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what's best

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    what's best


    Hi there, I'm a hopeless addict. I've been addicted to opiates for along time. Which when I was on them was great because I stopped drinking for years. As I liked the effect more than alcohol, and you didn't get bad hangovers. Anyway I seeked help to get of the opiates and started on a subutex (buprenorphine program) which was great but I started drinking again. The best thing about being on this drug is when I drank I would'nt get bad hangovers, but the worst thing is I've started drinking more up to a bottle of vodka or scotch a day. Unfortunatly because of the side affects of taking subutex I pass out before really enjoying getting tipsy or even drunk. I've tried to stop drinking and taking subutex and I have even been into detox and even gave up for a few weeks, but that was hell and now I'm back on the subutex and drinking all over again. I hate myself so much, I feel like such a failure. I've have done so many bad and discusting things when intoxicated I can't even mention. Sometimes I can remember snipets of things and sometimes I can not. Just one of my episodes I fell unconscience in a department store and had to be carried out by security at closing time. Iv'e woken up in places I don't know how I got there. Iv'e just done so many horrible things and I'm so discusted. I want to stop drinking as I have an 11yr old son and a 9yr daughter and they see me waisted every night. Luckly my husband takes care of them when I'm wasted. Although he is a drinker also, he seems to have a lot more control than me. Anyway I've heard naltrexone is perscribed to alcoholics and I'm wondering wheather it would work for me as it is also used for opiate dependance so perhaps I could kill one bird with 2 stones If you know what I mean.

    Any surgestions I'll be happy to hear.

    Thanks can't wait to hear from anyone

    what's best

    Welcome Kes! I can't give any advice about naltrexone as I don't take it but I think there are some here who do. It sounds like you may need some medical help in stopping. Maybe you can do a search and find out more info about it and talk to your doctor. I hope this site and the support here will be helpful. Most of us here have felt shame about our drinking so you are not alone in that. Unfortunately, feeling bad about ourselves just makes it worse as we then drink to not feel bad. So if you can, have compassion for yourself and do this for you.


      what's best

      Kes, welcome to MWO. You will find lots of information and help here. Unfortunately I am new also
      but I want to tell you to not to hate yourself for your behavior there is help here for you. You
      have already taken your first step by coming here.



        what's best

        Hi Kes
        4 years ago I stopped drinking for 14months with the help of naltrexone. I started up again 1 1/2 years ago do to many problems that were out of my control. After a few backouts,
        throwing up and not knowing when to stop, oh yes "what did I do lastnight". drinking everyday. I went to my Dr and ask for Naltrexone again.
        I got it, I am only in day 10 AF, what has helped me is book by JR, I listen to the CD's and I take the supplements.
        This web site is very important to me when ever I felt I needed a drink I would come on and read some of the post.
        I have to tell you it is really working for me. My husband drinks also but he can control the amount he drinks. I hope this gives you some hope that you can get your drinking under control.

