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i couldnt find it in my threads so i tht id share,but then im odd so i could of missed it hahah,life is much better since ive been here,i did come herein june and left,for a while,being told by a source it is not good for me,well i did my journey again and found out again it was not for me,the book tells you it is not for all,i am not talkink of the book from here,but i am thinking of purchasing it,when i was a young lad,drinking was on weekends in my parents home,money was scarce and my father worked hard,my mother worke hard bringing up the kids,3 of us,but she had 6 miscarriges b4 us,my sister was born crippled,one leg shorter then the other,so surgeries had to be done and beleive it or not she was an xperiment,doctors only assumed what they did was ok,at tht time in canada hospital care i dont think was paid,it was in the 50 s ,just recently after the war,struggles,for most low incom families,there was no medium class in those days,then there was my bro,he was what they called the rum baby,more money a chance to indulge,not realising the harm you can do,not only tht my my mother was alovely women,but she was a chronic smoker from 14,they both came out quite normal,well then there was me,HAHAHHA there was me,sick as a dog,born with jauntice,badly,didnt think id live,in those times the doc told my parents to leave him he will surely die,well fortunately they took me home fed me goats milk and a month latr took me back the doc did not beleive it was me,this story will cont,over time,but i think,all can relate,in the earlier years, we did not have the tecnology we have today,and even tho we do,it is a way of life,maybe the story doesnt have to cont,to much of anything is not good,smoking,drinking, and now drugs and also over the counter ones,we battle disorders with somthing tht could hurt us in another way in the end,in society its called hit and miss,i lerned this year i had no choice in what happen to me,but i did have the choice to drink,i no doctors and specialists all over the world have come to a conclusion,wheter a drug addict,alchoholic,drunk,its called C.A.S. CHRONIC AL SYNDROME in my case,does not make me alchoholic,just makes me more aware where it can take me,WE NO have a great day gycoTags: None
Hi there Gyco!
Thanks :thanks: 4 sharing your story. I find it so inspiring - especially the goats milk part!
It amazes me with what some people have lived through, that they still find the courage to work at making their lives better. The human spirit will not back down quietly! And our bodies & minds want to heal, want to be well. I think you're right, the choices we make now are what will shape our futures
So glad you came back here, your posts usually make me smile
Keep safe & keep in touch!