiness.

                          Love, Me
                          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                            Time to bury the past!

                            Teardrop - my arms want to take you and wrap you in -- I am so sorry you had to go through this -- I do know the person you are becoming is an amazing woman - don't let go of her.

                            Love and hugs
                            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                            (from the Movie "Once")


                              Time to bury the past!

                              sending a hug ...xx

                              Jacqui xxx
                              Mwo,s worst speller....

