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I've ruined my life

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    I've ruined my life

    Hi, I am new on here and in desperate need for help.

    I have been married for nearly 24 years and have 2 sons, 20 and 22 who still live at home but will be moving to their own places in the next couple of months. I am 49 and my wife is 45.

    Over the last few years I have been drinking a lot at home, I have been staying up late, getting up late and basically ignoring everything around me. I didn't realise this at the time, but I am an alcoholic. I have become overweight but my wife is as slim as ever.

    My wife and I have had many discussions regarding my drinking and the fact that I have been killing myself. I have said on numerous ocassions that I will stop, and once did, for 2 months. I then seemed to think everything was Ok and grdaully started again.

    My wife has become more distant over the last 2 or 3 weeks and it ended up with me asking her what the problem was. She said that she had got to the end (she had been crying alone in our bedroom and I never knew) of her tether. She had tried everything she could but our marriage was over. She doesn't find me physically attractive anymore and hasn't done for some time. She loves me but is not in love with me, she has to leave. She had already been planning to move into rented accomodation during the last 2 weeks but I didn't know or was too wound up in my own life that I never noticed. This happened 2 days ago and as she hasn't found another place yet, she is still here. She is sleeping on the couch now because being in the same bed just isn't right anymore. (that killed me as well)

    On top of all that, I have been trying to run my own business for the last 4 years and that has now failed. My car has been repossessed and the tax man is making me bankrupt and taking our house to cover some of the debt.

    I have been trying to cope with the business and financial situation but have been reverting to alcohol to numb the pain. I never drink before 5 pm and have tried to carry on working my business, but if I have a drink I don't know when to stop.

    My world has now literally fallen apart. I realise that I am the cause of the breakdown and have discussed this with my wife. I have also signed up with Alcholics Anonymous and have STOPPED drinking. It's ruined my whole life.

    I am so afraid an upset and can't stop crying. My wife says that I needed this and I have to sort myself out. I have suggested couple counselling but she says it's too late for anything now and she has to go. I feel so desperate and need to know if there's even a glimmer of hope for the future.

    She has said that she still cares for me and she has to go before things get nasty, she doen't want that. She says she will always be there for support at the end of the telephone and wants us to remain friends.

    I feel the need to ask her over and over again to stay, but I am afraid this will push her away. I can't think of any future without her. I don't know whether it would be better if she went sooner rather than later to help us both come to terms with it. It all appears so final, she's told our 2 sons, our friends, her mother, and I've told my parents. She has made plans to have the pets rehomed.

    I am going to be left alone in a house that will taken from me, with no money, no business, no marriage and it feels like no hope.

    I know that I can make myself better and cure the drinking and get a job but I can't face the prospect of her leaving.

    Do you think there is any hope for us?. I need to know but am too afraid to ask her. She has said that she has no plans for the future but just needs to be alone.

    I can't stop feeling that I have thrown everything away and that I realise this and want to make it better. It's all my fault and I wish I had listened to her more.

    I've ruined my life

    Hi Ian and Welcome
    I am so sorry for all of the things that you are going through right now, but as long as you have a pulse, there is Hope!! You have had sober time before, and you can do it again, but you must do it for yourself! Your wife just may need some space right now. All you can do is try your best to recover and the people around you will see a huge difference in you. I also allowed Alcohol to remove all of the good things from my life. I am divorced, have lost numerous jobs, and am facing foreclosure on my condo. Alcohol will not make any of these things go away. I have not had a drink in 35 days, and things are slowly getting better. At least I can show up to work everyday and continue to try and improve my financial situation. The rest is out of my hands. I too go to AA. I know it is not for everyone, but I find it helpful. There is a lot of helpful knowledge there and here at MWO. A good place to start is to read the MWO book, and arm yourself with some of the supplements, vitamins etc...Some people find the Topamax helpful. I am not using that, as my doc was not familiar with it's off-label use for alcoholism. She did advocate for Campral, but I have no insurance and was not able to afford it. I also recommend that you work with your doctor if possible, especially if you have withdrawal symptoms. I brought the MWO book to my doctor. She was very intrigued. We went over all of the meds and supps together to devise a plan for me. I wish you well as you begin this journey to save your life. We will be here for you.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      I've ruined my life

      There is always hope, but you have to be willing to fix yourself - and do it only for you.

