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New - AF fun?

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    New - AF fun?

    I started drinking at age 12. I am now 41 with a 13 year old daughter and 10 year old son. Most of the time I felt I could control drinking but for the last few years I felt it starting to take over. Not all at once. Not an event that triggered it, just party here, one binge there, hangovers more mornings than not. My kids saw their mom yelling, falling, dancing, throwing up, getting hurt. Someone finally said: you think they don't know why? Yep, I thought I was hidding it from them.

    I started this program on advice of my doctor. I asked her about controlling, I did not want to stop. She gave me the book and priscription. It took a long time for me to stop looking at the bottle and start doing the program. I felt the effects right a way. For the first time I could drink one or two beers and stop. Now I can't drink any beer ( and I really loved my beer!) I can drink a glass of wine or a small whisky and I'm ok with that.

    I was hoping for some help with: Beer always made me "fun". I never knew how to have a good time without a buzz. I am not craving drinking I am craving cutting loose and having a good time. I don't know how without drinking. My husband and I are thinking of going dancing tomorrow. I am terrified of not being able to relax enough to even be able to dance. Advice??

    New - AF fun?

    Welcome Whitedog!

    I too batteled to figure out how to get the "fun" factor back in my life with out a glass of wine in hand. At first I felt like my personallity had been stolen from me and I was forever moaning to a good friend here that I was a bore and didn't have a life anymore.
    I am happy to say that it was just part of the journey and I now find "FUN" in activities I always thought of before as a chore -- like spending time with my 13 year old daughter -- altho this can also be stressful. I have FUN buying groceries and not worrying about how much money is left to buy wine. I am having FUN with hubby again. I am having FUN discovering who I AM and not who AL made me into.

    I must say that your Doc sounds amazing -- that is the first time I have heard of a Doctor offering MWO as an option!

    I hope you and hubby have a great time at teh dance tomorrow!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      New - AF fun?

      Hello white.

      I was surprised and pleased that a doctor recommended this program--how cool!

      It's taken me awhile to feel comfortable in my "sober" skin especially in social settings. I tried to dance sober at a wedding and it felt totally weird!!! I think it will take practice, but if your hubby likes to dance, that shouldn't be a problem. Everything is different sober--but better. It just takes time to feel comfortable this way!:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        New - AF fun?

        She was very cool. She said she had just attend a seminar about it. She handed me a copy of the book right there in her office, told me to keep it.
        I am having a double wammy tonight as my daughter will be leaving for the weekend and that puts me on high anxiety and trying to "go out" for one of the first times. I will really want to do the "drink to pass out and sleep". It only takes two maybe three drinks now that I have been on the program.

        What I won't miss is all the "Oh my God what have I done or did I do" feeling I used to get after everytime we would go out. So I guess feelin awkward is better than that.

        It took months for things to start to feel right romantically. We had seldom been in bed together sober. He always said what a fun drunk I was.

