Some months back I came here under the name viking1975 and decided to piss people off because I was in the blinding rage that was my drinking. My story is one of failure from a promising future. Top ten in my class a good athlete in school but than the real of life set in when the protective gloves of my parents went away. Anxiety set in first and than did panic disorder as the constant part of worrying snowled into a mess. In sports they call it pyching out your oppoenent. I basically psyched myself out. In a year of hell from constant trips to the emergency room from panic attacks..wondering if I was dying and doctors who could never diagnose me correct. Nobody thinks a 19 year old guy is suffering from mental issues. I found a way to gut it out and learn about my condition. I had to know why was I not dying from this stuff. THE BIG BRIGHT LIGHT DAY!! I was at college and reading a medical book...and wow..I found out what I was going threw...Panic attacks and panic disorder...BINGO..not only was I relieved inside...I felt a certain sense of peace and calm...In my mind I knew I could deal with it...and I did...I retrained my mind and it worked wonders....a year after getting threw that all...I found something that would make it all better....a six pack of beer. At that time my whole world was crumpling around me as my mental state was as strong as ever. But this one this burden inside was too much...I need a safe place...that beer had that safe place. My mom and dad owned business and it failed and they lost and we lost everything. And into the bottle I went deeper...Now we enter today...I have gone threw ups and downs with AL...I've had times of managing it and times were I went out of control. The last straw came when yet again I messed up everything around me from drinking. Lost yet another girlfriend and another job. The pain of it was too much!! I did what I had to do...I asked my mom and dad..Who I love more than anything...for help. As a guy with alot of was the damn hardest thing I ever did...but seems like the easiest. They knew I had a problem...but wanted to respect me. For that I thank them. I am happy I came to them with my problem to get help and well needed help. I was lucky..I got to be able to spend 90 days in a place to help me threw not just the physical part but mental side of AL....For anyone seeking help...please do what it takes...don't die from this and don't ruin your life and everyone's life around yours from it...ASK for HELP...EVERYONE can email me or talk to me on yahoo chat to get past this AL demon...I'm going to leave this post with a's from Chris Daughtry Over relationship with AL and everything reflects the lyrics of the song!!
Now that it?s all said and done
I can?t believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down
Like an old abandoned house
What you said when you left
Just left me cold and out of breath
I fell too far, was in way too deep
Guess I let you get the best of meeee
Well I never saw it coming
I should have started running
A long, time agooo!
And I never thought I?d doubt you
I?m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
I?m slowly getting closure
I guess it?s really over
I?m finally gettin? better
Now I?m picking up the pieces
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
?Cause the day I thought I?d never get through
I got over you!!!
(End Chorus)
You took a hammer to these walls
Dragged the memories down the hall
Packed your bags and walked away
There was nothing I could say,
And when you slammed the front door shut
A lot of other?s opened up
So did my eyes so I could see
That you never were the best for meee
Well I never saw it coming
I should have started running
A long, time agooo!
And I never thought I?d doubt you
I?m better off without you
More than you, more than you know
I?m slowly getting closure
I guess it?s really over
I?m finally getting? better
Now I?m picking up the pieces
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
?Cause the day I thought I?d never get through
I got over you!!!
(End Chorus)
I never saw it coming
I should have started running
A long, long time agooo
And I never thought I?d doubt you
I?m better off without you
And I never saw it coming
I should have started running
I?m finally getting better
Now I?m picking up the pieces
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together
And I got over you!!!
And I got over you!!!
And I got over you!!!
The day I thought I?d never get through
I got over you?
I got over you AL........
