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Can I Do It?

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    Can I Do It?

    Hi....I've been lurking here for several months...nearly a year.

    There is no doubt that I have an alcohol problem. I have been drinking at least a 6 pack or more (sometimes wayyy more) of beer a day/night for quite some time. Sometimes I drink around 10 beers and am totally blotto by the time I go to bed. I don't know why I drink it. Just a habit I think, though I do like the taste of beer. If I don't drink, I find it difficult to sleep, but realize that I'm passing out (not sleeping better) when I do drink a lot. I drink no other alcohol other than beer.

    Additionally, I have put on weight and have become unfit, which is very bothersome to me as I'm an athletic person. I often wake up in the morning very blobby and fuzzy. I know my health is at risk for doing all this. I've had some discomfort in my right side area after heavy drinking nights. I'm 60 yrs old and I am concerned about my health.

    Several times, I've gone a week or more without drinking with absolutely no cravings or withdrawal symptoms. Naturally, I get cocky and think....this is so easy. But it isn't.

    Today, I'd gone 7 days AF and felt great. I had no intention of drinking today because I wanted to prove to myself that I could go 30 days AF. Maybe I could Mod.

    I'm a golfer and after our rounds we all have lunch together. The waitstaff in the grill room automatically pour me a glass of draft beer and have it waiting for me when I come in. there it was. I decided to drink it because I figured I could just drink that one beer (having not had any for a week) and then go back to drinking my water or fruit juice when I got home.

    Didn't work that way.....I had to go to the grocery for some things, and ended up buying a 6 pack and's gone now.

    I have NO intention of drinking tomorrow. I will not buy any beer.

    I just don't know...though, I don't think the idea of "moderating" means killing a 6 pack one day a week !!!

    By the way...I've been taking L-Glut, but I think it's more my own mind not having cravings more than the results of the L-Glut.

    Can I quit drinking?...or at least just have ONE beer here and there? Or am I too far gone?

    Can I Do It?

    Welcome Golf Lady,
    Congrats on 7 days AF -- that is fantastic!!!
    I am told by my DH that it is "impossible" to have a round of golf without playing the 19th hole - and I've lost count the number of times he's come back worse for wear because of it!

    Can I quit drinking?...or at least just have ONE beer here and there? Or am I too far gone?
    Only you can answer these questions.
    My suggestion would be to try and go for 30 days AF before attempting to mod.
    Are you incorporating anything else from the MWO program into your journey?
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Can I Do It?

      hey golf lady, i too have been lurking for a while, just trying to find my place in all of this
      still not wanting to admit i have an uncontrollable habit. i thought i was doing fine,
      drinking fine expensive wine, no real alky drinks fine wine, they drink cheap stuff outa a
      brown paper bag right. I love to party but it has changed to me drinking alone and
      finding myself passed out on the couch more nights than I would like to admitt.
      I find eating alot, 6 small healthy meals keeps me in check, and fruit and juicing
      are also my new best friends. good luck on your treck down memory lane
      and break 80 eh.


        Can I Do It?

        Hi and welcome GL,

        It most certainly can be done. When I was finally able to admit I must stop, I was scared to death about the horror of going more than a day without a bunch of beer.
        It seemed like a pipe dream that I could do without the sauce. I had to break the routine of late day situations that had become routine and involved drinking. That in itself was difficult as the human animal really does not like change. At least this one.

        Nothing you posted is different than our own stories. Just the where and when. It is the nature of AL. Devious as it is. But we are stronger than AL when we are aware of his hold on us.

        Stay strong and keep your eyes on the ball!!


