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Been here awhile, never talk much about myself.
Been here awhile, never talk much about myself.
All, It's taken me awhile to speak about myself. Maybe you all have noticed that I don't join in on AF or Mod count downs. It's because I was once AF for 5 years. AA all my chits, a cake at all my AF Anniversaries. ( I say to myself....been their done that. ) I really think that milestones are important ! For me.....I just want this insanity to end ! I don't want milestones, chits or cakes just sobriety ! I have a few months under my belt. I hold on to them like a life saver......I pray that I can make it another day AF. You all have made my days a lot easier, for that I thank you ! I joke around a lot.....that's just me. If I did'nt do that I'ld really be screwed. I said enough, Thanks everyone. IAD.:thanks:?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. SeussTags: None
Been here awhile, never talk much about myself.
Thanks for sharing that IAD! Hope you're able to smile as much as you help others to!:h_______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
Been here awhile, never talk much about myself.
Ian... Thanks for sharing this with us. You are one fine character. well done on all those Af days and keep up the good work...i always look forward to your post, always puts aon my face . If you didn't joke around i would be very worry that there is something was wrong.
Looking forward to your next post. HA HA..
Take Care
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
Been here awhile, never talk much about myself.
for what it is worth.. you have helped me. the pest, who does not drink and is waiting for her husband to stop... and sometimes feels like her problems are so small compared to everyone else. But, you have saved me tears countless times in only a short period of time that I have been around. The funny thing is my husband mentioned this site to me as a helpful tool for him, turns out you all have been a helpful tool to me.
so stick around and share your experience(s).. thank you.
Been here awhile, never talk much about myself.
IAD, below is a something I posted after achieving > than 30 days AF and then drinking. I agree with you that milestones are important but also like you I just want the insanity to be over.
"I have realized for me counting days AF doesn't work. Counting down days to me is like counting down the days until Christmas or your birthday or vacation. You achieve a goal and then it's over. I don't want my AF days to be a goal but a way of life."
As for you joking around, I can't tell you the numerous times you have made me laugh out loud. You are always one to bring a smile to my face even when I have been close to tears. It is much appreciated, IAD.
Been here awhile, never talk much about myself.
I did the same thing. Quit for 7 years and started up again. What led you back to drinking? Perhaps sharing that story could help others.
I actually like the rewards one earns along the way. I think I need incentives to keep going the way I want to go. The drinktracker is keeping me in line now.
I'm modding now and it's working for me although it's only been a month of sincere modding. Coming here keeps me on track. Why I went back to drinking was I quit going to A.A. 7 years and I thought I didn't need the support anymore. Boy was I wrong. How about you?
Eve11"Control your destiny or somebody else will"
~Jack Welsh~:h
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs: