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Mental illness and alcohol

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    Mental illness and alcohol

    Well I have been an elective/selective mute since I can remember. I tried to get help several times in the form of AA and probably managed to attend 10 meetings before it just became too much!. I had this problem years before I even touched a drink. I could barely leave my house before I got treatment. Not entirely true as alcohol was the greatest cure as a teenager, but enter adult life and bills. The silly thing is that I don't even like the medication I take and consistently take less than what is even prescribed. I tried to go into rehab once and of course I found out they would not accept me if I was taking medication no matter what it was for. I have researched everything and I mean everything on the internet when it comes down to this and the only answer I ever get is a link to the "big book". Apparently if you don't go sit in a room with 20-30 people and listen to their sob stories you are doomed for life and then some. I have nothing against AA and believe it helps some people. Mostly people without serious problems. Of course this is just my addiction talking as I have been told, and could not even get into a rehab because of it.

    I know this reads a little angry at the "system" but it is a silly system. I am a little angry.

    I have every supplement in my cupboards as I write this but getting started is a different story. I am curious to how other people with "serious anxiety" found a way and what works for them. So far I have found that a good workout with L-glutimine can have a great affect but alas I would really like to hear from someone with a anxiety problem.

    This is my first post so please forgive me for a generalized rant as it started out more objective but ended less so-Stuart.

    Mental illness and alcohol

    Hi Stuart, Firstly a big welcome to you!
    I am not entirely sure what you mean by the term "elective/selective mute"? But I can relate on some level to the anxiety. When I realised I needed to stop drinking, my anxiety although not out of control, was having an effect on my life. I realised that it also coincided with drinking too much for too long. Along with anxiety I had severe depression. So, getting started for me was simply a case of realising that if I didnt do something I might as well turn in the towel. So I found this place, started reading, I read the book and decided come hell or high water I was going to stop drinking. I did, my anxiety got worse for a time. I took supplements to help me (gaba, true calm, glutamine and kudzu) and tried to stay as motivated as I could by reading and posting here, asking for support and logging my feelings. I had reached my rock bottom i guess and had nothing to lose by trying.
    I hope that something on this site resonates with you and gives you the lifeline it sounds you so badly need.
    Best wishes
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Mental illness and alcohol

      Elective mutism you basically go through every question and every answer in about two seconds and you cannot come up with the simplest of answers such as "whatever" or"what!". Your brain pretty much stutters and you forget how to speak for a short time. That is one example that applies to me. Or did apply to me. I am pretty good now but still have problems.

      I have a lot of GABA, but had a lot of over stimulation with supplements. Especially with B vitamins. Do you have any thoughts on evening primrose?. I have a lot of Kudzu, any recommendations on dosage. I am thinking go hard and give up caffeine.

      Long time lurker, and well reading a lot. Thanks for your time.-Stuart.


        Mental illness and alcohol

        G'day Stuart, and welcome. I don't take any supplements or meds myself, so i wouldn't know. But. Stick around this site today/night if you can, as a lot more people log on here soon, who have some experience with those supps etc.... Also, check out the meds thread here too for some other ppl's thought's , experiences. All the best, G.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Mental illness and alcohol

          there are a lot like you,your not a lone,as starting says were many,you hav found a great site,as far as getting help,go too, homewood,,com,trust me theyll xcept you,and trust me theyll wake you up to reality,been there done it, if they dont you could be a lost cause gyco


            Mental illness and alcohol

            All I know about evening primrose is that it has high levels of GLA (one of the essential fatty acids) I understand it is good for women with PMT/PMS type anxiety symtoms. I guess it would be worth a try for you, but you would need to take it for about 3 weeks to notice a difference.
            I take Kudzu at 600mg doses twice daily along with 2000mg of lglutamine to keep my cravings at bay. It seems to work because if I forget I start to get those niggling "thoughts"
            Yes, too many B vits can have a negative effect on the nervous system and I guess could interact with something you are already taking.
            Giving up caffeine is an excellent idea, that in itself is a total no no for anxiety conditions. Bear in mind though that it might be best to wean yourself off the caffeine, I always get a terrible headache whenever I try and give it up.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Mental illness and alcohol

              Welcome Stuart. Not sure I can give a lot of advice not already given. When I was having significant anxiety, in addition to my anti-anxiety medication, cutting caffine and lots of exercise helped. I haven't had a major issue for a while, luckily. GABA is supposed to help and I take it daily as outlined in revised MWO program.


