But here we sit - with cash on hand and more due to come in ? no real direction, just some sort of idea ? one alcoholic and one nicotine addict. My partner left home at 2pm yesterday to have a couple at the pub. When I opened the door to him at midnight he had blood streaming from his elbow, a gash on his knee, a take-away in one hand and his car keys in the other. He could barely walk. He?s a big man ? 6ft2, strong and muscular ? it?s difficult trying to assist him to bed let alone get him to the loo and clean up the cuts and bruises. These binges have only occurred in the last several months because I don?t accompany him to the pub as much. He goes off to the pub partly to escape me as I?m not the nicest person in the world at the moment and am getting frustrated and angry with him because I cannot enjoy his drunkardness in the way I could when I was drinking myself. He is also becoming a less lovable drunk ? somewhere in the haze he senses that I am angry with him and retaliates. I understand this and am trying to find help for myself in coping with his binges - but my central need is to help him. He is too terrified to take the step of joining AA and I know he does not want to stop drinking ? he?s been a heavy drinker all his adult life. We live in a smallish town and his proud and sober mind cringes at the idea that he was falling down drunk in public but the cringes only occur at the onset of the hangover ? a problem I?m sure we all understand so well. He drinks daily - at home and/or at the pub ? ranging between ? and a full bottle a day (think yesterday was 2 bottles), with the occasional day (possibly two) off. 95% of the time he handles the alcohol well and shows few outward signs. The other 5% he can be quite out of it after ? bottle. Is there any hope of a 57 year old lifelong heavy drinker becoming a moderate drinker? In the almost four years I have known him he has ranged from between two bottles to seven bottles a week. The seven bottle weeks were few and far between but are moving closer and closer together now. As the alcohol increases so does is his desperation. I love this man dearly and want him back in my life - not on the sidelines waiting for the next binge. He is a very religious man (but not church going) and prays daily for God to help him to stop drinking. Unfortunately he does not trust mankind as much and (mainly because his pride is terrified a councillor may know him through business or social dealings) stubbornly refuses to discuss his problem with anyone other than me.
Any advice?
PS : he says he?ll stop drinking if I stop smoking ? and I?ve retaliated with I?ll stop smoking if he stops drinking :yeahright: