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Glad to see I'm in good company

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    Glad to see I'm in good company

    Hello! I'm new to this post, and actually, new to revealing my "secret". It was very encouraging to read a few of the posts about their alcohol use. That's what I was looking for, to hear other peoples stories so it would make me feel 'welcome' in this environment.

    I've know I had a problem for probably the past 10 years, but was always able to keep it under control. Then, I found vodka, and I found the perfect vehicle to indulge my alcoholic desires; it has no smell, comes in easy to hide containers, few good shots and you are in "happyland"...the perfect drink. I had always contained my drinking to the weekends, and it was either a Fri or Sat night that I would get blitzed, not both (because before vodka, I'd wake up feeling like poop). Vodka changed all that. I began drinking a 1/2 pint and it would get me where I wanted...then it wasn't enough. So I increased to 1 pint, on Fri, and on Sat. I'm not too sure when, but during my love with vodka, I would start to blackout. The earlier times when I remembered that I 'couldn't remember' scared me. But, I never saw any repercutions so all was good. Then weekends drifted into weekdays. I should mention, noone knows of my sickness. My significant other, who I've lived with for several years, has no clue. I've told him that I suffer from a metobolic imbalance from not eating right. And, as some kind of lucky curse, I have a confirmed diagnosis from the Dr's about my low blood level, anemic, low potassium etc. and I show him the medical write ups to support my "claims". What that means is that I have a free ticket to get absolutely trashed, and he can pin it on the fact that I hadn't eaten correctly that day. Yup, I take any avenue I can and will exploit it. I have tried professional help, but havent found anyone that I feel comfortable with, so I'm doing my own rehab type treatment. I think this site is fantastic, and the helpful folks on here are just amazing. I'm currently able to go 1-2 days w/o drinking. And if I drink during the week, I do monitor it so I don't blackout, but weekends....crap~! Anyway, I've ordered the Topamax on-line because I've read good things about it on this site, but are concerned about ordering it on-line (went thru River Pharm).

    anyway, I know I have a serious problem, and it's so very helpful to hear the other stories about folks alcohol abuse. It's just so nice to know I'm not the only one who a) drinks during the week and b) drinks to blackout stage.

    But it would be very helpful to hear how others have dealt with being the "good girl" and having noone know your secret, but yet were able to over come. The 'professionals' that I have gone to have always said I should essentially 'fess up', and well, no, can't do that. The shame of this addiction is too much - can't shatter that image that people hve of me.

    Thank you to everyone who does reply. I've hidden for so long, never admitted to anyone, but now realize that I'm almost one step away from needing rehab.

    Oh by the way, I should also mention, that since I switched to vodka I don't have really any hangovers - which is why I probably have developed this every two day drinking eposoide. It's another 'free pass' for me that I exploit.

    Glad to see I'm in good company

    Hey Wally22 -

    Thanks for replying. Yupper (sigh), I know I've built up a huge tolerance. When I wrote about moving up to 1 pt, well, have moved beyond that now. :-( I will check the newbie site and start with fellow new-to-moving-on-from alcohol folks. And thanks for your sharing your experience regarding touching alcohol after sobriety...good to know. I don't think I'm a candidate for drinking in moderation at all....but, too soon to wrap my mind around living w/o alcohol. Baby steps... Hope you have an enjoyable holiday!


      Glad to see I'm in good company

      Hi Vodkaweekness and welcome

      Oh yeah ... the tolerance thing. I used to roll my eyes in disgust at women who got loud and giggly after only two glasses of champagne. Hmm ... if only ...

      Hope to see you around.


