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Searching for an answer

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    Searching for an answer

    I 'm a depressed drinker - 35, single, don't really see the point of my life.
    I've been taking tablets for depression since Aug 08, and they've picked me up - but not really given me a reason. So I drink. I binge on wine.

    I can commute to work (I've got a good job in London), feel sick on the train and convince myself (for that day) that I won't drink in the evening, then something clicks around 3pm and I have this uncontrollable desire to drink a bottle of wine. I've started to limit myself at a bottle and because of the weight gain (I'm 5'6" and 10stone) I don't eat in the evening. Usually I end up dry heaving over the bathroom sink. Lovely.

    In my job I like to potray myself as together, in control and having self respect, but I hate myself for making mistakes at work - they always seem so stupid and directly related to a hangover. Although I am mostly hungover - which contributes to my self-loathing. After work drinks are the worst. I don't have an 'off-switch' - I can go to 6am if I switch to spirits. I've done some really embarrassing things when drunk and I hate myself for it. Especially with people who are work colleagues. So I'm not sure where to start. I don't want to go to AA - where I live (in the country) it seems a bit drastic. Say, if I've got something important at work the next day then I won't drink the evening before so I've got a clear head. But how clear is my head if I'm drinking for the other 6 days of the week. I've gone to work with no means to buy wine (I never buy it in bulk - it's too scary) and that works for me, but it doesn't help the actual problem of the fact I don't think a night is fun without booze and once I start I can't stop. I'm not looking for any solutions and I'm not about to put my head in an oven, I just feel like I'm existing and can't see the point - then the cycle begins again....What I need is 'self-respect' and funnily enough, I hate myself for not having it.

    s x

    Searching for an answer

    Hi Sukistory and welcome! You are not alone here on your journey and you will find a lot of support on this forum. I look forward to getting to know you better. The Newbies Nest, like Wally suggested, is a great thread. Also, the ODAT (one day at a time) threads are a great resource also.


      Searching for an answer

      Welcome Sukistory,

      The work thing sounds very familiar to me - especially doing embarrassing things in front of colleagues. I also used to try to control the amount I drank the night before if I had something important on, or just so I wouldn't look like total crap the next day.

      I know it's hard to see from your vantage point at the beginning of all this but things improve so much without alcohol - you CAN have fun and you CAN find purpose and meaning in doing new things or even doing old things without the booze - and the self-respect comes back too. It's the alcohol and your relationship with it that makes you feel there's no point to anything.

      There's lots of info and support here, and it can help to join a daily thread - we're all in the same boat and working on getting better.

      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

