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My Story Revisited-Beaches

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    My Story Revisited-Beaches

    I first came here because of an embarrassing moment with my children at a kids production. That was when I thought that I had hit bottom.

    Well that is not the case. I was a single, very independent woman who lived by my own rules until 31 when I got married. I had never lived with a man and then shortly after (on our one year anniversary) had twins. My world was turned upside down because they were born prematurely (13 weeks early). At the beginning I had no idea if they would live or die. They were both just over 2 pounds. My life consisted of hospitals and treatments. I had very little support from my husband because of traveling with his job and my mom had to take care of her dad in another state. The twins came home 2 1/2 months later and all was good. Around 12 months I noticed something different about my boy and shortly after he was diagnosed with Autism. I then had another child.

    I remember living single and being able to control my drinking and not having this much trouble. After children and marriage is when I stepped it up notch or 50. I was drinking so much I didn't remember nights, going to bed etc. Well I thought I had that all under control until my panic attacks began about 2 years. ago. Then I drank to calm myself down and went back to that dark place that I remembered nothing from 7pm on.

    I am currently receiving tx for my panic attacks and still currently have my downfalls. I tried and tried and tried to join the Abstainers group here (with many warm welcomes) then I would find myself failing and feel ashamed and leave. I want so badly to have 30 days under my belt and realize now that one day, for me is just as rewarding.

    Since really thinking about this I have found that I now am drinking less in quantity and am now remembering my nights. What a blissful morning that makes for me. So many take this for granted. I am working towards more and more AF days and I will get there.

    So for all of you that are new here, hang in there. It's a journey but one that pays off in the long run. I am no longer the drunk mom at functions or the mom that HAS to start drinking around 8am to make it through the day. Take care everyone and keep the fight up and going. We will all succeed.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

    My Story Revisited-Beaches

    Good luck Beaches

    I wish you all the best.
    vegan zombies want your grains


      My Story Revisited-Beaches

      Beaches, thank you for sharing. Haven't heard from you in a while. I recently started having what I think are panic attacks (hubby gets them but I never did till about a month ago). Stick around, and feel free to PM me if you need to talk.


        My Story Revisited-Beaches

        CS Panic attacks are horrible. I hate them. I will be back after my toddler settles down
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          My Story Revisited-Beaches

          Beaches: Don't despair. I have fallen many times too, but I do not give up hope for being abs some day. My drinking isn't nearly what it used to be, & I have many more AF days than drinking days. I'm behind you every inch of the way. Keep coming & sharing. Thank you, Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            My Story Revisited-Beaches

            Beaches: I just wanted to tell you that I am a retired Spec. Ed. teacher. I taught it for 25 years. Therefore, over the years, I had many students were somewhere on the autism spectrum. It's very, very good that your son was diagnosed so early. He'll progress so much more. I had many success stories w/autistic youngsters especially the ones who received early intervention like your little guy. Good luck. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              My Story Revisited-Beaches

              Hi Beaches and thanks for sharing.

              I am here for you,



                My Story Revisited-Beaches

                Hey Beaches,
                Thank you for sharing. Makes me realize again ...Everyone is different. Your journey is your journey, and a fine journey it is.

                I have a sense that you are very awake about yourself, and, also, are very hard on yourself.

                What about just not feeling bad about Abstainers or AF days and just going along on your OWN journey, day by day.? Because you s eem to be doing it fine! I admire you greatly for how you,are handling your life circumstances.

                What do you think? I say those things because I too feel quilty about abstainers & AFs, but I am OK -- totally fully functioning with good realtionships to boot. Maybe we are OK?
                "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
                will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
                This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
                love and heal this part of self."


                  My Story Revisited-Beaches

                  Oh Gosh.

                  The Monthly Abs thread is for those who are trying. BUT, it is for those who are trying, NOT THOSE WHO ARE SUCCEEDING!!!

                  Please, Beaches, Chrysa and anyone else. Our thread there is for everyone. None of us are "perfect." Whatever that means.

                  All the thread is about is we want to try. When we fail, no one says "Get off this thread!!" except ourselves.


                  Mary and I can tell you that many times we have "slipped" but we keep coming back. Everyone who wants to try is welcome. There is no dues, no requirements except just wanting to make it. You can hold my hand as we walk down this road together. I sure need it.

                  One day, I pray, we all "make it" to wherever we want to be.

                  Beaches. I pray and pray and pray that your son can be happy in this world. I do believe that you and other moms and dads who have special needs children are special yourselves. It is a thankless and tiring life. But, without your love....

                  You are always more than welcome on the Monthly Abs thread. I wish we were all AF forever, but it does not seem to "work" that way. We just keep trying and plugging along.

                  Join us. We are grateful to have you with us.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    My Story Revisited-Beaches

                    A very honest and powerful post. I'm so glad to know you Beaches.:l
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      My Story Revisited-Beaches

                      Thanks for sharing Beaches. I certainly know the feeling of making an AF commitment and then slinking off when I don't keep my promise. But Cindi and Mary are right that there aren't many on the threads that haven't made a number of attempts. It sounds like you have made a lot of improvement and better health is the main goal. Panic attacks are horrible - I had them for over a year and then they gradually disappeared. I hope they do for you too.


                        My Story Revisited-Beaches

                        Beachie!! you know I think the world of you. I just love you and am thinking of you always!!!


                          My Story Revisited-Beaches

                          Seems so many of us have or had panic issues/anxiety and have used alcohol to medicate. I know I have had issues with it for years. I am striving for AF days now after failing at moderation. One day at a time - my prayers are with you and everyother member of this board struggling.....
                          "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


                            My Story Revisited-Beaches

                            Hi Beaches
                            Just wanted to say I can totally relate to you. I suffered severe post natal depression 3 years ago with my first baby and never ever want to go back to that dark hole. Panic attacks, anxiety, depression - you name it I had it at that time. I also drank (still do) to relieve it. I am taking antidepressants now which have kicked the anxiety and panic attacks but am still stuck with the drinking. I too have tried many many times to join different abstainers boards only to slip up. I have found that I have to try to take one day at a time. Everyone is different in how they deal with things and whatever works best for them is great. Good luck XXXX


                              My Story Revisited-Beaches


                              Never give up! I love you.

                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

