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so here's my story

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    so here's my story

    i'm 21 years old and realized a few years ago that i have a drinking problem. first off, addiction runs in my family (both alcohol and drugs). i always thought i could keep it under control and always said i would never be like my alcoholic uncle or my brother. i started drinking when i was 14 years old and have been binge drinking ever since.

    i have put myself in very dangerous situations while under the influence of alcohol, including driving while very intoxicated, getting into bar fights, ending up with strangers at the end of the night, taking pills, like vicodin and xanax, while drinking, blacking out, etc.

    i am fine when i do not drink at all, and it feels like literally once alcohol touches my lips, i have no control. it's almost like the alcohol is controlling me. i can't go to a bar, club, or party without getting enebreated. i hate it. i always want to drink when something bad happens, and when something good happens. like if i fight with my boyfriend i want to go out and drink and if i get a good grade on my paper i want to go out drink, it's almost like a reward to myself.

    my friends have all told me how worried they are about me, especially my boyfriend who wants me to seek help. my family doesn't know how bad i am, because i am never really home when i am drinking (and when i am, i drink discretely). i turn into a different person after drinking so much, and do a lot of things i normally wouldn't do. i become overly friendly with strangers, aggressive, and feel invincible.

    i know i have a problem but i feel like i can do without treatment because it's not an everyday thing. it's been a week since i had a drink (and i literally only had 1 drink because it was during the day and i had to drive a long distance), and before that it was about a week (but i drank a bottle of wine to myself).

    i'm worried that i am always going to have this problem with alcohol. and i don't want to completely eliminate alcohol from my life because i love the way it makes me feel and on the weekends i love going out with my friends and we usually go to bars or clubs. i bartended for 2 and a half years, up until december (because i got fired) which in a way maybe was a blessing in a disguise. i would get so drunk at work, some nights i wouldn't remember how i got home.

    i just don't know what to do anymore. am i an alcoholic?

    so here's my story

    Hi Diva

    Don't worry about using the label alcoholic for now. It's obvious that you are putting yourself in danger and have a problem with drinking.

    Why don't you read up on this website and reach out to people. A lot of people have been where you are.

    If you want to change this, you can.



      so here's my story

      hi young lady,i got a son that does the same,he will be 21 this Sept.ive picked him up a few times after,he had a night out,and yes he was under the weather,[loaded]what your doing rt now is considered normal,at 21,or any other age,until it bites you in the ass,or you drive and kill or Mame someone,i give you a lot of credit tho,many your age dont realise it,until its to late,you could stop,or slow down,dont let it get away from you,that's what i would tell my kids,i got 4,they all have alcohol ,or[alcoholic] tendencies,it runs in the family.keep coming here,will all try to help,and maybe what you read will help you gyco


        so here's my story

        ps notice the avator i got is what happens when you dont get it hahha have a wonderful weeknd stay sober


          so here's my story

          one of the other members said (something along the lines of) the difference between an alcoholic and a non-alcoholic is love. when you can think about booze the way you would a boyfriend/girlfriend/sister/brother/parent/pet/spouse, there's a problem. when you smile at the thought of's a problem.

          i know how shitty it is being young and trying to recover. our friends all drink and go out. i can't even give you any advice about that because i haven't faced it yet. i haven't gotten a text yet from someone begging me to go to a bar with them or gone on a dinner date with someone who wants to split a bottle of wine. but you can know that you're definately not alone in that feeling!!


            so here's my story

            hey diva,

            like you i have a problem with just not knowing when to stop, once i start drinking i dont stop until i'm completey wasted and have got myself in dangerous positions as you have, i too can be a very aggressive drunk or the complete opposite and want to be everybodys new best friend and am in peoples faces. I am 27 years old - like you at 21 i thought i was just having a good time and going out with my mates getting plastered and in all the bars/ clubs. the thing it is considered normal behaviour at 21 years and when i was 21 i thought "well this wont carry on forever - i'm young and its normal when i get older it will all stop"

            thing is it hasnt stopped - all my friends around me have stopped but although i dont hit the town much anymore the alcohol has followed me into my home, into my afternoons and sometimes my mornings. Please take care of yourself and dont end up doing what i'm doing, i wish i hadn't. but i will beat it and so can you - do it soon.

            love shelly


              so here's my story

              Hiya Diva,
              You have prob heard this a few times but ... 21! I wish that I had stopped then! , dont wait another ten years to get your life back! I am 26 and I have been a binge drinker since 13 with numerous half hearted and serious attempts to give up behind me ,I decided to stop scarring my soul with shame and guilt and get on with my life! I read a fab book that now has me happy to be sober and not fearful that i will drink again. READ:Allen Carr's..the easy way to control alcohol...give it a go, life saver. I am starting to really like myself again and the quality of my friendships and health have already improved 3 fold in just 3 months. I am good to myself and have a clearer headspace...and I have lost the anxiety!
              Pm me anytime if you want, if not i look forward to rading your posts and really hope that you will read the book and get the life you really deserve :h
              Sober since Jan 17th 09
              Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H

