I'm sure everyone has economic woes right now, but I can't seem to be able to deal with mine. And watching the news and msnbc doesn't help ease my mind. My husband and I decided to move from the midwest to the east coast last year. Mostly because there are more opportunities for a future for my son. I bought a house I thought we could easily afford in March (since then it's probably gone down in value by at least 100k) I thought I would fairly easily sell my house in the midwest. I priced it at below tax valuation to sell it fast. Well no such luck, it's 60k lower in asking price and we own 2 houses now.
During this whole time, while we were still in the midwest I fixed everything in the house myself and had to keep it spic and span for showings. We had 50 showings before we eventually moved in August. That was really tough on me and I threw caution to the wind and started my daily drinking again to deal with the stress. I also gave up on excersizing and eating healthy and put on 20 pounds.
I continued escalating my drinking after we moved because I have been stressed about paying all of our bills. I had to let go the woman that was working with my autistic son full time since I couldn't afford her any longer. That has been difficult for my son and me. I worry constantly that something will go wrong with our other house that will create more bills. We already had a pipe that burst and caused alot of damage. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion and not being able to stop it.
Finally this weekend I really noticed my son. He misses the woman that worked with him so much, she was such a constant in his life.... It made me think, I am that consatnt now for him, I need to be here, healthy and present for him.
I am just so sick and tired of this I needed to get it off my chest and start my turnaround in all areas of my life. I can't do anything about the economy and the housing market, but I can do something about my life. So, I am posting to help me be accountable to someone out there. It's like the serenity prayer... grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the coulrage to change the things I can change and the wisdom to know the difference. Thanks for listening.:new: