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it may all be worth it

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    it may all be worth it

    I don't have much of a story. In fact I feel guilty after reading other people's stories. Normal childhood, Dad drank beer, yelled sometime, no abuse, no fairytale, but nothing out of the unusual. Didn't have a drop until I was thirty-five and both children got their own interests and I had to find my own friends instead of playing Candy Land on Friday nights. Drinking was social, for many years. I was divorced but never the less, happy. No reason to drink. No financial worries, stability in my life and basically no worries.

    Started dating a guy who owned a bar. I worked there part-time and the drinks started to become more frequent. Then I started doing something at the age of 40 I had NEVER done. Started to drink AT HOME with him. The relationship continued and so did the drinking. We fed off of each other. No matter how drunk and embarassing my behavior was, there was never any reprecussions from him because he was as bad as me. Finally, I ended the relationship. I started dating someone else who started calling me out on my drinking. Although patient with me, he let me know it was clearly a problem. Now let me tell you, I have never drank ANY hard liquor (thank God, I would probably be dead), but I would have no "off switch" with wine. With beer, I would for the most part get full and stop.

    This man I speak of and I got married five weeks ago. We spent 17 days in Athens, Santorini and Crete. I for the most part behaved myself and made a vow when I got home to make a change. I am 47 and he is 35, successful, good looking and kind. Now, if I don't see gift before my own eyes, I would have to blind... I ordered the Topa before I left. I got it on line without a prescription (did I metion I am in law, now I am a doctor too?). I started with 25mg at night. The first day I felt like a ZOMBIE and didn't think I could take it another day. I did....I took 25mg at bed for another week. Then the second week I got a pill cutter an cut 25mg in half and took 1/2 in the afternoon and still the 25mg at night. I noticed a huge difference in my driniking, although the side effects were staring me in the face too. Tired, soooo tired at work... Dopey, like one of , well, what do you call it (just kidding) and increasingly irritable and not being able to focus. In spite of it all, the third week, I started taking 1/2 of 25mg in the am, the second 1/2 of the 25mg at about 4pm and the 25mg at bed time. Talk about some wild dreams!!!!! The biggest problem I have is I am bitchy to my new husband. Reading more about the topa, is it washes away the excess dopamine that alcohol produces which makes us alcoholics want to drink ourselves into a tizzy.

    Okay, now for the good news. I have not been drunk for 16 out of 17 days (one night in the beginning I caught a little buzz while being out with friends). I have not had a hangover in 17 days. I have not had to look at my cell phone in the morning to see who I may have drunk dialed the night before. I have remembered every televisions show I watched the night before. I have not woken up with the feeling of self loathing for being a drunken idiot. I haven woken up wishing I was somebody else...

    What I have done is made a Doctors appointment for this upcoming Monday to confess all of my sins of my online self prescribing and maybe asking for an anti-depress to get some of the normal dopa back so maybe my new husband and me will continue to like me. I will bring Roberta's book to evidence that I'm not crazy and just decided to start taking some anti-seizure meds. Being in the legal community, AA just wasn't for me. I don't care what they say about it being anonyomous, it just does not stay that way.

    So, it's a struggle, good vs. evil, topa vs. wine, me vs. myself. I have faith in me. I think I will win. PS...I did pour a glass of wine tonight a few hours ago, I left it somewhere in the house, don't remember where and it's not because I'm drunk, it's just because it didn't occur to me that I wanted it...I guess the topa is winning...:H
    AF since 2/4/10
    Nicotine free since 3/31/10

    it may all be worth it

    I have been AF the last 31 days out of 32. I can relate to the exhilirating feeling of no headaches, no regrets, not being awakened by a gnawing sense of guilt at 5 o'clock in the morning. It feels so good. And not only am I reaping benefits - but the people I love around me as well. I do not spend sunny days lying in bed or barking at the people around me because I am tired and hurting from a wine induced hangover.

    Keep posting and visiting the threads. The people at MWO are who inspired/encouraged me to make the crucial changes that I have made... I believe that it will ony get better
    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


      it may all be worth it

      bull by the horns

      Hi Shirazgirl, you seem to have tackled the bull by the horns and must be a very strong woman! To marry a guy 12 years younger and attractive, as well as being so well read ( qualified) says a lot about your courage, intelligence, abilities and more.You are not going to let alcohol ruin your life. I'm putting my bets on you.
      Have a great day.
      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


        it may all be worth it

        Welcome Shiraz
        You are off to a great start!! Seeing your doc is a good idea. My doc had no idea about the use of Topa for alcoholism. She did advocate for the Campral. I may buy that sometime, but for now, have been taking only vitamins and supplements. I went back to AA, and believe me, sometimes it gets hairy. I am a Nurse and have worked all over this community. I sometimes see patients at meetings. It can be very uncomfortable. I have not had any professional issues because of this, thankfully. I just go to meetings because otherwise, I would be alone. Kids are in their 20's, divorced. I stopped hanging with the drinkers, so I really need to have some sober friends. Welcome aboard. I look forward to reading your posts.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          it may all be worth it

          Welcome Shiraz,

          I could relate to many parts of your post. I also had a normal upbringing - a great childhood, my parents are wonderful and although I married at a young age because I was pregnant there was no real reason for me to start hitting the bottle other than I was young and forever in a party enviroment refusing to grow up!!! (That's the abreviated version, I still haven't got the guts to spill the beans yet) So I also feel terrible when I read about other peoples stories and think crumbs Dee you really should just get a grip your life is full of roses.

          After reading the book I found myself a female GP and was totally honest with her, went in with the book and it was the best thing I could've done, my GP although she had never heard of MWO before has been one of my biggest supporters. Are you taking the suppliments with the Topa? I have found that when I ran out of my suppliments there was a huge difference - I am now making sure that I take my 5-HTP and L-GLut with my Topa.

          Thanks for sharing your story, I'm looking forward to more posts from you!

          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            it may all be worth it

            Hi Deebee and everyone reading this post,
            It seems to me that a defining step of breaking AL abuse/addiction is coming clean with at least one person and being honest about it. It took me years to muster the courage but I feel that it has been a turning point for me. Maybe the shame and guilt over the secret drinking was actually a trigger to re-inforce the behaviour. What do you think?
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              it may all be worth it

              thanks everyone

              Thanks for your posts. I remember what television show I was watching before bed. AAhhhh....what a great feeling. Plus, I knew in the a.m. I didn't drunk dial anyone or do anything stupid, the little things in life Still have to focus extra hard at work and check my briefs and motions twice. Topa is tough, I'm not going to lie, but if it was to easy it might not be worth it.... I'm in it to win it. I don't feel like it ever truly "got me" although I feel like it was always "chasing me". I believe I am and always will be a faster runner. :thanks:
              AF since 2/4/10
              Nicotine free since 3/31/10
              FINALLY FREE

