I have been lurking since 8/11/08. Been drinking since I was 14 (37 now), at my worst worst recent past 4 years or so (bottle wine or 2+ per night). Hubby is an alcoholic (41 years old - his poison is Scotch and wine - no not mixed together in one glass

I have been worried about my drinking for sometime - mainly for health and being an example to my child. Did free talk therapy with a local university fall 2004-spring 2005 - focus on tracking triggers and number of drinks....lowered drink count over 12 weeks, but shot right back up again.
Beginning of August, saw my Dr. I told him I was worried about drinking, he suggested I see their substance abuse therapist. I got 1/2 hour with her on 8/11, and she said, "All you need is AA, report back in a week and tell me the name of your sponsor." And, "Oh, that other therapy was a waste of time - counting triggers and drinks." Didn't feel like "help" to me, and I didn't want AA. (I mean, she looked younger than the number of years I have been drinking!)
I found this site that day. Ordered this book and Andrew Carr's book and some extra supplements (I had Kudzu on hand from another Detox Diet). While waiting, tried just counting how many drinks and trying to slow down for 3 days (using the old workbook I had from last therapy - since I was MAD she called 12 weeks a waste of time!). Started Kudzu 8/14, helped a little.
I want to thank a post that said "Try L-Glutamine" (sp?) for cravings - when I started that, it helped cravings, and I was able to slow to a drink per hour (or slower), rather then 2+ drinks per hour. Did this until 8/24 (stayed up watching Olympics pretty much each night).
I took B-50 Vitamins and Magnesium the morning of Monday 8/25 with Kudzu and L-Glutamine. Took Kudzu and L-Glut again late afternoon on that day.....and had the first AF day in well over a year!!!!! (I know the book says B vitamins would hep, but WOW.) (OK - I don't think the Carr book would have helped on its own, but when Hubby poured a drink for dinner, and I didn't have a craving, I thought, "I really don't need it - it would just be drinking poison without craving it, or just having a drink b/c he is.")
Repeated Kudzu, L-Glut, B-50 and Magnesium as mentioned above all week, and was AF again Tues, Wed, Th. Scared for tonight (Fri), but hopeful and not craving yet.
I have much more baggage than this, but wanted to start with a THANK YOU for letting me "lurk", and THANK YOU for letting me learn some tips (maybe it was in the Homeopathic section I learned some good tips?).:thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks:
Would love to make the through the weekend - and then try to be brave enough to commit to 30 days.
(I am not doing Topamax or other stuff - the supplements happened to help me. I hope I can keep it up.)
Whew, sorry so wordy, but thanks for what you have given me so far.
PS - My first AF night, Hubby drank 1/2 bottle of Scotch and 2+ bottle of wine and was so hungover, he worked from home the next day. Supportive? I don't think so, But seeing me make 4 nights made him say, "maybe I'll try next week, too." I can only hope.
- LoveBug