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My Story
My Story
I supppose I should have told my story first before I started posting. I must admit it is very SCARRYto finaly get to tel my side. I suppose it started when I realized that my marriage was going to end......... I really do not do FAILURE very well! I kept my dignity by not begging and just told myself that 'you are o.k'. Not the best idea as I really did not deal with the stuff I needed to. Now nearly 4 years later and another failed relationship I finally come to realize if I do not deal with this now I'll be a failure to myself. I suppose looking for things in other people if I can not find it within myself is a recipe for disaster. This is my journey, a new one and I believe it will be exciting and full of life lessons.:h PUGGLES!!!!!!
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My Story
Great, Puggles! There's no 'correct' time to tell about yourself. I just told my in-depth story recently. One2Many shared a big part of her story just yesterday! In time, you may want to share again! Glad to see you getting so involved! Weekends are kind of slow here, but keep hanging around. I check in every now and then, as do others! Good Job!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
My Story
Puggles, thank you for posting your story. Often times simply being honest with ourselves is the hardest thing that we have to do. No one likes to face the fact that that everyone plays a part in a failed marriage (especially me).
Opening up about it to yourself and others opens that door to the healing process and starts you down the path to recover. Lots of good info on these boards, and feel free to ask questions and submit advice as well, and best of luck on your journey.Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
My Story
Hey there pugs
Great to meet you in chat!
I think this is a journey of discovery for all of us. With the people on this site I'm learning to do things differently. Learning to judge myself a lot less by trusting myself to share with people here & finding I'm not judged. I've struggled with relationships & in believing I'm capable of a healthy one. I sure as hell have no chance as a drunk! So that has to come first & hopefully the rest will follow!
Being honest about where I'm at & realising specifically what I can do to move on is hugely liberating & fills me with hope. Comparing stories & sharing experiences & learning - that's working for me. Hope it works for you too.
Stay close & keep safe
My Story
:new:I'm new here. I just joined today. I really want to quit drinking. I realized after reading so many posts that I am an alchoholic. It has been consuming my life. I don't sleep well, and when I awake at 2:30 in the morning (every morning) the first think that I think about is having a drink so I can go back to sleep. How do I get out of this downhill slope? I used to bodybuild - that was my addiction. Then, I had another child and along with that, came a cheating husband. Everything left me from there. Five years ago, my grandmother died, and this past June, my grandfather died. When does it stop? How do I find the strength to get out of this hole. It's been six years since I went one night without a glass of wine. Now, it's a bottle and then some. I'm even thinking about a drink for breakfast! I know that's ridiculous! What do I do? How do I find myself again? Anyone, please help. I don't even know if I can do this without constant supervision. I feel like I am dead. What do I do?:upset:
My Story
Good for coming here. Are you going to try some supplements? I used Campral successfully and there are other things. You say you used to body build. That might be a great way to fill the time you used to spend drinking. I'm on Day 1 myself, and am hoping my hubby stays AF too. :welcome:
My Story
I know that I've replied on Puggles chat, I'm sorry for that. I couldn't figure out how to create my own message, and when I read Puggles', I got carried away and began talking about my situation. I'm sorry once again, and I hope you don't mind if I join this conversation. Thanks again!:new:
My Story
Yay! Thank you for submitting a reply! I need all the help that I can get. I am interested in trying some supplements. Although, I already take a lot of them. I still try to keep myself healthy even if its a hit-and-miss kind of thing. I'm trying to find my way to the gym or just walking along the beach, but it's been very difficult. I don't know how to get passed this problem.
My Story
Hi Puggles :welcome:
Hey its so nice to see another Jo"burger has joined. As we both know, SA is known for its drinking, sunny days and braais!!!
This IS scary shit, but one day at a time, I have been AF for 163 days, I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know, that for today, I will enjoy sobriety.
To fail is a learning curve, we are tested all the time, we have no control over AL, it controls us, we have to learn to beat it, no easy feat as its cunning, powerful and baffling!!!
Maybe yr not ready for it, I live in Edenvale, and we have a great AA group, there are groups all over Jo'burg, the love and support is awesome. The hardest thing I have ever done, was to walk into their rooms, a total blessing, I have a wonderful support structure, who are a phone call away, to phone at any time.
My husband has left me twice this yr, and is now dating me as I truly am a changed person, not this horrible, nasty drunk but a confident, happy individual...
Its a long road, but well worth the walk!!!
LOL, Fiona
AF since 27th May 2008Fiona:angelgirl:
Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008
Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!