That was May. By Aug. I had to go detox for 4 days in a rehab. That was 1 yr. ago this past Aug. Since then I have been hospitalized 4 x's for al. related reasons. 2x's the police picked me up and brought me to ER. Don't even remember why. Once I called 911 myself because I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I just couldn't calm down. It was a panic attack.
When I started getting pains in my back, under my ribs and swollen legs these past weeks, I finally had to say to myself, "Enough is enough!" I lost the most recent job I had due to al. I work at Giant Stad. also, just during the FB season on Suns. only. That's over now.
So presently I have no job, no license, and about $200 to my name. My sister forbids me to get my license back. Says her rates would skyrocket since I live under her roof. So that's not an option. Let's not forget that my credit is shot too. Judgements, garnishees, etc. That stops me from having anything in my name. They'll conviscate anything I own. The only way I see myself getting out of this mess is if I win the lottery, or applying for one of these gov't grants I see plastered all over the internet. Anybody know anything about them? Any suggestions are welcome.
Welcome to my world! :elk: