I drink at least a six-pack of beer every day, and on the weekends sometimes two. Only by myself, though. If we go somewhere, I won't drink. I think that maybe I'm trying to look like I'm not a big drinker, and feel so smug that I'm better than that (and better than THEM???) ... who knows what goes on in my head. No matter what, though, I know it can't continue. I obviously have a problem if I'm here.
So I found the site yesterday after doing a Google search on "how to stop drinking". I saw where l-Glutamine can help with cravings, so I bought some yesterday. I spent the most of today reading posts and started to feel like I might get a handle on this. But what did I do on the way home from work? Yep, I stopped and bought beer.
Tomorrow I'm going to get some Kudzu and add that to the l-Glut. I know that one day of taking anything won't show results, but I'm hoping to be able to cut down and eventually stop.
I fool myself into thinking that nobody notices, but I know my husband does. He feels guilty about my drinking, because I didn't drink until we met. I spent 40 years NOT drinking, and have spent the last 9 drinking more and more until now it's every day and I hate it.
So I'll stick around here and hope that tomorrow is better.