I have a professional job which is part-time, 3 to 4 days a week with a long commute. I feel frazzled and have no time to nurture myself. I am starting to realize that maybe most mothers of small children are frazzled but of course long work days don?t help. And of all the wonderful things that parenting have brought to me happiness may not be one of them. Being a mom has been lonely and isolating for me. I have always been slow to make new friends and the 180 degree turn of becoming a late-in-life mom made my old friendships harder to maintain.
I discovered this web site about a year ago and have read a lot but posted little. It has been extremely useful for understanding and I am in awe of many of the people who post here. Parts of the MWO program I have utilized: I have read the book, tried to remember to take the kudzu and read many posts. Things I haven?t done but think might be useful for me: taken topamax (I actually went to my doctor under the guise of getting it for my migraines but my insurance wouldn?t have covered it), used the hypnotherapy cds (can?t figure out where the extra minutes could come from in my day) or told a real person I have this problem.
I am finally posting on ?Tell your story? today to salvage something from my day. I missed my first day of work ever from a hangover when I awoke vomiting today. I am taking this rare down time in my schedule to make this positive step - to put thoughts to paper in hope that it could be therapeutic. Thanks for listening and thanks to all of you who have shared so much on this site.