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Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

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    Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

    I want to start out my story by saying thank you to alcohol, and to say how much I have loved and cherished the good times it gave me. To say thanks for the courage alcohol gave me to get me out of my chair when shyness would overcome me; to how it would make my eyes would sparkle when I was flirting, and how it would relax me in social situations enough to let me be the center of attention...everyone enjoys that once in a while.

    Thank you alcohol, for inspiring me to write my stories, that I could read and edit the next day when sober and wonder how I ever had the courage to write those thoughts out. Thank you, alcohol, for making me bold enough to say "I love you" to my future husband.

    But like a good love affair gone bad, I have to say goodbye to alcohol for now. My liver does not want to process it as well as it used to. My mind isn't as sharp as it used to be.

    I am on day five of being alcohol free. I am following the My Way Out program almost exactly as it is laid out in the book; Topimax, suppliments and hypnotherapy. (I have yet to start any physical exercise.) I was dreading saying goodbye, but I'm finding it easier than I thought it would be, almost too easy. I guess I didn't love alcohol as much as I thought I did.

    I was a bourbon drinker. Now, I'm not. Not sure what the future will bring but I have a lot of positive things to say about the My Way Out program. I waited to start it until I had everything in place, and knew I could commit to 30 days without any major stressors that might interrupt my plan. I don't know if I'll stay alcohol free or moderate after the 30 days. I quit smoking 18 months ago using Chantix and their on-line support program. I smoked for 34 years. This gives me a lot of hope and courage, since I could do that I'm pretty certain I can do this.
    vegan zombies want your grains

    Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

    What a great post! Yes, I think we all felt like that about alxohol at some point.
    The future will be good without alcohol, that is a certainty.
    And giving up smokes too? Well, you are a strong lady.
    Welcome to you, I look forward to hearing more from you.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

      I don't drink and I don't smoke.... NO I will not give up my chocolate. don't even ask me to..
      Seriously, Cyclefan, best of luck. You are on your way.


        Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

        well done you! i will be on day 5 tomorrow, we can compare notes> i like you am following it exactly minus the medication but i really do feel like its working, my appetite is less too - hurrah! i am doing the daily exrcise, loads of walking>>>>>>>>>>>>> feel a bit tired but am loving the cd's especially the one you play all night, its so sooting for the soul! stay strong and i will too but promise yourself a walk of 15 mins out from your front door and back, get that stride going and keep walking (lol)

        KW x
        Keeps x:happyheart:


          Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

          =ps I would be very interested in hearing about the Chantix, I have just caved today on my 4th day of no smoking....yet again....
          Oh, I loved the Chantix though I've heard that people have had problems with the side effects. The most notable side effects for me were vivid dreams and joint aches. The dreams were amazing though, I didn't mind them at all, though some have reported them to be disturbing mine were great. I visited with all sorts of people and had great adventures. :-) The joint aches were manageable.

          Like My Way Out, I followed the program exactly and signed up for the free support on the website. With the Chantix you start with a low dose for the first week and continue to smoke, set a target quit date and if you feel ready by then you quit smoking and continue to take the Chantix. I set my target quit date at seven days after I started, by day six I was very uninterested in cigarettes, I was only smoking because it was like, well, may as well since I'm quitting but I was putting the cigarettes out after a few puffs.

          The day I quit was a holiday so I took it real easy, laid around in my recliner and drank a lot of water (it was 107?F I live in the desert), and took three or four naps. I had the next three days off work too so I timed it for a low stress time which helped me as well. I took the Chantix for 90 days, you increase the dosage over a few weeks and keep it at a certain level, then taper it off during the last two weeks of the 90 days.

          I quit July 4 of 2007 and have not even been tempted since then. I can be around people who are smoking and not crave. Even when I was drinking I was OK to be around it.

          I know there has been a lot of warnings in the news about Chantix and people who have had real problems with it, also reports of people taking their own lives while on it. All I can say is I certainly didn't have that reaction, didn't have any depression with it, but Caveat Emptor.
          vegan zombies want your grains


            Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

            keepwalking;473630 wrote: well done you! i will be on day 5 tomorrow, we can compare notes> i like you am following it exactly minus the medication but i really do feel like its working, my appetite is less too - hurrah! i am doing the daily exrcise, loads of walking>>>>>>>>>>>>> feel a bit tired but am loving the cd's especially the one you play all night, its so sooting for the soul! stay strong and i will too but promise yourself a walk of 15 mins out from your front door and back, get that stride going and keep walking (lol)

            KW x
            Remember Maynard G. Krebs?

            vegan zombies want your grains


              Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

              What a great post! Thank you
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Thanks alcohol and goodbye, for now anyhow

                Rock on in sobriety, CF - thanks for such a prosaic post. All VERY best.

                P.S I am in love with my bauer today (bike) I am a DEMON on it!
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

