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Going AL (saturdays!)

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    Going AL (saturdays!)

    I have just found you guys and what a relief, some genuine support from people that understand the actual issues.

    My problem is binging. I can go all week and not drink, fairly easily. I can also drink within sensible parameters (one or two drinks) sucessfully quite often too. My problem is that I have somehow convinced myself that once a week, usually on a saturday night I can "let go" and have a treat. That applies to alcohol (wine, often sparkiling, sense of occasion) and to food (as have in last couple of years, lost couple of stone). So concequently, when the lid comes off it does it in style. I used to be content around one bottle of wine or just over, now it is edging ever closer to two.

    I wake up on Sunday when I have hit the upper end of this amount with a stinking all day hangover which include the most dreadful palpatations, and the guilt, remorse and detrmination never to do it again are always there. Somewhere along the week that guilt must be forgotten or dissipated as I always do it again. Sometimes I can go 2 weeks without a drink. But it will only be the saturday night that I get irritated and stressed and crave alcohol.

    Its odd right? The trouble in a way is that I have carried on for longer than I should as in someways I have self moderated, I used to drink more than this and much more often as a student and inmy early twenties ( now 33). I have alwasy been very aware about this issue and have tried many times to stop it.

    Not sure what is best approach. I know we all have different patterns and levels of intake etc, but any tips very welcome. Any support very welcome. I am on day 2 AF. But then for me I would be on a monday, I will usually get to Friday and be 6 days AF most weeks, so it is SATURDAY that will be my little demon. I am trying to go AF for now, one saturday at a time.

    I am also a big worrier about health and often convinced it is already too late for my liver! I have a couple of spider viens on my nose (Dad also has them and rarely drinks) but I am still worried. I have achieved so much in the last couple of years health wise. I have lost 2 stone and eat really well. I am now going to the gym 3-4 times a week and am really fit. I quit social smoking 18months ago. This is my last and worst demon. Why so hard, when I dont think I have a phyiscal addiction.

    Also even before finding this site, I have hypno CD, big fan of these and recently started taking Milk Thistle and Kudzu, going to get L Gluamine after reading this site.

    Thanks for listening
    "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
    but in what direction we are moving."

    Going AL (saturdays!)

    Hi mooderator...and welcome! It's great you're able to go successive days w/out AL...and that you're eating well and excercising. Now it's time to build on your success! Stay here -- especially when you feel a weak moment coming on. You'll find lots of support from folks who can relate to your situation. Milk thistle and kudzu work well for me...but I have to say that L-glut has been especially helpful for me in warding off the cravings -- I hope for you as well. Good luck in your reaching your goal and please keep us posted on how you're doing. :h


      Going AL (saturdays!)

      Thank you so much for your reply KIROVA, it means a lot as its the first one ever on here. Plus its helpful. Tell me how you use the L Glutamine, is it all the time or as and when? In my case saturdays!!!

      Also that question goes to anyone who has any feedback on this subject?

      Thanks in advance and again great to be here, day 2 alcohol Free....Yea
      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
      but in what direction we are moving."


        Going AL (saturdays!)

        Hiya Mooderator and a big welcome to you!
        There are many people who are also binge drinkers who will be able to relate to your circumstances. Like Kirova says, you are doing great with the exercise and food so far, you just need to up the drink management!
        I use Lglutamine, I take it daily, 2 grams in the morning and another 2 in the afternoon, plus I also take kudzu as well. These have helped my cravings no end. I was a daily drinker and find that if I dont take them, I tend to start to crave.
        Great going on 2 days. Keep it up and I look forward to seeing how you are going on.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Going AL (saturdays!)

          Hi Mooderator! What do you usually do on a Saturday night, when you're having a drink? Are you with friends or family, or are you alone? Do you have a routine, like having a few drinks before you meet up with others? When you come home (if you've been out), do you have more to drink?