        Glad to see I'm in good company

        Welcome VW! Oh you sound like me - from the vodka point of view anyway, I'd drink 2-3 beers and around a pint of vodka (straight of course), weekdays, weekends whatever. The thought of the damage I was doing to my body triggered a desire to stop, plus the withdrawls from not being able to drink during the day were becoming unbearable, at one point I resorted to taking a water bottle into work with vodka in (WHAT WAS I THINKING?). My plan was foiled when that day I heard my brother-in-law (also alcoholic at the time) was very ill in hospital with pancreatitis due to excessive alcohol consumption - I felt sick and tipped the vodka down the drain. I've since abstained for 40 days and then 30 days and am now attempting to moderate and just sticking to just 2-3 beers when I do drink. I never used to get hangovers from my daily vodka drinking either, but believe me vodka CAN give you a hangover, unfortunately it's down to tolerance. Had an unfortunate little slip at the weekend were I succumbed to a bottle of vodka - my hubby had bought it for me thinking I'd be OK. Thought I had only had 4 doubles, but it turned out when I looked at the bottle the next day I'd actually had more than that, alot more - I'd also blacked out, logged on here and moaned about being drunk!!! I felt like I'd been shot in the head the next day and puked whilst in the shower - I'm not beating myself up about it though, I haven't had a slip like that for a year, onwards and upwards as they say!

        Oh and another point - don't think people can't smell it, because they can. My side of bed, my clothes and my car seats used to smell of alcohol - think I sweat vodka!!!

        I first came on MWO because although I'd been moderating my drink quite well for around 3 months, I still felt a huge desire to blow it and it hurt sooooo much, the thought of going without alcohol seemed unbearable, but with the support from this site and can I stress POSTING lots, I brought myself to do 30 days AF in September (the 40 days I did was 2 years prior but had just gone back to more or less my old drinking routine, although it was a little better).

        Sorry this is a long post - but you might want to download RJ's book and also there's a good Toolbox thread in Monthly Abstainance - check it out.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Glad to see I'm in good company

          VW: I too have never confessed my alcoholism...yes, I'm finally admitting I'm an anyone...even my husb of 37 years. I think many of my loved ones knew something was wrong but couldn't put their finger on just what it was. Anyhow, I came to MWO in Apr. 07 pretty desperate. I had gone the vodka route, but I also drank plenty of wh. wine. I was in pretty rough shape. In the 1.5 years that I've been a member of MWO, I've had much success...not perfection...success. I finally realized that I was an alcoholic.
          -Once I start drinking, I can't stop.
          -I drank whole bottles of wine in one day.
          -I blacked out.
          -I had frequent hangovers which I had to hide.
          -I hid my drinking (very well).

          I come to MWO every day. I share every day (especially on the 30 day abs forum daily thread). I read here every day. I keep track of my progress. I am having a lot of success since Dec. 1 & don't plan to drink again, ever. I cannot mod. I tried here at MWO many times.

          Keep coming. Good luck.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Glad to see I'm in good company

            Glad your here voddy, read and post. The MWO book is a great place to start, also sups, vits and exercise they all help.

            Best wishes, nat
            Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


              Glad to see I'm in good company

              Welcome Vodkaweekness......check out a poem somewhere on this site...posted months ago called 'my friend Voddy' its great and really helpful....U have come to the right for help and again, i liked reading your story and can really relate. Bella XXX


                Glad to see I'm in good company

                Wow, thank you to everyone! It is so hard to finally and truly admit I have a problem. Having actually written it down, for everyone to see, made such an impact. But alas, not big enough that I didn't drink this weekend. It's encouraging to hear others also have blackouts, and understand about the no hangover thing, but it was 'sobering' (if I may use the word) to hear what "vlad" said about the vodka not being as so undectable as I though. I will be downloading RJ's book, and think that I may have come upon something with this group/forum and this website that could actually work. As I have read in many posts, I too am so disgusted that this has the grip on me that it does. Sheeit, it was easier to quit smoking! Lately I've been very concerned about the health aspect of this as well....been considering going to the Dr's and having a blood test or something done to determine the state of my liver. But, to actually admit to someone that I'm a drunk (i.e. the Dr), ya well, still working on that. I had tried therapist, but havent' found one that I could connect with enough to continue more than 3 sessions. And the weird thing about therapy, when I was done, I wanted to drink more than ever! Guess it was because we were talking about it so much. Anyway, I ramble on sometimes...but I've never had the opportunity to talk to others who share the same affliction. Take care everyone, and thanks again for making me feel welcomed!!! :h

