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    What a wonderful site ...


    It's hard to know where to start as I've really only just acknowledged to myself that I have a drinking problem, let alone open up to the world about it. But here I am and ... I feel safe. I have read so many stories by people who sound just like me. I realised on Saturday morning (after a night of binge drinking on my own) that as a woman in my 40's who 'supposidly' has her life on track, that something was not right! Something has to change and I have to make it change.

    So I logged on to the internet typing in 'alcohol dependency' and found MWO. This is my first post :blush: and my 3rd day AL and CIG free. Like so many others have mentioned, AL and CIG like to hang out together. I don't smoke unless I drink and I binge drink (then smoke) about 5 out of 7 nights a week! I'm not happy with this (and I'm certainly not proud of it) and have made the decision to STOP .. NOW! I have been walking every day and eating as healthy as I can ... I am scared though - those cravings come around almost every day and then the mouth starts watering and the headache kicks in, and I just hope I can beat them. I am however determined and have started to look at meds for anti-craving. I'd love to hear from anyone who gets those afternoon cravings and how you dealt with them.

    I'm remaining very positive about how I'm going to say goodbye to AL and CIG, and I think that having the support of others who know how I feel is going to really help a lot. Thanks for being their MWO ...

    What a wonderful site ...

    Hi Oranges and :welcome:

    I'm one of those that had an alcohol AND ciggies addiction. When I started this process, I really wanted to kick the smokes. I read Allen Carr's book, and bought a couple of hypno and positive affirmation cd's which I loved. Then I had to get honest and realized that I was never going to be able to quit smoking unless I quit least for awhile.
    I would recommend reading My Way Out and The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. The hypno cd's here and the supplements really help too, I think. What I like most about it is learning a new way to live, a happy, not deprived lifestyle. Exercise and eating right is great too! You're on the right track! When I first started, and the cravings were strong, i would log on here with a can of soda (I was a beer drinker) or a glass of tomato juice. I also found that if I had a "craving" I was usually just hungry or thirsty. Changing up your routine really helps. Keep coming here and get the book!!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      What a wonderful site ...

      Good for you, Oranges, and welcome! Stick around here, read a lot of posts, ask questions, and tell us how you are doing, OK? This requires a solid plan, and determination; if and when your determination feels less than strong, come here and ask for help!



        What a wonderful site ...


        I am new here too. I hear what your saying about the CIGS I will not smoke all week but as soon as I start drinking I will smoke like a chimney...

        I do get afternoon cravings, well late afternoon I guess as soon as I come home from work and I've picked up the kids. All I want to do is open an ice cold coors lite, and down it before I start with diapers homework and dinner. I crave the taste and the quick buz.

        I just turned 39 and I have to make a change as well. Good luck to you! I hope to hear from you often.

        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


          What a wonderful site ...

          I agree wonderful site

          Hi...I'm like you, a woman in her 40's who has also supposedly got her life together...good job, nice house and family etc...I feel ashamed that I can't do anything so supposedly simple as not open that bottle of wine. I tell myself:goodjob: I'll have just one glass but of course drink the bottle and then usually open another. I think you're really brave to try to kick it in the moment I'm trying to cut down but I think you have the right idea and I'm in denial ! Good luck.


            What a wonderful site ...

            Welcome Oranges and Catwoman.

            Fist off the hardest part is admitting to ourselves that we have a problem in the first place. I think a lot of us WHERE in denial of that fact. We carried on our normal daily routines with alcohol being a big part of that whilst we hid from ourselves and the scrutiny of family and friends. I, like both of you was a big binge drinker. I never did any think by halves!! Always the hedonistic bugger who had to go one better than the rest and get more screwed up than them! It was almost like a game; who could get the worst screwed up and handle it!! WOW I wore that badge many a time!!.

            Cat, Orange! You maybe STILL in denial initially but you are here and talking about it and that a huge step to make. Good on you both for reaching out and seeking help. There are many ways to get and stay sober even moderate if you wish but for me the support I've got here is what's important to me. No one judges me when I slip and fall and In return I offer my experiences too. I'm an open book as many of my friends here know. I'm not ashamed of my struggles with coping with life as a sober man. BY GOD the years I've spend under the influence it is not going to happen overnight though. MY thinking needs to be changed dramatically.

            Love and Happiness to you both and welcome to MWO!

            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              What a wonderful site ...

              Hippie....thanks for that lovely message...I normally try to play down my drinking so it's nice to be able to acknowledge it ! I've managed to cut down on my old activity.....wild just as you talked about and now it's more civilised...sitting down listening to music and reading a book but I guess the old liver doesn't care what you're doing only how much you're dad died at 42 from alcoholism and while I don't drink like he did..I'm 42 next year and seem to be drinking more often now than I did before. I'm glad I've joined this forum...I think what you said is's a good first step:thanks::thanks:


                What a wonderful site ...