          If you're drinking to the extent that you're having palpitations, I think that's really worrying. Do you think about it when you're having a drink or do you try not to? If you drink with friends, do they know about the palpitations?

          Could you put off the time you drink (say by going to the gym in the early evening so that by the time you're home and showered it's later than the time you'd normally start drinking? Could you stop earlier, for example by booking a taxi at an earlier time than usual?

          It's hard to recommend anything without knowing the circumstances, but given your record of being able to moderate the rest of the time, you have a great chance of being able to get through this.


            Going AL (saturdays!)

            Hi Startingover,

            Thank you for your your response and for your encouragement, it means the world. I hope as the days go on I will be in a position to do the same for newbies!

            The information about L Glut is especially appreciated. I wasnt able to find it today, I shall try again tomorrow......I want to start taking it before saturday.

            I have read many of your other posts and see you are active on here, I see why already, its truly a great help.

            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              Going AL (saturdays!)

              Hi Mooderator
              I can identify so much with u. Friday and Saturday were my nights, sat and sunday so sick. I decided that I would not drink on Jan 1st and see where it took me one day at a time and I have been AF since. The first month I found really difficult at weekends I literally stayed on MWO forum on Fri and Sat nights ( i never drank during day). I felt secure when I was logged on. I do get cravings from time to time now but its ok. Reading Alan Carrs book Easy way to Control Alcohol I believe had a very beneficial effect for me. I am not on any supplements. Good luck to you and if you really want it you will be successful


                Going AL (saturdays!)

                Hi Irish Eyes and thanks for your post.

                I am amazed at how much time I have spent here in the last couple of days, just for interest and information and support, even though I am not yet any where near my personal danger time. I can see me spending saturday night in here this first week too. Good plan.

                A massive well done to you for your acheivements. I hope to be in the same situation myself soon. I actually feel really positive about it, as thought something has shifted, but a day at time. Or for me a saturday at a time!

                BOURBON to answer your questions, I am normally with my hubby, maybe we will go out for dinner or cook a lovely meal at home. SOmetimes we will see our friends or whatever, is doesnt really matter, either way I generally need one night a week to get a bit of a buzz from alcohol and as stated sometimes I over do it (in my own frame of reference). Its clear we all have very different needs and outcomes, I like you would hope to be able to moderate after a while, but I am also aware that I need to break a pattern first. So I elect to stop drinking for LENT as its a convenient 6 week period, then I will go from there.

                What I mean by palpatations is a fast heart beat, can feel racey and on occasion a bit panicky. Its not continuous, just comes and goes when I have a hangover. Is a beleive a fairly common hangover symptom, but clearly any symptom is unacceptable to me and the reason I am here.

                Thank you for your post, keep em coming.....Moo
                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                but in what direction we are moving."


                  Going AL (saturdays!)

                  Hi Mooderator,
                  Welcome! My story started something like yours, with those weekly binges. When I came here, I also was drinking a glass or two of wine some days during the week, not every day. You can read my story if you scroll down in this section, title of My Own Path.

                  Stick around, the support here is great.
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    Going AL (saturdays!)

                    Hi there

                    I think you may be able to beat this problem!

                    One thing I am wondering about... you say you are really stressed. What are you stressed about? Is it pressure you are putting on yourself? Ever thought of meditation and/or yoga?

                    There is a great meditation thread in the general section, related to a 90-day sit challenge at Maybe that would help you deal with stress better.

                    Also, I wonder if part of the problem is... are you keeping yourself on a really tight leash during the week? Is there a way you can allow yourself some more food and maybe work out a little longer? Do you have enough balance in your life?

                    I got a cd set called Eating, Drinking, Over-thinking that might be of interest to you, the stories were very similar to yours.

                    Also, maybe a little peer pressure would help. It might help you to have a heart to heart with your hubby and or close friends and tell them how much this is bothering you. Wrecking one day of the week with a hangover is a big deal. Weekends are time to get your strength back.

                    Good luck and welcome!

