Found this site today and I am sooo happy I did. I thought I was the only one too! I was also surprised at the number of ladies who have a drink problem and that is what spurred me on to take action today.
I don't drink on Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's.
On Thursday I have four cans of VERY strong sider from 7.00pm when I put my one-year old baby to bed and 4 year old son (who goes at 7.30pm)
On a Friday, Saturday and Sunday night it feels that it is the LAW that I have to have a drink. Period. And not just that, but I have to have the strongest wine I can find in the shop.
My husband only has a few beers. Me, I drink two bottles of 12-13% wine each weekend night. Consequently, I can never remember going to bed and have have blackouts every time I drink.
The next morning I have to be up early for the children. My eyes are bloodshot, I have no energy whatsoever and it is a real strain just to do normal things with my family.
I hate myself for this but absolutely cannot stop or cut down, then I hate myself a bit more.
I try dieting as I need to lose about 24 pounds. But obviously I can never really lose weight because of all the calories in wine and cider. I have been deeply depressed about my drinking and my weight.
However, I came across this site, bought everything and I pray and hope that this will work for me and I can change my life around and actually start liking myself again.
I've told my husband about this programme and he is really happy that I am doing something about it.
I'll keep posting to let you know how I get on and I will continue to look into this forum every day.