      One of the tenets of AA is acceptance..... Acceptance that everything happens for a reason, what's done is done, and only you can change you.

      I was a binge away from losing my wife and young son before I truly admitted I had a problem and sought help. I was lucky - I didn't end up losing them. I know that it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, that there is no reason to have hope, but I would disagree with you. Like the phoenix that rises from the ashes you too can emerge as a better person. Does that mean that your wife will be with you? Don't know, but you need to be willing to accept (there's that word again) that as a possibility otherwise why even try?

      Being in AA is a great first step and it helped me (and continues to help me) get sober and content with my life. I wish nothing but the best for you, no matter what happens. Remember that you can't do anything about the past and can't control the future, so just worry about today.

      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        I've ruined my life

        It's GREAT you have started with AA, and you are not drinking. Go to a LOT of meetings, get a GOOD sponsor (someone you have a lot of respect for), and as for everything else: take it slow. Don't spend mental time and mental energy worrying and obsessing about the future. Do what has to be done today, today. Tomorrow, do the same. Take it easy. Get your mind and body and brain back to a reasonably healthy state, then and only then can you begin to look past the next 24 hours or so...

        And do stick around here, post a lot, read a lot...

        best wishes,



          I've ruined my life

          I am sorry that you are so sad. That must be terrible facing all of those things and the prospect of losing your wife.

          Like all the previous posts, continue AA if it is helpful. Go to see your doctor and maybe then can help.

          You may feel hopeless now, but the more AF days you get, the better you will feel. Trust me, you have you to hope for.

          Keep posting and we are here to help.
          AF since 2/4/10
          Nicotine free since 3/31/10
          FINALLY FREE


            I've ruined my life

            So sorry for your pain but many of us have been that desperate. The best advice I can give is take action, can you update your resume getr another job? Find a room to rent until you get on your feet. Action-talk with a dr. maybe antidepressants are called for. Action--make appt. with irs or lawyer to take that pressure off. we often hide our head in the sand hoping things will get better. Actions will not only make you feel stronger and less hopeless. Make a plan and take action on each step. AA helps but is not a be all end all. As you take positive steps your wifw will notice and maybe things can get better, she cares for you just can't live life like this anymore. ACTION


              I've ruined my life

              I too am sorry that you are in so much pain. My only comment is that you are asking (reasonable) but unknowable questions right now... will you and your wife work it out? From the way you have described it- This is unknowable at present and maybe the best thing you can do is try and take care of yourself right now- which means addressing your drinking issue. I know for me- when I address my drinking issue other things seem to get better, almost as a 'by product' . That is not to say this is easy at all or that I am always successful. But as AAthlete says, the only thing you can do anything about is today, and yourself.
              Wishing you much strength


                I've ruined my life

                Hi Ian,
                I`m sorry for your distress, and I know your wife`s leaving must feel as if the bottom is falling out of your world.The truth is that the bottom is very often falling out of our world long before we ever admit to that being the case.......your marriage may or may not be over (only time will tell)........marriages don`t fall apart overnight.......this has been happening gradually over a long period of time. Spouses and partners of alcoholics sometimes eventually tire of broken promises,and........who are we to blame them for simply having had enough of the alcoholic in us??

                Please don`t despair.......use your wife leaving as the wake-up call it`re being forced to take a long,hard look at yourself.......look deep within yourself, to the man you used to be the man you can become once more.

                Bankruptcy and financial ruin are not the worst things that can befall us in life.......there is no greater pain than losing the one/s we love.