                Mental illness and alcohol

                Welcome to MWO...this forum my be just the perfect support for you to get started on sobriety. I myself do not suffer from any sort of elective, I can not be much help there. However, posting and talking here, you will be able to think through your reponse, so that should help you. AA does help many...doesn't help one method is the method for all...that is why there are many methods available..shot many of us here use MWO, aa , church, friends, takes a lot to make this sobriety thing happen and STICK for the long haul. You will benefit from getting RJ's book...thanks
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  Mental illness and alcohol

                  hi stuart... i know exactly what you mean by the term "elective/selective mute"
                  i do it all the time myself.
                  i am taking the 5-htp for now. i'd love to get kuduz... have u downloaded the book yet? i finally did this afternoon. i think it helps w/the anxiety. i also take melatonin at night which helps. i think it has a overall calming effect.
                  what is the medicine you said you were taking? if it is prescribed by a doctor it seems strange they won't take u at a treatment program?

                  and about AA... i am right there with you. i could never stand in a room of strangers and spill my guts. nor would i want to see anyone else's guts either. yuck.


                    Mental illness and alcohol

                    i meant the 5-htp helps with the anxiety, not the book.


                      Mental illness and alcohol

                      Hi Stuart,
                      I thought I'd touch base with you because I've had severe anxiety problems for about 25 years of my life. It started when I was around 20. It got progressively worse - my condition is social anxiety. I've been on antidepressants - many different kinds over the years. The past several years I've taken anti-anxiety meds for special cases (having to do presentations at work). But recently, I've started taking supplements called Seredyn (for general anxiety). I found them online and I really believe they help me. My anxiety usually increases at this time of year, but if I take special care of myself, I can control it to a degree. The GABA also helps, but there must be some special ingredients in the Seredyn. Look it up online. Let me know what you think. If anyone knows about the debilitating affects of anxiety, it's me. I hope we can talk more about this as I never really connected with anyone about this. Good luck Stu.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Mental illness and alcohol

                        Hi Stuart
                        Yeah, AA isnt for everyone, it took me every ounce of strength to walk into my 1st meeting, that was 6 months ago, yes we all have our own "sob stories" sharing yr story can help others, alcohol has played a huge roll in my life, starting with my father, I have spent 45 yrs addicted to addictions, one being involved with alcoholics, being abused, emotioally, verbally, physically, its all I knew, then I became the alcoholic and did the abusing... never realised the extent of my addictions until I started the AA program, it is a spiritual growth, not religious as many may think, and I thank my higher power (whoever she may be) daily for being in the AA program. The love and support is fantastic, my husband of 7 yrs, left me when I got sober, and if it wasnt for the people in my group. being there on a daily basis, I know that AL would again have become, my best friend and worst enemy.
                        At the end of the day, staying sober is our objective, no matter how we do it... LOL xoxox

                        Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

                        Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


                          Mental illness and alcohol

                          wow!! some of the posts are amazing. I have suffered anxiety/depression and the likes for many years. However, due to constantly taking too many pills doctors refused to give me them as they recognized the drinking was my problem. Not sure I agree, as when sober I can feel extremely anxious. However, I think Jim Carey the actor is quite an amazing soul regards this. Apparently he suffered badly and began taking 5htp, serotone, omega 3.6.9 along with b vitamins. Stimulants don't help, be it coffee or nicotine they exhaust the nervous system.

                          If you are thinking of 'going natural' Stuart a good book to read is Nutrition for the Mind by a man called Patrick Holford. I read this book and am now 2 big days into my sobreity and will be taking his advice. He has done extensive research.

                          Good luck.


                            Mental illness and alcohol

                            I have read every response at least ten times and will probably read them ten more times. Thank you.

                            A lot of more forums to go through.

                            Dealing with a very ill parent right now and thankfully it is not cancer like they thought. Forgive me for not responding sooner.

                            I am not trying to make excuses as everyone here has probably gone through something simaler.

