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Does this really work?
Does this really work?
I read the book and Jewels story sounds very similar to my own. I have been drinking most of my adult life and now 47. I drink mostly wine, usually with the intent of drinking only a glass or two while making dinner, but it is absolutely pointless to re-cork that bottle, and I don't share the wine with anyone. Sometimes (ok, often) a second bottle is opened. I have tried to abstain but usually can only last for three days until the craving is too much and the scenario starts all over again. I went to clinic treatment a few years back, but found it way too time consuming sitting for hours on end listening to other peoples sob stories. I don't need this, just a way to stop this crazy cycle of cravings. My question is this: Does this system really work - and can it work without the prescription meds? Just not sure my doc will write a script without sending me to clinical treatment. In any case, there seems to be a lot who this has worked for, just want some input.lease and thanks
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Does this really work?
Welcome smurfett3570....
Yes this program can and does work, as proven by members here. BUT, it is NOT a magic bullett and you have to put in the work. It takes a strong committment to go alcohol free or even moderate. There is a lot of great information here on what works for others. That is why it is called "My Way Out", there is no one size fits all.
So best of luck to you, keep reading and posting and find out what works best for you.
R2COur greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius
Does this really work?
The program works I think way better for going AF than for learning to drink moderately. The book talks about moderation, but there isn't much advice about how to get there. The support here is wonderful beyond belief.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Does this really work?
i'm here for support in my decision to go af for life. my mind change has been the number one tool in overcoming my addiction to alcohol. the supplements (l-glutamine and kudzu) have helped me get 21 days into my new sober life. i haven't used the cd's (yet) but i have read the book.
i think mind set is going to the biggest hurdle, that is why i have reached out for the support of people who know exactly how i feel.
Does this really work?
Peacenik....21 Days Af!!! Way to go....your plan sounds a lot like my own. Kudzu and L-Glut for cravings, I also take All in One. I also meditate and exercise. But, the biggest hurdle is the mind. At a little over a year sober on this program no longer take the Kudzu (stopped that at 2 months) I still keep L-Glut handy in case I need it...but changing the way that I think and the way that I live is an on going process.
Yes! We can learn to live a happy and fulfilled life as a non-drinker!
Best Wishes to All!
xxxxA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
Does this really work?
Yes, you'll see from posts on all the message boards here that it's certainly different strokes for different folks. My drinking was similar to yours - between 1-2 bottles of wine, on my own, most nights.
I just got sick of hangovers, tight clothes, looking bloated in the face and feeling like a failure, every morning. 4 wks AF down the track, I feel like a different person. I read the book, but don't use any meds or CDs. I am a firm believer in physical exercise to de-stress and this site is the best, best place to get support if you don't want to go to any meetings etc.
Good luck to you.
Does this really work?
Hi Smurfette, we also are very similar, im 46 and wine is my poison 1 bottle a night opening a second mostly. Last year made a consious effort to cut back after high liver readings. Lasted about 3 months on 1/2 bottle a night but by xmas back up to the 1 plus 1/2 bottle. thats when no one is visiting then its a horid hangover for sure. viscious cycle. I am AF 5 nights tonight, can not remember the last time that happened must have been in pregnancy and Im sure this site is helping just reading other people with similar stories. I also will order the book and some vits. the doc did give me that drug similar to valium but I don't really notice the effect. Im not for the aa meetings as im just too embarrased. Craving a bit tonight being friday night buy over it now. Just have to keep positive and do something else to takke mind off it when the craving strikes. Good luck to you and me.
Does this really work?
Wow! I'm 47 and am a wine drinker. A bottle or more just about every other night. I have only gone 4 days before I cave into the cravings. I tried the topomax, but couldn't stand the side effects. I have the kudzu, but didn't take it religiously. I am going to try the L-Glut and Kudzu together and see if I can get past the 4 days. Welcome.
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