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Newbie Needing Advise

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    Newbie Needing Advise

    I've been watching the site for about a week, taking in all the advise and expertise in to try to make some decisions about what I need to do for my future.

    I've been drinking for over 30 years and this is the first time I've admitted and recognized (to myself at least) that I have a problem. I think I'm going to try the moderation first, as I've never even attempted to cut down before. I'd say on average 7-10 glasses on wine a night would be about right. How sad that I'm not even sure, because I've never counted, just kept on filling.

    Life has hit a critical point this past week with my job of 25 years now on the line. So scary, I haven't even been able to tell my husband yet. I don't drink at work, or during the day. The problem is we have employee events every two months which require nights of socializing and while I start out with great resolve, usually by night 3 I seem to lose control and the 5th or 7th glass puts me over the edge. These are mandatory events so not attending is not an option.

    I started off considering Antabuse because it's so radical, but I don't take any prescription drugs today and hate taking anything. I did start Kudzu last week and that seems to be helping as I'm down to 2-3 drinks a night for the most part. I went to my MD to get a script for Antabuse but they would not give me anything and instead referred me to a psychiatrist. In desparation I searched the internet and did find sites that would sell this w/o a script. Sounds like topomax may be a better alternative? Also, I think my insurance would cover the drugs, I just am concerned about seeing a shrink and where that file ends up, tied to my work history??????

    I have another event in 30 days and I'm in absolute panic about being able to make it through. I know I can say no, but I'm afraid I won't.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Newbie Needing Advise

    :welcome: LL

    Sounds like you are ready for change! Acknowledging you have a problem is a huge step.

    I am not sure why some doctors won't prescribe antabuse. Mine was a little apprehensive, but did, and referred me to a shrink. I am seeing a counselor now, and I honestly think that this has helped me more than anything else. I am no longer on antabuse. I was only on it for a wee while. It is an excellent tool! Lots of people here are using it.

    I don't know anything about Topamax. There is a lot of discussion about it in the medication part of this forum.

    My suggestion is to take one day at a time. Just get through each day without thinking too far ahead. If your job is on the line; then now is probably a good time to do what you need to do. Don't worry about the next work social gathering. Only focus on today.

    Keep reading, and posting. Glad you found us.


      Newbie Needing Advise

      Hi LL. Your story is like so many here and I can more than relate. It's amazing how you can come to a place and read so many postings and sit there and think, OMG, somebody is writing about ME! The saving grace is that we all understand have been through pretty much ALOT of the same things and can help eachother work through it.
      I didn't try Antabuse, I did try Topomax and had horrible side effects but that is just me, everyone is different so it may work for you. I think and I agree with Accountabgle for Me that my therpist has been the BEST thing for me. Learning to work through the issues that trigger me to drink has made it easier to not do it. I still slip, (like yeseterday after 6 days AF) because I just got too emotional but I learned from it and today is a new day.
      This place has helped me so much and I hope it can do the same for you!
      Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


        Newbie Needing Advise

        Welcome LL. Spend as much time as you can here reading and posting. You will
        find lots of good advice and information here. Also join the newbie thread.

        Good Luck


          Newbie Needing Advise

          LL ~ welcome! Good for you for reaching out for some help. I'm sorry I am seeing this so late. I'm just trying to go back to old posts I have missed and saw yours.

          Have you ordered the book yet? It's such a great way to start. I answers so many questions right from the get go. I wished I had gotten it sooner than I did, but that's another story.

          Good luck. Let us know how you are doing. We are here for you.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Newbie Needing Advise

            Welcome to the group...We can beat the beast TOGETHER...As women we have the excuse of watching our weight and Alcohol is empty calories...You can always say that you are on Meds that don't mix with AL...I have Bleeding ulsers and alcohol makes that worse...There are so many ways out,if you plan ahead.Antabuse is a major commitment but is a really good choice if you really want soberiety...
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

