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My Real story

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    My Real story

    I've been lurking here a few months and posted a story about my current drinking behaviour but never reflected on the past and what may have contributed to it.

    I was a fab kid until 12. Had great potential, was pretty plain but very intelligent. Loved my own company. My parents took in foreign students for the summer to help with bills etc. It was my Mum's way to make an income as a housewife really. We had a girl a few years older than me stay and it was natural we'd share a room, twin beds. Well, she sexually assaulted me. It's a very tough case to consider etc. A very unusual case. I said nothing at home. Perhaps had it been a guy did it, would have been easier come forward. All I know is I was terrified and very confused.
    My teens were a nightmare. Threats of suicide, total verbal hatred for my parents. I hate me now looking back and I would have wanted to kick my own ass. At 14 I came home from school, raided their drink cabinet and got very ill on a cocktail of sherry, whiskey, brandy etc.. all the hard stuff I never touch now. I was so ill. They were clueless and thought I'd been eating junk after school. This continued to drinking as a student etc. I always had to take it that bit further. But can remember being happy in college and just going out getting merry ( a nice memory)

    My love life has been dreadful. I was engaged in my early to mid 20's but called the wedding off for good reason. It wouldn't have been a happy marriage. I then moved to a new city with a guy I thought I loved who lied to me about everything, his job etc. He was a total Walter Mitty and turned out to be a drug addict. Funny enough, my drinking wasn't so bad during any of that. I then picked up with a guy from my home town who worked abroad. We had a LDR. Funny enough, I don't think I ever felt very secure. That's when the drinking really started bad. Prior to that, I might chance a bottle of wine on a Thursday night knowing work would be slow on a Friday. But now it began more frequent. Chancing one on a Wednesday, why not a Tuesday too. That relationship broke up bad, he cheated and had been for quite a while. I took it bad and drank to reflect that.
    Was just picking myself up when I met the last ex. He was from UK but working temporarily in Ireland. We hooked up. Unfortunately he loved to drink too and we became drinking buddies. When he moved back there I continued with the bottles of wine. Then after 2 years he asked me to move there. I did. I thought it was going to be happy ever after. I gave it everything. I gave it ?15k of my savings.. practically all my savings. I saw massive holes. I was paying for everything. ?2k for a holiday to Italy. Never got a penny back. I furnished his house, paid rent, paid for the groceries every week. He told me he was in major debt. Then he arrived back from a meeting in London one night stinking of Vanilla scent. Majorly stinking.
    I questioned and got little by little. I'm an intelligent woman, I insisted on getting to the bottom and eventually it unfolded. He'd spent ?2,000 in a strip club in London that day. And had gotten a strippers phone number and texted her asking to meet again. 5 months into me having moved over there.

    I packed my car with what I could. I got the Ferry home a few days later. I got a new job and a small flat. Unfortunately, there were redundancies in the new job and last in first out. I couldn't afford to keep the flat so moved into shared accomodation. I'm out of work now 3 months. Before I left for UK I had a very good job, very good pay.
    This is why I'm drinking. I find all the above too much to get my head around to feel anyway normal.

    My Real story

    thank you for sharing really does sound like you need a positive change in your life .. and so glad you found this site and making the step to help yourself good luck and stay strong and think positive
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      My Real story

      Hi again Juley
      Yes thanks for sharing. Sounds like you have been taken advantage of more than your fair share. I hope you will find this program as good as I have. It really does work and if you get a chance you should start with the book and get your hands on as many of the supplements as you can. It all helps. And also posting. There are a few paddies (and some other random celts!) on the AF army thread who you might like to connect with.


        My Real story

        Thanks guys, I'm not looking for sympathy or anything with my post. I just intend sticking around and think it would help if people REALLY know me. I've been on and off here so much the past week I know it has to be a good sign. Today was one of the best days I had although I only slept 1 hour last night (is that normal). I didn't have a hangover at all and it was great. I'd love everyday to be like that but not looking likely. Although the fact I'm here tonight I think I will have a lot of water before going to bed and paracetamol and wake up in the morning a bit better than normal.


          My Real story


          Just wanted to say hello and welcome you. I am sorry for what has happened in your past. You deserve better and the future is full of better things for you.

          Wishing you peace and success with the program-



            My Real story

            Hi Juley. I"m glad you shared your story. Sometimes, for many of us here, that's the biggest step in our healing -- to find a place where we can share all our secrets with others who relate yet still remain anonymous. Being able to tell our stories - past and present, and dreams of the future - can enable us to hear our own voices, to take an objective look at our own lives, and see some guidance in our own hearts to move forward. And best of all, we don't have to feel alone when we're here.

            I suggest you continue to share yourself - here in various threads, and maybe in a journal. Get to know who you are and how you came to the place you now find yourself. It's not one bit of easy, but when you clearly and objectively see the path of the past that brought you to today, and the present you wish to not be in, you can begin to unravel it all, sprawling it out on the floor, weeping and laughing. Then, seeing all of you as you really are, in your beauty and tragedy, perfection and chaos, clarity and confusion, you can pull all the pieces together so they move toward the self you intend to be.

            I'm learning that lamenting the past is useless unless we use it to look very clearly and honestly at where all our insides were bruised and battered, and enhanced and strengthened. Use your pain to build up the momentuum of a storm that blows away all that is not you.

            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


              My Real story

              Hi Juley, it is good to see you here. You have been through so much and it seems like you are ready for a change. When I wrote my story I found it very cathartic. Again, I wasnt looking for sympathy it was just that I trust these people here and wanted to share some of me with them. The results of doing that lifted a very heavy weight from my shoulders. I hope that it has had a similar effect for you. Keep close to the boards, that will help you. I feel more normal now than I have for years and years. My best wishes to you.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                My Real story

                Hi Julie
                MyOwnWoman and StartingOver said exactly what I wanted to say to you. I?m pretty new to forums like this, but have found the experience of typing it all out clears the mind and makes room for thinking about a more positive future.
                It makes opening up and sharing that much easier AND has the added bonus that those responding must really empathise with your situation ? there is nothing stopping them from reading and moving on to the next ? so they really do care about you.:l
                AND another bonus ? they understand. :l:l
                Just keep doing what you are doing and take good care


                  My Real story

                  Juley , you will pick yourself up again and be back on top , just dont drink! I know its easier said than done , have you tried aa? Try bleedin anything till you find something that works and here is a great start. Log on every day , try the af army thread , there are a few of us Irish on every day and we will work together.


                    My Real story

                    hi juley,hopefully my composure is better today couldnt rt for shit yestrday and it was nt cause i was loaded hahha,very compelling story,my daughter is kinda going thro the same,but not an assault,just a lot of misunderstandings ,your story made me really review what she also has gone thro,its a small world even as a parent we dont understand what can happen in our lives never mind our childrens,my chidren seem to share alll with us including there spouses ,i dontno if your parents no you didnt relate that imfo but if they did it probably would break there hearts i do hope things work out for and keep being strong youll do all rt gyco


                      My Real story

                      Juley and welcome. Thank you for sharing your story. I know that was the most difficult part for me because I felt like I was the only one going through what I was and I was the worst person in the world. Then I realized I was far from alone. It was amazing to me to have the support of the people here.
                      Isn't it wonderful waking up in the morning, feeling great and remembering the whole evening before. Now that is happiness. Stay strong and keep posting.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        My Real story

                        Hi Juley
                        Welcome .You will find the most caring and helpful people in the world here. Get all the education you can about our problem and know that their are people here you can count on to help you battle this addiction
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        AF 5-16-08

