I have been trying to understand alcoholism for some time now. I just turned forty.......I have a successful academic career, but find that alcohol takes up the slack for other things that are "lacking." It depends on my perspective, from one day to the next. Some days I'm happy without a hubby and kids (non-drinking days); other days I feel like such a loser without those accoutrements (drinking days
I keep looking for moderation.........it seems to me that if a woman works her a$$ off from Monday to Friday, some pleasure is merited on weekends. But then some "pleasure" turns into drunken self-medication and virtual anaesthesia......I haven't figured out the middleground. It seems as though some people on this website have.
I am curious to know whether a middle ground is possible or not. I have a naturally rebellious personality, so when I want something and I'm told I can't have it, I want it all the more. On the other hand, I imagine that a middleground requires more daily discipline and a more vigilant approach......
a) I would love to hear from more "career women" who have wondered what they have gotten themselves into and
b) wheter or not a middle ground is possible or desirable?
Thank you...........and much support to all. It's a tough road out there.