                Your wife is simply worn out with all the stress of your alcoholism. Now is your chance to prove to her that you`re still the man she married. There is much hope here.

                I wish you the best,

                Darling x
                Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                  I've ruined my life

                  Hello Ian,

                  There are many people here who have lost partners and jobs...everything.
                  All I can say is that if your wife does go, don't give up
                  You have to look after yourself; get yourself sorted out. You say you're not an alcoholic, but there is an obvious drink problem which you will have to address.
                  MWO is a wonderful place. It has helped me and many others truly appreciate how not alone we are.
                  There is lots of advice and help from people who have similar issues to you.
                  Perhaps if you can show your lady, over time, the man that you want her to see, things may turn out the way you want.
                  I am still a work in progress and I don't mean to preach.
                  Please stay with us.


                    I've ruined my life

                    Sorry for all your losses, IanC,
                    What is the quote..."it's always darkest before the dawn". If you have stopped drinking and continue on that path you may see a sliver of that dawn very soon. Try not to push your wife-show her with the changes she will see in you-they will be more than obvious very soon if you stay AF. I know this feels like the worst time of your life but there will be much "personal growth" when you come out the other side. I will send positive thoughts your way. Kriger
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      I've ruined my life

                      ian i here ya,till death do us part,i love that quote,my wife put up with same from me,but i got violent not with her,just violent,not knowing what to do,i lost it,ended in a sanitarium,made sense at the time,but i got more than not drinkin,kinda like math,figure it out,some people arent ment to drink,some people can moderate,but the 1st question i asked my wife when i got back,even tho i no she cares for me,is if i started again would you leave,i hope to think i wouldnt was her answer,still havent drank ,but how much should one put up with,the coin has 2 sides good luckgyco


                        I've ruined my life

                        Hi Ian,

                        You are hearing (seeing) alot of advice here. It's a great place to come.

                        But there are some realities. When we're alcoholics, we're not happy. Neither are the people around us. But we matter. We really matter, both to ourselves and them.

                        Will your wife be there when all is said and done? Maybe, maybe not. Sounds like she is going to be taking care or her right now and that's a good thing. SHE needs that right now and I am confident you want that too from just your words.

                        But now it's time for you. For Ian to be concerned for just Ian. The place you are in right now is not good. Period. But it is where you are. I highly suggest AA. The hardest thing to do is that first step into a meeting. And maybe that first one won't click with you so try another, and another and another. I happen to go to ao women's meeting and I swear, while there are tears and we are very serious about being AF, the laughter as we laugh at ourselves is contagious. WE UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL and have found hope in desperation......real desperation.

                        It will get better.

                        Keep writing and we'll keep helping at MWO. You can count on that.

                        Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                          I've ruined my life

                          life help

                          Don't worry about you can
                          get your life back just
                          say out loud now Jesus I
                          believe and I receive you
                          in my heart please heal me
                          go to and this can
                          help you a lot


                            I've ruined my life



                              I've ruined my life

                              Hello Ian, I have not posted in such a long time, but your story strikes a familiar chord. I'm sure several of us can comprehend where you are coming from. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it is unlikely that she will ever come back. You have two wonderful sons with her, so cherish that. I know how it feels to lose someone because of your affliction. Till this day I find it so hard to believe that it has been nearly two years since my girl left. I still get the urge to cry and have to swallow the knot in my throat. I don't think that I will ever get over that. I can tell you that since she left i became sober, and I have gained some of the most wonderful relationships anyone could have ever imagined. I have learned to love and appreciate all of the wonderful things that I was unable to see through inebriated eyes. And as much as I want her to come back, I know that if she had not left, I would still be the same miserable drunk I was. And all the wonderful relationships that I have now would not exist. You can do this. no matter how much you want her to come back and no matter how much you think you may need her, you don't. In fact, she may be doing the best thing for you. I will pray for you.

