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New too

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    New too

    Hello everyone, I am excited and that I found this site. I have read through many of the post and I can easily relate to most of what I have read. I am a married mother of three and I have tried speaking to my primary care physician (she looked at me like I had two heads). I then went to a psychiatrist who prescribed medications that made me feel awful. I stopped taking the medications and am trying to abstain cold turkey. Needless to say, this ain't easy. I feel alone and anxious, when I do drink I no longer enjoy it because my husband seems to internalize any drinking I do as if I drink to purposely hurt him. I will not ramble, I simply wanted to make an initial post introducing myself. I hope over time I have a word of encouragement that can help someone here as you all have already touched me with the stories you have shared in your post.

    Also, does anyone have any advice about dealing with the anxious feeling that occurs when one "slows down" or abstains from drinking"?

    New too

    Hello and Welcome

    If you get the MWO book, it talks about supps that help with anxiety. I think I am going to try the Evening Primrose Oil. There are people here that know alot more about the supps than I do. I am still experimenting. I just wanted to welcome you aboard. I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know you. The people here are truly my lifeline. I also go to AA, but mainly because I am divorced, kids are in their 20's, and I am often alone. Trying to gather up some sober playmates. I am 19 days alcohol free and it feels GREAT.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      New too


      I understand that anxious feeling. I am on day 15 and it comes and goes. at the moment it is here! I am going to try some supps (Gaba and kudzu) but not sure where to get them over here.
      Good luch on your journey.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        New too



        I agree about reading the book. I can't stress it enough. Otherwise, talking about the supplements, etc, just doesn't make much sense.

        However, you will find many people here who are willing to help you in anyway we can!!

        Good luck on your journey.

        AF April 9, 2016


          New too

          New to site -

          Hi everyone - I stumbled upon this site when looking for info on alcohol withdrawl. I've been on a wicked two week binge - drunk every other day and I'm sick of it. I was suppose to go to work tomorrow but I got rid of my trip because I new I'd be too hung over today to get ready for it.
          I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired - yes, I got that from a stint I did in AA some years ago. While there are nice people at AA meetings, I found it too cult like for me and I don't want to go back. I did manage to stay sober for over nine months though! I'm afraid for my health - I feel like I'm going to have a stroke or something. I'm also afraid to quit cold turkey - I'm just afraid period.

