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6 months sober - here's my story!
6 months sober - here's my story!
So what went wrong?
I have decided to update my story, now I'm back on here again, as it's now nearly 3 years out of date and I thought it may help someone and would help explain what had happened, to those of you who " knew" me before as well as those of you whom I've just " met" since Feb 2012.
The beginning of my journey is chronicled in the posts above, and in total between 2008 and july 2009 I managed a total of 257 days.
And then what happened?
I don't honestly know, re-reading what I wrote at the 6 month AF mark, I certainly didn't sound complacent, but after 8.5 months AF I was invited to my neighbours' daughter's 18th birthday party and I was somehow persuaded to accept a small glass of champagne.
Looking back, I've absolutely no idea why I accepted it, what my excuses were, maybe there was a rubbish selection of soft drinks, maybe everyone else was drinking, maybe I was just not thinking straight. - I don't know,but I can remember people put pressure on me to have it. I initially refused and asked for a soft drink to do the toast - a few of them were aware that I had quit alcohol, but they were all a bit bemused by it as none of them saw me as someone who had a drink problem. Anyway other guests were telling me things along the lines of " you don't have a problem" " I mean, come on, if youve managed 8+ months without a drink, you certainly don't have a problem" " it's not every day someone turns 18" " don't be so antisocial it's only a small toast" etc etc and voices inside my own head were saying " of course after all this time I can moderate" so I TOOK THAT ONE LITTLE DRINK, and it really only was one little drink, barely half a glass of champagne, and I even drank soft drinks after for the remainder of the party, but then
The next day I decided to have another little drink,
And the day after that too
And within a few days, even bigger drinks, and more of them
And within a couple of weeks I was back to where I started.:upset:
Fast forward almost 3 years of drinking virtually every day and only in February 2012 did I finally find the strength to start again.
Yes I have a whole barrow load of excuses; my health - I discovered I needed to be on a gluten free diet and took, some time to adjust to this, my husband started working away Mon-Fri and I struggled looking after the kids on my own, I changed jobs, we had a very traumatic house sale and house move etc etc - there was always some excuse to drink, and I was unable to stop.
And then suddenly on Feb 24 2012 I decided things had got bad and I wanted to start again, and so here I am.
It's seems tougher this time, but maybe that's just AL playing tricks with me. But I've found the support on MWO invaluable and once again I wanted to share my journey with you. I aim to update this story when I feel it is appropriate as I try once again to live a life free from alcohol.
6 months sober - here's my story!
Welcome back! I too took a very similar route after 120 days sober and spent the last 3 years abusing alcohol to make my world seem a brighter place. I am in AA now attempting to learn how to live my life sober. 13 days does not a victory make but it truly is a one day at a time battle and each day I renew my resolve to not take a drink for this day. My new friends at AA lend me support and encouragement I did not have the last go around. But I also find my time here at MWO to be indispensable in my in between times I feel overwhelmed. Good luck, be strong and stay in touch with us!
6 months sober - here's my story!
How are you doing these days Sausage?
6 months sober - here's my story!
What a fantastic warning about that little innocent drink we take please the alkie pushers. BEWARE Tips, read this thread again if you ever reach a time A/F and are tempted.
You have been on quite the journey, Sausage. I am so glad you are back on the wagon. Re-read your posts if you want inspiration from an amazing person: YOU.Tipplerette
I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
? Lao-Tzu
6 months sober - here's my story!
I so feel for you Sausage, when you described that second 'little' drink, i had shivers down my spine.
I am scared spitless of that second innocent little drink that my alkie mind would no doubt convince me to take.
As long as we dont take the bribe of the first Little drink, we can never slip.
I have walked out of a party where old 'friends' were presuring me. I told my wife why i was leaving, and just walked to the local shops to wait for my taxi...there were some angry punters, but my wife put them right in there place.
You can do it, its not as much work as raising kids or getting into uni.
Aspy.AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014
6 months sober - here's my story!
Thanks for reading and for your comments everyone.
Today I celebrated 1 month (30 days) AF. In some ways it seemed harder this time around, but I think the worst is over and I am getting out of the routine of drinking every evening. I haven't lost any weight yet this time ( I only want to lose about 8 lbs ) - probably hasn't helped that I am eating an awful lot of crisps and chocolate each day, but for month 2, I want to concentrate on eating more healthily as I adapt to and start building my new AF life.
I know I wouldn't have come this far without the support of everyone on here. I'm scared to look too far ahead, I've a long way to go before I get anywhere near the 8 months I achieved before, but one day at a time and all that......I aim to just keep going.........
Thanks everyone
6 months sober - here's my story!
Wow thankyou for sharing, you've done a great job, it gives me hope and inspiration, I'm still struggling managed 3 months AF and decided I could moderatewe alll know how that works lol
Day 1 and feeling positive about the future
Thank you for your story it helps to read other people's journeys similar to mine
6 months sober - here's my story!
I've now completed 60 days ( tomorrow it will be 2 calendar months) AF.
I think it is getting easier. I'm certainly used to not drinking in the evenings now, and over the last 30 days I have been put to the test by a number of testing situations / celebrations where I have remained AF including;
My birthday
My 10th wedding anniversary
The end of Lent ( my husband abstained for Lent but then resumed drinking again)
A 5 day camper van holiday away with the family ( normally I would have drunk every day on holiday)
School holidays when the children were demanding / hard work
Several meals out in restaurants .
I've lost about 3 lbs, but then I don't have very much to lose and the final few pounds are always the hardest - I could still eat healthier and will strive for this in the next month.
I'm terrified of relapsing and this is what keeps me going. Last time when I relapsed - after over 8 months sober, it took me nearly 3 years to find the strength to start again. If I relapse again, how long will it take next time? - this thought is very sobering!
Lots of people in the last month have started to compliment me on how well I'm looking and this has motivated me too. I have a lot more energy, feel very well in myself and although my sleep is still a problem sometimes, even when I've had a bad nights sleep I still feel better in the morning than after I'd been drinking.
For month 3 I want develop a more positive attitude to life - I want to be grateful for being sober instead of seeing myself as deprived for not being able to have alcohol. I believe winning this gratitude v deprivation battle is the key to long term AF success and was something I didn't tackle properly in my 8 month AF stretch last time which may have been what ultimately caused my downfall.
Once again I am so grateful for the support of MWO - without it I would barely be able to string a few AF days together. Thank you again everyone.
6 months sober - here's my story!
Congratulations, Sausage! And thanks for your post! Our culture in general presents AL as a "treat," so switching from deprivation mode to gratitude mode is probably, as you say, a key change we need to make...but a very difficult change to bring about.. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
6 months sober - here's my story!
Awesome job sausage! Thank you for sharing your story with us, I just know you will hit the year mark no problem, and I hope to be at my 6 mnth at the same time!Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some