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the rest of my story

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    the rest of my story

    hank you for your posts! I didn't realize the post was sent because I didn't hit the submit button.

    I had a hard time during both of my pregnancies. I drank one glass of wine with my first and 3 with my second. Both of my kids are in the gifted program at school but my second child is classified gifted with specific learning disabilities (dyslexia). I feel sooooo guilty. I know it must have been the poison I put into his bloodstream. He also suffers from allergies and asthma.
    My husband travels pretty much during the week and I have to raise the kids by self. For some reason, the mundane chores of everyday life are alleviated with wine! I find I get my second wind after working all day at a stressful job. I am able to do laundry, homework with the kids, cook dinner, clean the kitchen, etc. a lot easier with a little buzz. I am tired of feeling guilty over the amount I drink. Last night I drank a bottle and a half of wine and went to bed at 10:30...was at work at 7:00 a.m. and was totally paranoid that someone would smell the wine working its way out of my system. I have read so many self help books and have even tried the dreaded AA. I tried a two week intensive rehab that helped me stay sober for 10 months. I spend an embarrassing amount of money on wine per month. I have developed a knack for the "good" stuff...well...better stuff. I spend about $15-20 per bottle and I drink 2 bottles per night. I splurge once per week on my favorite Sauvignon Blanc which runs $46 per bottle! How can anyone in their right mind blow through this kind of money for nothing? How can I consider myself an intelligent woman and know what I am doing is damaging my body and my children's well being?
    I got my topa today and I am scared shitless..pardon my French. I want and don't want to take it. I have cut down in the last two weeks to one bottle (sometimes 1.5) per evening using the l-glute and Kudzu. I just can't imagine my life without "the buzz" and the sleep it allows me. I am a type A personality and my mind constantly races 24/7 without a "forced passout" from drinking.
    Thank you for listening. The non-judgmental environment on this site is no doubt instrumental to the success of countless people struggling with this awful condition.

    The other day I read a post that said "we know you without knowing you because we have all been there". I was so touched by that and it brought me great comfort because I can't talk to anyone else about this. That person gave me the OK to be easy on myself and not so judgmental of my shortcomings. I do keep trying.

    Today was supposed to be my day....maybe tomorrow will now that the Topa is here.

    the rest of my story

    We can do this!!!

    Hi Yogagirl
    I am brand new to this forum, although I have been reading for weeks now this is actually my first post. Your story caught my eye because it is so much like mine in many ways. I too have children that are very bright and I drank through all of my pregnancies. In fact my oldest child just tested this week for the gifted program at school. Mind you I did not drink as excessively as I normally do (1.5-2 bottles of wine a night) when I was pregnant but I definitely had more than I feel comfortable acknowledging. As far as the dyslexia is concerned, I would not blame yourself as I do not think there is any link between alcohol and it. In fact many gifted children have this challenge and many overcome it and learn to adapt their learning styles to their advantage, just be sure to keep the school and teachers involved.
    When you talk about homework, dinner, housework, and the mundane daily chores of life that for some reason are made so much more tolerable with wine...I completely second that. However, I am trying to look at it all in a different way now. Let's say we try to add excitement to the house by getting the kids involved in meal preparation, having a globe at the dinner table where each night we talk about a different country and find facts on the internet. I sounds corny but if our kids are as bright as they are I bet they would love it and it might distract us from our old habits. I recently found these things called family conversation cards which bring up interesting topics to help begin discussions amongst all family members and I am going to try them.
    I have recently started on the supplements and Topamax (I will be increasing to 75 mg) this week and I am still having cravings for my wine. In fact I have still been drinking 4-5 nights a week hoping that the next day will be the one that I don't want it anymore. Although I am beginning to get discouraged because I thought this was going to be the big fix, I am hopeful that eventually something will just click. Anyway, just think of all the money we could save for college tuition especially if we're not spending $$ on wine as much anymore (and at $46 a kind of girl) Let's keep in touch as it's always nice to have someone to share stories with. Take Care.


      the rest of my story

      Finding Healthy Habits

      Thank you for making me feel a little better about my son. You are right about finding new, healthy habits to replace the old ones. All of the ideas you suggested sound very fun and we will give them a go! We already cook together quite a bit...albeit I always had my glass of vino very close at hand.
      The amount of money I spend monthly on wine makes me feel just as guilty! I don't know what it is about Cake Bread Chard or Sauvs that make me weak....

      Today was my my second day on Topa and I think this is my big fix...I don't want to jinx myself but I was able to walk away both last night and this evening; something I could never, ever have done before. For the last year I always had to have two bottles of wine in the house each evening. I made it a habit to cook a great dinner with fresh vegetables for the kids but not eat with them. Instead I drank. The last two nights I found myself wanting to eat with my family and not drink. I still poured drinks, just didn't want to finish every drop. This evening I went out to dinner and it was two for one and I didn't even finish the first one. You're doing the l-glute and Kudzu right? I also do DPLA, 5htp, melatonin, b-complex, all-one powder
      Don't get discouraged....maybe 75 will do the trick! PM me any time. Im here for you!


        the rest of my story

        Wow, can i relate to your story! I am new here too. I am also an expensive wine drinker; if theres a really nice bottle of chard in the house, well, one glass leads to 2, 3, and almost kill off the whole bottle. I always leave a tiny bit on the bottom so i wont feel horrible ( about myself) when i look at it the next day. Crazy! I also have spent an insane amount of money on wine, god i feel terrible about that too! I'm waiting for the topa to arrive, really nervous and excited because i'm flying solo, no doctor. I'm taking the kudzu and some of the supps, am gathering the rest. I dont know if its real, but it has been MUCH easier cutting back since i started the kudzu. Last night i had two small glasses of a decent chard. Poured a tiny 3rd glass, then dumped it down the sink. I was proud.
        Baby steps. Lets keep talking, ok???


          the rest of my story

          Calinurse and Yoga girl
          So much in common. I hope we stay in touch.


            the rest of my story

            hi yoga one,im off today and hopefully no one will hate me tomorrow,guilt is one of the firnes foundations we have,man or women have so much guilt,and guilt ends to anxiety,tht leads to numbing ones self,trust me,o so precious words,if i or others like i only new,my dear we did not, we could go, our fathers and mothers b4 us did,as a debt,we deal with it,over time,dont punish yourself,it aint your fault gyco


              the rest of my story

              Hi there
              Just wondered if you started the topa, and how its all going in general.
              toni ( another wine lover cutting back)


                the rest of my story

                Wow, I can really relate to your story. I'm going to post my story soon, but I just wanted to thank you now for sharing yours.:new:


                  the rest of my story

                  I just read this thread, and like you have been waiting weeks for the topa. It finally arrived a couple days ago and I was petrified to try it. I didn't know how it would make me feel; I'm a dancer and have performances this weekend and was petrified to risk feeling sick onstage. So yesterday was an "off" day, and I started on 25 mg. I felt like I was coming down with something. I had one glass of wine with dinner, maybe 3 ounces. My husband poured himself a big glass ( which I love because that means I'll drink less) and this morning I am amazed to see this bottle this is still more than half full!! So, that was instant "success" with the topa, but do i want to feel like crap every day? Yikes! I have a show tonight and tomorrow night and I can't risk it, so i will wait until Monday to start again. Am thinking of breaking it in half, and see how I do. Lets stay in touch.

