This is the story of how I have managed to start my sober journey so far.
I had been abusing alcohol for many years. I dont know it for certain but I beleave I must have a very high tolerence for alcohol as at times I was drinking between 10 and 16 large cans of beer every night for years and to others they would not even know I had been drinking. I can remember being given field sobriety tests by policemen and passing them.
I like many of us lost numerous jobs,friends,loved ones due to my drinking. I had walked out of a relationship with a girlfriend one night, this was in June 2007. After living out of my car(which was no longer running and parked in the parking lot of were I worked) I finally found a motel that I could rent by the week. The room did not have a microwave or a stove or refridgerator. Just a sink,bed and a T.V. no phone. I was now drinking about 8 to 10 of those 48 ounce 8.1% alcohol content beers everynight and eating only once a day at the end of the day when the beer was gone(you know how eating gets in the way of drinking)
Because there was no stove or microwave I was eating only cold food, like sandwich's cold fried chicken,Vienna sausage, crap in other words
I was losing weight fast. I still considered myself as being responsable as I still had a good job, a roof over my head, I wasnt like those bums out on the street that I would see. The first week of September I came down with a very bad chest infection for which the Doctor prescribed anti biotics of which of course I did not take as they would take away money from my beer buying budget. It was the night of September the 19th. It was late and I had drank all the beer I was going to that night. I had just finished off the can of potted meat which was my supper that night. The T.V. was situated at the foot of the bed were I would sit and watch it. I reached out and turned it off. There before me was a man looking about mid 60s or so, very thin face, gaunt looking with bags under his bloodshot eye's he was a frightening figure. He stood up noticing that he would have to make another hole in his belt as this one was not holding his pants up. What started off as tightening his belt on the first loop was now having to use the 5th hole.(4th and 5th one being added by himself)
That man was me. I looked dreadfull. I cried myself to sleep that night hoping I would not wake the next morning. However I did. I whent outside to the public telephone and called to make an appointment with the Doctor (by now I wasnt going to work and I needed to get another excuse note to turn in to keep my job) I was also going to ask him for help with my drinking problem. He had been my Doctor for over a year now and I trusted him, he was a decent guy.
However they told me he was not in his office that day and I could see another Doctor if I liked, I didnt want to tell anyone else but him about my drinking so I was going to say no I will wait until he's back, for a reason I dont understand to this day I said "ok make me an appointment I will see whatever Doctor is available" I drank very heavy that night but did manage to make it to the clinic the next day. I was seen by a physicians assistent by the name of Amy Smith(a name I will never forget) I just came out with it and told her that I had a problem with drinking and I need help. She took hold of both my hands and said "ok lets see what I can do to help you". She came back about ten minutes later and told me that St Patricks hospital has two beds that they have reserved at a place called the Share House which is a detox and treatment facility would I like to go there? I said anywere will do. She spoke with the E.R. people as you have to be admitted through the E.R. and a bed at the Share House was available for me. I told her I would have to go home and get some things put together and make some phone calls to work and tell them I was going on a leave of absence( actually it was an excuse for one more night of drinking) I was to report to the E.R. when I had everything sorted out. I returned to my motel room and got very drunk. I did manage to get to the E.R. the next morning, and was fortunate that there was still a bed open to me. After an exam from the Doctor on duty there they called the Share House to come pick me up and transport me over.
I think I will end there for now as it is getting late and if you have been so kind to read all the way to here you deserve a break
Thank you very much,
P.S. When I stepped on the scales during the Doctors exam I was 142 lbs. I am 6'2" and 6 months prior to then I was 190 lbs