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Need advice for husband (myself?)

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    Need advice for husband (myself?)

    I don?t know where to start. It is very weird for me to even consider coming to this website, let alone register and now write.
    I have been married for almost two years now. My husband and I have always been big party animals and everything that goes with it. There used to be drugs involved but I was always scared of it so never got to the point that it was a problem to move on and write it off as being young.
    The problem started just before we got engaged. At that time my husband was in a job where, in my opinion, he got too much money for what we could handle. (Not as if we had bought a house or anything, it was just a case of each month we spend ALL of the money and could not wait for pay day, how sad!) A lot of the money went to eating and drinking like rich men. I must also add that my husband was very stressed in his job and took medication for anxiety attacks. So when there was an opportunity for another job he took it without hesitation. Then anxiety attacks stopped but with it his big salary. So we had a bit of a financial crush and moved in with his mother before the wedding. Even there, there was always incidences where we went out, I went back home and he will show up much later and very drunk.
    When we moved into our own little bachelors flat after the wedding, I became really worried. The days we woke up and he cut his hands with a knife and the bed is full of blood, broke his arm, the times he broke all our glasses and lost my phone. The time he went out with the gardener (???), when he went out after I?m asleep and later boast about it to our friends. Couple of times I woke up and went looking for him. The amount of times I phoned my friends and told them I am going to leave him, quit while I?m ahead. I knew I was also guilty as I enjoyed having wine with dinner so whenever he showed up at home with wine I never said much. Later I started giving rules as to which days wine was allowed, mostly these rules just lasted a couple of days.
    End of last year I got a new job and we moved to a nice house. My salary has now been more than my husband?s for more than two years. Everything went so well in the new place. Only problem was there were still too many evenings with too much wine, but we could afford it again! For the last month I have controlled my drinking and started exercising again. Every time I get home after my jog I am so annoyed seeing him on the patio with his beer or wine. Recently it got out of hand again when we were invited to dinner with friends in the middle of the week and on the way back stopped for a glass of wine (it was still early, 8 o?clock). When we got home I went to bed. I woke up at 3 when a disturbingly drunk hubby came home! The whole thing started again. Me having to bring back rules, he breaking them, this time alone. A week later it happened again. Just worse than ever. We had dinner (okay so this day I had wine also). I went to bed to wake up at 5 o?clock when he phoned me from a strange number to pick him up, about 30km from home; he lost the car, his phone, my bank card?.
    I now realize that to help him I have to be even stronger than I have been so far. I just can?t get him to admit to getting help. He thinks starting to drink light beer will help, problem is if he drinks one he?ll drink 20!
    Pardon the long biography; I just need to know what to do. I want to have children and be a good parent as my parents have been, I just don?t want them to have a father like that. He is not a bad person (I guess that?s been said a lot!) but I need him to realize we are not students anymore and become responsible. Where do I start?

    Need advice for husband (myself?)

    Wow! Tough issue. Definitely post into family members also, and read through some posts there.

    It's very hard to control AL for yourself. It looks like you have already shown responsibility there, and are moving away from dependence.

    As for your husband, I think all solutions come from inside. To get meaningful change, he has to want to change. Maybe others have good advice on how to get this to happen.


      Need advice for husband (myself?)


      Hon, that's a hard time. Part of it I can relate to in that Joe and I both drank lots. We never went out without the other, or had some of the other incidents you mentioned. But when one of us wanted to stop the other would be instrumental in disuading them.

      One thing I know. I would NOT have a baby with him while he is in this condition. This will not straighten him out and whatever he's like when sober you can throw out the door now. What would you do if at 3 am he called you to come get him? Bundle the baby up out of their warm bed into a carseat to go manhandle your drunk hubby into the car?

      Not a pretty scenario.

      I don't know you or him, but both or at least you should get some counseling. With my first hubby (who didn't drink much) when our marriage was in trouble I made him go to counseling, he felt we "ganged" up on him and I started going by myself. I then realized how little I valued myself. You sound like you are starting to care for yourself and have your head on straight. Think about this, if you had a daughter and she came to you with this scenario, what would you tell her? :l


        Need advice for husband (myself?)

        I really really have been there.
        I would say - start with yourself. Get yourself sober, and get help for any codependency issues.
        Lots of people are really really good 'deep down' but you and your future kids do deserve better.
        Please don't add a baby to this! but you know that.
        good luck!


          Need advice for husband (myself?)

          you have to emotionally de-tach from your husband. let go, we can bitch all day about them, as i have. it does nothing but drag us into their cycle of shit. i am better, while mine i can see is not. we can also use them as an escape for our own probs??? put yourself first, and see how things improve.

          I am Ripps.


            Need advice for husband (myself?)

            hello.. are you okay? right to a life story and then. OMG. Advice. why bother.


              Need advice for husband (myself?)

              WOW, thanks everyone. I do know we will not get children at this stage. After the last incident I told him I definitely do NOT want children with him and I could see that shocked him as he knows how much I want children. Last night he told me that he actually looked at himself and realized for the first time what I always say about his face being reddish. He use to say it’s because of his tennis (luckily he still plays) and I think (hope) that he realize what he’s done to himself.

              He bought himself trainers to join me with exercises. I know it is still a long way to go but will give him a chance to prove himself. Is that silly of me?

              Hart, it’s the first time I think of it like you put it. I don’t think it is a scenario any parent wants to see their daughter in. I talked to my mother in law about everything and she was so shocked and disappointed and upset with him, as that was the reason why she left his father. My husband is very concerned about his mothers opinions and her knowing about it all and her support means the world. I must say he has been sober 2 days now, let’s hope it’s the first step to many things.


                Need advice for husband (myself?)

                Just me.

                AD .. do you think it could be you the prob? :H

                Further explain and relax.


                  Need advice for husband (myself?)


                  If you can't post something that makes sense, don't post at all.


                    Need advice for husband (myself?)

                    hi,or good morning here,adversus,took a lot for you to come on here,first you will get a lot of support and sometimes a lot of criticism here,my wife and i went thro exactly,to the tea,same thing,for 25 years,early years we both drank,dating,going to bars,shows and you no all those intimate nights,hahaha,some out of hand evenings,more on my part then hers,i beleive its called a routine,mine stayed and hers left,beleive me when i tell you,my wife has been drunk once in her life,with me,in 35 years of knowing her,i didnt always drink like i did,it took many years of practice,i,like him if I, or he contious the way he is,will surely die,its called an addiction,his mother should be concerned,seeing you brot her into the equation,considering in the last year after getting out of rehab,ive done a lot of studying on it,and was tot it,in the the facility,i so graciously went to,or should i say it,was forced to attend,[it did help]to makea long story short,i thot it was my rite,it was not,not only over 39 years of some good times and bad times,there is a better way,i know that now, i didnt when i was numbing myself all the time,by the way i wasnt one of those guys in the back lanes either,i didnt hve a problem with money,i didnt have a problem making children,got 4 with the most wonderful lady in the world,she is not perfect,but i beleive she loves me,even thro all we went thro,tis life,i think you get the message now ,YES,you decide,and only you, hope ive inlightened you,my life could be your life, have a wonderful day


                      Need advice for husband (myself?)

                      Thank you for the kind words Gyco, I can do with that! I hope to help my husband through this and have that better life!

