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it's take 4 years to find out that I am an alcoholic !

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    it's take 4 years to find out that I am an alcoholic !

    It is amazing that the doctor did not put these symtoms together,you had to do it yourself .My liver hurt quit a bit so no one had to tell me that i was killing myself(I just knew it).I have been taking liver aid and milk thisle and liver function is returning already(after only 3 plus weeks).You will heal and feel healthy again if you can beat the beast and stay AF......You can do this ,i know you can !!!!!Evie
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      it's take 4 years to find out that I am an alcoholic !

      Thank-you all so much for your support - this is going to be hard - today is only day 9, and I'm already thinking 'would one glass of wine really matter" ? But, I know myself, it would'nt stop there. I do have to say that I have more energy, and my IBS (if it ever was that) has improved considerably - also find chewing a piece of orange skin seems to help with the craving lol

      I was dreading telling my children, but, they've been great - my daughter arrived yesterday with a box full of different things to drink - bless her



        it's take 4 years to find out that I am an alcoholic !

        That is so great your children have been so wonderful and you are feeling better! Never heard of chewing orange peel - I will have to try it. After reading your post I looked at the red spot on my leg that I thought was just age and it is gone! Hope thing continue to go well for you.

