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My Story

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    My Story

    I?m writing this to help you all get to know me a bit better.

    I?ll start from when a was a child. My father was a very violent man but only towards my Mum never hurt me or my sister. He used to drink heavily every night and get short tempered. The littlest thing used to annoy him, such as us coughing while he was watching the TV. As I said he was a violent man and my Mum had 13 years of beatings and mental torture. Me and my sister used to sleep in our clothes and shoes so that when the arguments got to much we could leave with Mum and go to our Nans. Mum then finally had enough and asked for a divorce. Dad moved out but couldn?t leave us alone. We would come home from school and he would have broken into the house and taken our things to sell or cut Mums clothes up. He even picked me up from school the one day and refused to let me go home to my Mum. He was out of control. Mum used to barricade the door at night so that he couldn?t get into the house. Dad then moved to Scotland or so we thought but he came back after two weeks and things took a devastating turn for the worse. He tried taking his own life twice but failed. He just wanted to be back in the family home but he had done to much to hurt us. Then in May 1997 he came to the house, he was very calm and talked with Mum upstairs for hours. He gave me and my sister the biggest cuddle ever and told us he was going away and we wouldn?t see him for a while but that he loved us very much. He was crying which he never did. My sister said as he drove away that we would never see him again. I told her not to be so silly of course we would see him again, he was our dad he wouldn?t leave us for good. That night mum woke us up early hours of the morning and took us to our aunties. Everyone was crying, even my uncle who never cries. Mum said dad was playing up and that he had been drinking and she had to go and see him. The next morning is when mum told us that dad had died. She told us he had been involved in a car accident to protect us. It was only a few weeks later that I found out he had taken his own life. He had filled the foot wells of his car with petrol and set it alight whilst driving down the motorway. It?s been 11 years this year and as they say time is a good healer. I think about him all the time but only with good memories.

    This next part is still difficult for me to talk about. Mum met a guy a few months after dad died. He got on with the family well eventually, me and my sister gave him a hard time but we missed our dad. After a while we excepted him. He then went on to sexually abuse me and my sister. Mum left him and the police got involved. I gave a statement but my sister could face bringing it all back up. It never went to court as they didn?t have enough evidence. Anyway enough talking about that as it still upsets me and was a very traumatic time in my life.

    I then went through my partying and drinking phase. I started drinking at the age of 15 and used to go out after school and hang around with my friends drinking cheap wine and cider. Then I started going out to nightclubs and that?s when it got out of control and from the age of 18 I was going out pretty much every night and drinking until I couldn?t drink anymore then I would leave the club not telling anyone and go home. This carried on for about 2 years. I was still managing to hold down a full time job as a travel agent which didn?t last long as I would go into work stinking of drink from the night before and sometime still feel drunk. Needless to say I lost that job but that didn?t make me stop. Its only when mum told me I had a problem and got me the information for the AA that I realised had to stop. From then on I still drank but stopped with the partying and concentrated on getting a job and passing my driving test. I would only drink at weekends. I found that I drank to forget things but it only ever made me feel worse. I still drink now but not half as much as before. In fact I haven?t had a drink for about 3 months I think, because I?m helping to support Cy and drinking around him wouldn?t help.

    I am now 24 and happy with Cy. We?ve had our ups and downs but then doesn?t every relationship? We love each other and that?s all that matters.

    Wow, I cant believe I have just put my life into writing. There is a lot more I could write but I would be here all day.

    I hope that this helps everyone get to know me a bit better. This has been such a difficult thing to do for me and has brought back some bad memories but in a strange way I?m glad I?ve done it.

    Wish x

    My Story

    Wish, you have had a life that no one deserves or should live. But, you are remarkable to have been able to pull through. Now you are in a good place and found love and support. Bad memories never really leave us, but we can store them in a special place away from our new good memories.
    You are only 24 years old, an entire life is ahead of you. Good luck to you and Cy.


      My Story

      Im glad youve joined us here Wish , you will make great friends here and im looking foreword to meeting you in dublin when you come!Thanks for sharing your story.


        My Story

        Thanks for sharing, I know it can't be easy. I think it is pretty cool how you have come into this site. You shared your concerns about CY and could have turned and ran the other way, but instead you've stuck around and joined us. Good for you!! :welcome:
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          My Story

          Thank you for sharing your story - it is terrible the things that have happened to you but you also have so much ahead of you too and you are still so young at 24, I'm 38 and have been going around on the merry go round for a bit too long now!. Best wishes to you and Cy, you sound like a great couple. So are you coming to Dublin then??
          There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


            My Story

            Yes i'll be coming to Dublin and running/walking/sweating my little arse off!! Very excited about it


              My Story

              Thanks for being here with us... You have so much strength and determination to get through and past the terrible things you have experienced. We can all gain from the way you approach your problems, and I expect you might find some good help and support here, as well.

              And we will run... walk... stroll... through Dublin, together, OK?



                My Story

                Hi Star - i am really so glad you are here. i have for sure read more on this site than written and going to try hard to get 'typing' because its just a great place. i have yet to tell a story, make a plan or become AF. i am gathering knowledge and just being on this site am gathering strength.
                your story is a hard one and you have been through a lot in your life but you have come through with a sense of humour and maturity.
                i love your pic and the words "colour the world with love - time for a journey"
                life is a journey and we really should enjoy every step
                love to you
                I found myself on the roof of the world just waiting for to get my wings - The Waterboys


                  My Story

                  thnx wish upon a star,you ve made your story better known,cy,has a problem,it wasnt his fault,ive lerned tht this year,my dear you are a special person,and so is he, gyco


                    My Story

                    Wish, I read your story and felt so saddened to see you had been through so much. But what a fighter you are! I know you are young but you have a very mature head on your shoulders. I am full of admiration for you.
                    Writing your story cant have been easy, but I hope that you found it cathartic in some way? I know I did when I wrote mine. It helped me lay some demons to rest.
                    You have been through the drinking and partying and have come out the other side. I applaud you for that and the fact you are now helping KP to deal with his problems.
                    I am glad you are here and KP is a very lucky man to have you by his side. But I am sure you tell him that all the time :-)
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      My Story

                      hi Wish
                      Thank you for sharing your story, and I am sorry you have had to go thru all of that. How is your mom now, if I may ask? And all of you. To me it is inspirational that you can go on and have a good relationship. I hope you visit this forum lots!


                        My Story


                        I have many similar items in my past. It was my father w/the temper, my mother with the drinking and molestation from an uncle.

                        I am twice your age. I am still struggling w/issues and I know part of it is due to not being in counseling. Are you in counseling?

                        Whatever happens I believe in you and your ability to get thru this and have a good life. :welcome::l


                          My Story

                          Thank you all for your kind messages.

                          Lila ... my mum is doing great now. She has met her soulmate and has been happy for the past 5 years. It was very difficult for her but she stayed strong for me and my sister. I look up to my mum, she is a wonderful person.

                          Hart ... Back in 2006 i had counceling for 6 months. It was great talking to someone who didn't judge me. I could open up and let it all out. I found it helped alot. My doctor has recently suggested that i start my councelling up again as i have been feeling quite low recently so i might just do that.


                            My Story


                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10


                              My Story

                              for wish! She did ask for it before u question me!
                              [ame=]YouTube - Reebok Ad - Bellys Gonna Get Ya[/ame]
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