                Hi everyone, thanks for making me feel so welcome
                Yep, I reckon it's not going to be an easy road, but at least I feel somewhat empowered by taking that first step forward and a bit more in control of my life, instead of AL and CIG always calling the shots. This time it's going to be me (with the help of MWO) who has a say in things.
                It's so good to know that I'm not alone and have the support of others who have felt and been through what I am. It's only early stages, day 4 without AL or CIG, but I've done day 4 before, and it's easy to revert right back to day 0. Think I'm going to cut myself some slack and try and get through the cravings as best I can. (Lots of cups of teas being made!). Have started my plan and have set up some realistic goals. One step at a time.

                Has anyone tried meds (Champix ??). I've read lots which seems to indicate that the cravings for AL and CIGS are the same and that taking Champix reduces the cravings for both. At this stage I'd like to try without it but it would be really good to know that there was a back up if things got really tough. Part of my plan is to have back-ups for slip-ups, small ones and big ones. I'm determined to be a moderate drinker and a non-smoker though and will go to any lengths to achieve that (even on meds) ... any thoughts? PS. BoozeHag, your posts were the first I ever read. Your stories, experience and support you have shown others have really helped me so much in these early days. It would be great for an update on how things are going.
                Buy for now:thanks:


                  What a wonderful site ...

                  Oranges welcome.

                  In answer to your question about meds, I can't answer since I haven't done any. But I can say this: The only true hope for change is your own personal commitment to change. Without that, a pill is just a pill.


                    What a wonderful site ...

                    :wavin: ... Jamms and Catwoman,
                    We sound like the newies around here and all in a similar position. Good to know there're others around isn't it and that we're not in this alone. I'm going to try and log onto MWO in the evenings, in place of opening up the wine bottle so will be attemping to give the on-line rooms ago soon. Maybe I'll see you their.
                    Good luck to us all .... and kind thoughts from Orange


                      What a wonderful site ...

                      Yes that sounds like a good's definitely encouraging me to give this my best shot...its so cool to know that when you're thinking of opening that bottle of wine your online friends are thinking the same and hopefully not doing it ! Good luck and lets do this together.


                        What a wonderful site ...


                        I admire you for kicking both habits simultaneously... not easy and but definetly do-able!
                        I can't offer any advice on the Chantrix but I have heard great things about it -- I hope you get the advice you need.
                        Unfortunately I am one of those smokers who light up before their first cup of coffee in the morning and my goal is to quit the first of Feb next year.... but I will be using anything and everything I can get my hands on to help with the cravings lol.
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          What a wonderful site ...

                          My worst time of the day to get through not drinking starts about 5 pm when the news comes on and I start to cook dinner. Like others have replied, it's a nice thought to think I can "sip" on a glass of wine during that time, but that doesn't happen, and it turns into many more glasses. I have tried to figure out, for me, what the best "stop" is when the desire time comes in the late afternoon, and what I have found works the best, and this is just my way, is to remind myself that I RATIONALLY know I will not stop at one, two, or three, and that I'll wake up the next day really angry at myself, and try to remind myself, while I'm still sober, that having that one drink will eventually not make me very happy. Also, I have written on a piece of paper, that I look at when the urge gets strong, that just says "DON'T DRINK"...and I list all of the reasons why I soberly don't want to, and try to remember that's where I'll be the next day if I start. I don't know if this will work for you, but it's helped me, and also Kudzu works too - it's really helped to cut the desire, and actually even want to drink if I have any. I don't know if this will help, but you asked for the advice. My best of luck to you!


                            What a wonderful site ...

                            Oranges, I'm all for meds. I've been on the program with medication for 5 months and could not have done it without them, but that's just me. I hope you find what works for you. Walking, tea and music are all great. I also drink a lot of water. There is always a water glass in my hand, maybe it gives my hands something to do instead of holding a beer!? My personal strangth is not that strong. If the medication made my craving to drink just a little weaker, than I felt I have a chance to win, one craving at a time.
                            Now I can drink one or two glasses of wine or whatever, on the weekends and be totally ok with it. I like the fact the the program gave me an option to moderate. You can do it too.


                              What a wonderful site ...

                              Hi Oranges:

                              Welcome, I am new here as well and this is my first post......I also quit smoking and then am kicking the drinking, because they do go together. I read the book my Allen Carr, the easy way to quit smoking. I quit that on Oct 2nd and have been AF for two days now. Your post resonates with me, because you get to a point were you do get fed up with that unhealthy lifestyle. I have found that following the dosage of supplements that are recommended by the MWO book to a T, have made a huge difference in my cravings. I also took up beading and upgraded my cable to keep busy. Gym and working out does wonders. Keep up the good work, I will do the same:-)
                              "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance

