My drinking started about 10-12 years ago (I'm now 35), it was a stressful time, new partner, baby came along a decade premature, work hassles, well life really. I had a less than conventional upbringing, religious sect, but that's all behind me though sometimes still impacts me as my family are still involved in the sect. Needless to say my family rarely consumed alcohol & at one stage in late teens I was smug enough to think, well I must be ok having escaped that upbringing, anyone else would be on drugs or an alcoholic. How ironic now . . .
My (now ex) partner also drank quite a bit, I often feel it would not have happened if he was teetotal. We always had alcohol in the house.
When we broke up several years ago, I was drinking 3-4 glasses of wine per night, with an alcohol free night once a week (because I worked the grave-yard shift that day). As my funds were limited, I decided to move from casks to bottles of wine. My theory was A: I would save money as I would buy maybe 2 bottles a week and B: I would drink less. I now know through practical experience that I am drinking more and spending more. I consume a whole bottle of wine 5-6 days a week. I moved a few months ago and am now living within 200 metres of the bottle shop, so sometimes the first bottle isn't enough & I wander down to purchase a 2nd. I did this 2 weeks ago, my sister rang up & I can't remember what I said to her & am too afraid to call her.
I don't think I even like the taste anymore. I adore the first glass, the 2nd is also nice but from 3rd onward I dislike the drunk I become. I would like to mostly abstain, though occasionally drink at weddings, social functions, no more than one.
I?ve tried to quit drinking but the cravings always get the better of me.
Well I've been doing this program for a couple of months (All One Powder, all vitamins & CDs - no Topa) and while I have struggled & have had a few relapses, I've kept a diary of my drinking and all in all, I'm in a much better place than before.
Out of 65 days, I drank on 22 of these days. I tried to go tee-total but found I really missed the Friday night drinks so am now trying to abstain during the week & allowing myself Friday & Saturday nights to indulge a little. It reminds me of the silly diets I've tried over the years, if I stop eating something the cravings for that one thing are out of this world. So I'm trying moderation and I'm happy with that.
I feel so much better especially at work with a clear head, though I must say I was unprepared for the emotional issues and depression from way back that have re-surfaced. I'm sure it's a good thing in the end.
