I have been looking at this site for a little while - as well as reading books about drinking and knowing I have a problem but also had a problem in that I just enjoy drinking too much!
I have had two non-consecutive days in the past two weeks without alcohol....I felt wonderful the next day and promised myself that I would continue...however, I look to find any reason to reach for my wine - especially if sober one night - the next I shall tell myself that I no longer have a problem and celebrate that by getting drunk.
The other night my 11 year old daughter came home from a late movie as its school holidays. The next morning she came and showed me photos of me passed out on her camera. That night, after promising to give up, I was pretending to drink tea while I had wine in my tea cup and got plastered again. I usually drink alone and have done since my husband died three years ago (through suicide) and left me and three very young children. So I used to believe my drinking was a "situational" thing and that I could easily control it.
It is very difficult to do and today i woke up hungover and promised myself I wouldnt drink and now its 3.40pm and I am thinking of ways that I can justify my drinking tonight as my 11 year old is not home and then I can start afresh tomorrow.
I need help as I pass out nearly every night and get up every morning and go and help others with similar problems and others (I am a psychologist) and have slowly realised that my drinking has become so ingrained in my life that I cant seem to think of anything else and get freaked out if there is none in the house. I know I have put my childrens lives in jeopardy and that destroys me and also putting my own life in jeopardy which would make my children orphans....but now I am physically addicted.
Would dearly love any help or suggestions....I have started a journal today and am determined to be honest with myself as I need help.
I feel so alone and afraid which I am gathering is very normal with this addiction.
I will keep reading the posts as I am finding them really helpful!
thanks so much