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    Hi everyone

    I've been lurking for a while and thought it was time to introduce myself. I want to start moderating my alcohol intake and I want to stop drinking when I'm on my own. Every night I have a drink and although I don't tend to get drunk I know I'm drinking far too much in a week. I'm not going to abstain but I do want to stop the daily drinking.

    So, yesterday I didn't have a drink and then didn't sleep until 4pm - worked out it was about 6 weeks since I'd had an alcohol free day - I'd had about a week then when I didn't drink (for diet reasons rather than anything else). I'd say out of the last year, I've probably drunk on about 350 days. That's terrible, isn't it!!

    My goal then is to not keep alcohol in the house and to only have a drink if I'm out with a friend or if a friend is here. I've found the threads a great help - very motivating - so thank you to all for your posts.

    Hi everyone

    Hello and Welcome
    You will get awesome support here. Do you have the MWO book? You can download it here on the site. I cannot judge your alcohol consumption for you. For me, it is about the way it makes me feel, and the effect that it has on my life. I am a binge drinker. I cannot mod. If I take one drink, all bets are off. I am sincerely happy for people who can Mod, and I truly wish you all the best. You probably already know that there are threads for Modders here too that will be helpful.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Hi everyone

      Hi Seacailin and thanks for the warm welcome! No, I haven't downloaded the book yet - is it just for abstainers? I'm hoping that I can moderate rather than abstain completely, but we'll see. x


        Hi everyone


        We have a couple of threads and areas for "moderators". Check out the whole site here; it's full of exciting possibilities. Then come over to "long term moderators" and we'll see if moderating is for you and help you get a plan together. Read about the "program". It involves some interesting and effective tools you probably haven't thought of before!
        Have fun. This will work.
        ~Kid Shelleen~(long term moderator)
        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
        ~ Charles Spurgeon


          Hi everyone

          Thanks very much Kid; I'll do that.


            Hi everyone

            hello everyone ,im new . i do not drink or do drugs but i feel i have a problem anyway. i have been married to the same man for 25 years. he used to drink alot everyday but eight years ago he quit. our life was great ,but he has a lot of health problems and in february 2008 the doctors removed him from work due to his health. since march of 2008 he has stated to drink again and when he drinks he doesnt know when to stop which the results into going to the er . i have talked, fussed threatened and anything else i could think of to get him to stop. i know he is having a tough time but his drinking is killing me and our children. he stopped drinking on december 4 2008 for the 5th time simce march of 2008. i find myself not trusting him at anything he says. then on december 26 2008 he bought a 6 pack and drank it all,we did not have to go to the er but it just upset me so bad that i dont know what to do anymore. on december 29 2008 he called a -1-800 number and has an appointment to try again on monday january 5 2009. i need some advice what can i do ,i think i need help to . i want to believe him but i just cant and its making my life horrible.i love him alot and dont want this to destroy our home, i hope someone here can give me some advice ...thanks

